Fiances ass smells bad

I love my boyfriend so much. We have a great life together. He has alot of money and we reap the rewards of that often. However, I have noticed something very disturbing. Really messed me up. I notice he has an odor around his ass. He showers numerous times a day, but I don't think he is doing it right. He gets a bit defensive if you say something against him. I do not want to hurt his feelings. After careful thought I think he is just missing a rag when he showers. He is a soap user, meaning he just uses the bar, not a rag for the cracks and crevices of life. I take numerous showers and I almost hurt myself scrubbing out my ins and outs. I must feel clean, I dont understand how he doesnt smell it. Sometimes when he gets up and my head is in the right spot I catch a whiff. I am so turned off I am ready to throw away 2 years of the best relationship I have ever had. Another problem that makes this hard is he is soooooo damn sweet. I just dont want to hurt him, is this normal?

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37% Normal
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Comments ( 61 )
  • BoredGuy

    Take a shower together and tell him playfully, wash your fcking ass! lol

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  • ~L~

    hahahahah I'm sorry but this is really funny to me. You'd rather lose him than tell him his ass smells?

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  • prettyladykee

    I am going through the same thing at my house. It's not cool at all, I am disgusted and aggravated until one night I had to literally sit-up all night inhaling his ass oders. I couldn't sleep because it stanked so bad. He was sleeping as peaceful as a baby while i'm FUMING and STEAMING mad about his ass smells. I've tried every possible way to tell him nicely, tell him meanly, tell him harshly. He still won't listen he says "it's a guy's thing and his ass don't really stink at all"....WHAT..WHAT !!! Is he out of his goddamn mind... he smells like the zoo on a bad day...!!!!!! YUK !!!UGH!!

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    • Ann4u

      Giiiiiirllll this happened to me last night OMG I was going down about to give some fire 🔥 head and I smelt something that smelled off so I was like I’m sorry hold on I gotta go use the bathroom and I stopped and got up!!! And I went in the bathroom spitting and brushing my teeth omg!!! Wtf! Can you say TUUUUUUUUUUUURN OFF! now I don’t feel good about this guy at all no more and I think I may have hurt his feelings but I’m sorry no I will not be going down on you tonight or ever again that’s sick and nasty he never smelled like that tho idk what was wrong last night!

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    • Stairy

      WHAT..WHAT!!!He smells like the zoo hahahahahahahhahahaha

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    • Stairy

      Sorry I just laughed...

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  • lethal4483

    I don't know if it's fair to say that all guys don't worry about their hygiene, but I'll agree with it some what. I've been with girls where you'd have to stick your nose inside their asshole to smell something. Then on the other hand I've been with girls where they either, didn't know how to wash their ass or didn't wash their ass at all. I wasn't dealing with crack whores either.

    As for me, I'm strict about my hygiene, but I'm not a clean freak. I shower everyday. When I do shower I make sure I scrub deep into that ass crack with my wash cloth or spouf. Make sure scrub hard under my nuts, and chode area.

    Women notice these types of things, because after getting some bomb oral, women will say something like "I'm glad you don't stink down there".

    All can say is sex and that type of stuff isn't meant to smell real nice. But I agree, it shouldn't have to smell like a pile of shit.

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    Encourage him to take a bath instead of showering. That way at least his ass will soak, whether he washes it or not.

    You could cut to the chase and just say, "Damn boy! Your ass stank!"

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  • psychobabble

    Buy him some Gold Bond powder. Maybe he'll get the hint. If he doesn't, try telling him powdering a mans ass has always been a fantasy of yours and you'd like him to make that fantasy come true for you. Then have him drop his pants and powder the hell out of his funky ass!! Or you could try spraying Lysol on his butt when he has his back to you. Just be quick about it so he doesn't notice! Lol

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  • emmyems

    It's normal to be grossed out by this but not normal to throw away 2 years just because of it. If you truly love him as much as you say you do, you wouldn't even consider it. You would risk hurting his feelings and save the relationship rather than throwing it away and never saying why. In turn, if he truly loves you, he'll want your honest opinion and try a little harder to get clean for your sake.

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    • handyprint

      This is a wind up or the woman is a mental case.

      I put up with my wife even though she is a lazy cow and
      does not clean the house or do any chores or act with any
      friendly emotions towards me.

      Yet this cow is wanting to leave her partner because his arse smells WTF!!!!????

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      • Velmamom

        It says a lot about a person if they don't care if they stink. Makes you wonder what else they don't care about. No one should have to put up with bad hygiene during sex. It's a no brainer!

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  • Jen118584

    I don't think guys are as concerned with cleanliness as girls are, typically. I always tell my boyfriend he doesn't use enough "suds" when he washes, even though he never smells bad. I, on the other hand, am obsessed with suds and scrub every part of my body in the shower, sometimes twice. And not to be gross but when I was "down there" I really....get in there. I mean, I WASH IT. Sometimes twice!

    But I've seen him wash "down there" and it's just not thorough. I just tell him though. I'm like, look, bacteria grows in those regions and if you don't wash enough, it stinks!

    If you really feel too awkward mentioning it to him (and I can understand why)....start hinting. time you catch a whiff of rank ass, act like you're disgusted because he must have farted. If you do this multiple times and he didn't fart, maybe he'll put two and two together and start wondering why his ass smells. OR....make up something about how someone you know or someone on tv or whatever said they don't wash their ass and how gross that is and how bad it must smell or whatever.

    If the hints don't work you're just going to have to say something to him if you want to continue your relationship, and it sounds like you definitely do. Honestly if it were me, I'd just be straight with him and say something like this: "Babe, I love you but sometimes your ass smells rank and I think it's because you're not washing well enough. Sometimes if I don't wash down there enough, it smells, too." That way he won't feel like it's just him and won't feel so defensive. You gotta be honest with him though. You're not doing him any favors letting him go through life with a smelly rear :)

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    • Hey... no fair ... let's not go from this guy to most guys.

      Otherwise I agree be straight and direct in a kind and caring way.

      And if he gets defensive, you might point out that if you are catching the wipe stink wafting from his poopy bum, then others are - and they will not say anything.

      So you are being very, very kind in pointing out that his level of hygiene is not satisfactory to you or socially.

      Also, to be practical (not vulgar) it may not be how he cleans, but when. In Europe bidets are common. Not so in North America. So if he has a BM during the day after showering - maybe he needs to do more than a TP wipe.

      Anyway, make sure he knows you are not trying to embarrass him (though it is). That said, he's a big boy.

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      • Jen118584

        I said typically, Ollie! :)

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        • And typical would mean most guys. No?

          I'm going back to my cave ...

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          • Jen118584

            Haha, okay. Let me rephrase. Most of the guys that I have come across in my own experience have been less concerned with hygiene than I am. That's not to say they were dirty people, but they were less hygienic than I tend to be.

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            • BoredGuy

              who are we kidding here? You are right. :P

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  • sexycleangirl

    Every time my ex got up I could smell a nasty shyt smell, and when he was facing away from me in bed too. I saw his undies and they were stained - yuck! I wrote him a note saying "wipe better", which had no affect except pushing him away. I don't think he ever cleaned his ass in the shower either. I think some men have an aversion for touching themselves back there, like its gay or something. Anyway, that along with the fact that he hardly ever brushed his teeth (and wouldn't take my advice on that either) caused our eventual break-up. He had an awful upbringing, and I had so much sympathy for him, but he would not change, and I got too grossed out. Nasty! It was a shame, cuz the guy was gorgeous and I really did love him a lot!

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  • Gravitybre

    Being that I just ran across this...did you resolve the problem or has it ended?

    Just curious

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  • Wow I'm so glad I have a man who keeps himself well cleaned O_O

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  • krackedude

    stop putting your face around his ass then...

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  • shadowcat4646

    WTF? You would consider throwing away your 2 year relationship because your mans ass smells a little? If you have a problem tell him about it. Otherwise dump him to go find a less smelly ass.

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  • Piffle

    I actually didn't realise until a few years ago that you're supposed to wash your arse when you're in the shower. I figured that toilet paper was enough, and it just didn't even occur to me.

    Then after a few hot summers and getting fed up of washing my jeans all the time, I decided I might as well do it and save wear on my clothes. I'd like to think I don't smell so much now... Anyway , the point is that he may be as dense as me and not even realise it's a good idea even if it's just from time to time.

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    • Velmamom


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  • my3tinkerbell

    Thank god my man don't have that problem if he did i would leave him because hygiene is very important maybe you should clean it for him or leave him

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  • poopoos

    my girlfriends ass stinks of sweaty poo smell.Ilove it.She has a deep ass crack and a round ass, is blonde and very very pretty and athletic.Her pooey bum actually turns me on and makes my penis instantly erect.
    She secretly knows i love her bum smell as she consents to facesitting me or letting me rub my nose up and down her ass crack.

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    • Velmamom

      That is sick!

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  • boopgirl17

    Hee, hee. Your boyfriend's ass reeks... Why not just tell him straight up, just say "Listen honey, you know I love you, but your ass stinks, why don't you just stuff a bar of soap up ur as and stay like that for the rest of the day..." something to that extent.

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    lol, cracks of life...
    He's probably got a fungus problem. Quit smelling his ass. What are you a dog? Just Kidding.

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  • scsurflife

    ladys ladys im here to help. I have a great idea because well sadly I suffered from the above stinky situation before..yep. I felt soooo embarrassed and self conscious when i too could sense a dirty bottom etc. Well what worked for me is i tracked what i ate for 1 week and as it turns out I had a problems on the days after i ate yogurt, chocolate, ice cream and pizza. What do all these have in common?? ding ding ding! lactose! Now that i dont eat lactose products ( switched to lactaid milk etc)smell is gone!!!! as well as irritation :) now.. go by your bf's some lactaid!

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  • rodeo_rowsey

    I had a similar problem develop out of nowhere a few years ago. Suddenly, I went from being able to go days without showering, to feeling like I had to shower everyday, because my butt would get smelly. It was very embarrassing and frustrating. I suspected it was some kind of bacterial infection, so after lots of internet research, I picked up some Hibiclens at the local pharmacy. In the shower, I would first wash my area down there with soap, and then follow it up with about 10-15 seconds worth of light scrubbing (just with my hand) using roughly a teaspoonful of Hibiclens. Happy to report that my problem went away and I am back to normal! (I used the Hibiclens for a couple weeks; really only prolly needed to use it for a few days, and I haven't had to use it since.)

    Hibiclens is an anti-septic, anti-microbial solution. I also considered using Betadine, which is supposed to be similar (maybe stronger?), but after the Hibiclens did the trick, I didn't need to try.

    Hope this helps any poor unfortunate souls out there who suffer from this same problem.

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  • Kristix

    If I were you,I would do a simple some Caress body wash tahitian blend..I like this brand has little scrubbies in it...since he don't like using rags..BATHE a sexy way ;)start with his neck and go down.. wash his anus well..very, very well..using a circular motion..rinse and repeat..if he still stinks then you will know if it's a leaky gut problem..Men will smell a bit musky there no matter how clean they are if the have hair around their anus after just a few hours of activity ..some shave it to keep that from happening..but if you love him..then bathe him :) and pretend that it turns you on..and who knows it may !

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    • Satanasse

      Are you a woman? If so, can you shower me, lolll

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  • effee

    I don't know what to say except that the comments here are among the funniest I've ever read! LOL

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  • Doesn't matter how much you love someone they'll always have something about them (usually a habit) that you absolutely hate. I'd say it's one of the biggest causes for relationship break ups.

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  • gogo45

    There's no easy way to tell him and your just going to have to hurt his feelings. Your feelings are hurt after having to smell him like that. If it were you, he would be quick to tell you, you stink and may not even have sex with you. You really shouldn't have to tell a grown man his ass stinks, but since you do he should appreciate you telling him this as he needs to have better grooming habits anyway.

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  • nonononormal

    I'm curious - does he just wipe or does he wash his ass after using the john? Maybe after a shower, he uses the toilet and just wipes and doesn't wash his ass after use. The smell lingers when you just wipe. Wash or wipe, does he do it thoroughly?

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  • lifeisfree

    You definitely need to tell him, or it will be over. Thats all I'm gunna say.

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  • Malfoy

    Damn, I wish my gf had a smelly ass. It rarely works the other way around, doesn't it?

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  • marko1234567

    His problem is candidas/leaky gut. I had same problem for years with bad smell coming from rectum region. Ur best bet is till go to a natropath. The problem is caused by yeast build up in the intestines which through time grows bigger and can cause all sorts of problems to your health. check up candida and the candida diet which u need to get yourself onto. Its basically cleanse ur system diet, which means to cut out all gulten products like, bread, pizza, breakfast cerials etc. sugar is the main one which has to be eleminated,because it feeds the yeast that's thriving from it in your body. no sweets, chocolate, alcohol, even most fruit becouse they contain a certain sugar which also feeds yeast. Diary produce like milk, yogurts, cheese etc. completely rearrange your lifestyle, start eating lots of fresh vegtables, like spinach, parsley, GARLIC, ONIONS, GINGER, brocolli, cabbage,cauliflour, artichokes etc. You still can eat organic meat like, chicken, turkey, lamb and also white fish prefered. these will give you protein will you cut down on other foods, Also carbohydrates are full off starch which turn into suger while digesting in your body, this then also feeds yeast. these foods are bread, potatos, pumpkin, carrots etc.. Start eating millet and quinoa which youll get from your health food store. COCONUT OIL is another main one, its full of carplyate acid which also kills of yeast build up. Hemp seed and flax seed are good and full of nutrients which help with this process, also cinnaman is good, all be got from your health store. Also suuplements to get in the health store :yeast balance tablets- take 2 twice aday between meals, spilanthes paracress drops, take a directed on box, these will help eleminate the yeast build up. Also take pro biotic tablets which can also be bought at ur local health shop. Sulphur is also good helping clean your blood. This may sound alot and near impossible till do, but trust me i went through hell with this problem. Im now glad i got myself diagnosed and got the problem back to order. This isnt an overnight treatment plan, uve got to be dedicated till overcome this and put your mind and body till it. Get off all sugar foods and get your body back to normal, beer is also a big contributer to yeast overgrowth, so cut it for as long as it takes untill your smell is gone and you feel healthier and more full of life. This candida problem is becoming a big problem with lots of people having it and going unnoticed, it can get out of hand and call all sorts of problems like chrons disease, liver failure, kidneys problems, even schizophrenia. So i suggest you read up on candidas and leaky gut, leaky gut is caused by the candidas also, which runs ur immune system down and your liver cant fight of the toxins in your body. So cleanse yourself completely start drinking herbal tea and eliminate coffee and tea unless it black tea. Off pork also its full of chemicals and isnt good for your body anyway. Good luck with this hope this helps!

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  • red_gal_85

    you gotta tell him the truth, i know it sucks but better you tell him to wash his ass and he does then break up without even giving him a chance to fix it, it is pretty gross he doesnt wash it, really gross, but you guys have been together long enough its time to be honest with him try to tell him as easy as you can but with situations like this you just gotta do it

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  • wtf_man

    he should not to wash his ass after he poops..

    tell him to wash his ass well every time he shits..

    what the hell would happen ?!!

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  • 8Serene8

    Gross tell him he needs to use a wash cloth. Just soap doesn't clean at all =\ Either that or start showering together and wash him yourself lol.

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  • alexisfreak

    LOL! Definately stop putting your face around his ass. LOL! ROTFL! Yeah. Guys need to wash their asses and d*cks. If they do not...that is just nasty. You'll smell like shit when you are doing a girl. Girls do not like smelly d*cks.

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  • Coryasm

    Use wipes everyones

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  • VeryPrivate

    I stumble onto this by looking for IBS related issues. I suffer from IBS and I notice when I eat beans my pants would smell so I avoid beans completely. Wash, Steam, Soak is they way people incorporate bathing.

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  • KekReptilian

    Spray Lysol in his butt crack.

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  • kristinheathermarie

    You can buy a bidet attachment for the toilet and have a plumber easily install it.

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    How about you just tell your partner that his ass smells? If he leaves you or you hurt him because of it he wasn't good enough to begin with.

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  • jamessmack

    Huh stop burying your nose in his ass crack you dirty lil ho

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  • Germaphobe1987

    I came here looking for a similar answer. When I met my boyfriend of 5 years he had horrible hygiene. I have fixed this...almost. He still doesn't understand the importance of changing your boxers and socks every day, but I'll sneak in the bathroom when he is showering and change them out as a hint. My real issue here is everything he gets up from sitting on my blanket smells like ass! I know he washes it because I have washed his crack in the shower! I don't get it!! And if you say anything he gets super pissed off or denis the fact that the smell is from him and insists he smells nothing and I must be crazy. So you're not alone, but I can't say if this is normal or not. I have never dated anyone else that has this stinky of an ass crack!

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  • sandysbitch

    Face facts sister, men are pigs. They fart about 20 times a day on average. They take 2 or 3 smelly dumps a day, which they will describe to you in detail ...The floor around the public urinal is always a slimepit. I'm a gay male and I must be freakin'crazy...I'm going to become a lezzie! I hate men!

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  • Avant-Garde

    It could be something that he is eating, a fungal or bacterial issue, or he might be constipated and not throughly wiping his bum.

    If it is that bad, how does he work? Wouldn't his boss/coworkers be making complaints and insisting that he better his hygiene. I don't get how he could not know this.

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  • elmofudd

    If it is bad before you are married it will be worse after! If it bothers you, and I don't blame you, then you need to make sure he fixes it. It is not a "guy's thing, etc." it is either bad hygiene or a medical issue. Either way, if it disgusts you then you definitely shouldn't plan on spending your whole life smelling it!

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  • davesumba

    If you want to properly clean your pubic/ass region, to get rid of the smell, you need to wash it multiple times in one shower session.

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  • Funkywabit

    Is he hairy? If he is , wiping just doesn't do the job... Tell him you want to bath him and then shave all the hair between his cheeks... This will greatly reduce the smell and stains in the underwear.. You just have to keep up with it.. Make it a every couple of weeks Ritual

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  • ibshotline

    Hi I hope I'm not too late o.o Hopefully you haven't broken up with him. It could also be Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome (SRUS), Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease, etc. Most of these cause anal leakage and odors. It's not that he doesn't clean, it's that stuff keeps leaking out of that wonderful place no matter what. He needs to see his reg doctor then be referred to a Gastroenterologist!

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  • assholeSPECIALIST

    JUST BREAK UP GIRL, and get married to a guy whose asshole doesnt stink..

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  • benmiyimanormal

    sana bu derdini buraya yazdıracak kadar seni bug eden birşeyse bu, onu kıracak olsa bile ona söylemelisin. if it is something that bugs you so much that you would it share it here then you should tell him even though this might hurt him. ona bunu söylememek sonuçta bunun içinde birikip öfkeye dönüşmesini sağlayabilir ve sonunda erkek arkadaşın çok daha fazla üzülebilir. not telling this to him mate might turn this into anger. anger leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to suf fer ring.

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  • mardybum

    The main question is, does he have a nice accent? Because if he isn't British, I'd leave him.

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