Female killers

For some reason I am really attracted to hot girls that do evil shit. I just saw a news article about Emma Presler and it makes me feel slightly sick to my stomach that someone would do that but then it just makes me want her even more. Its like that queezy feeling in my stomach just adds to the attraction. But I do feel bad about it when I read the story of what they did.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Meatballsandwich

    Kind of like how women obsess over Ted Bundy.

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  • Somenormie

    Any kinds of killers should go to hell for murder.

    Especially attempted murderers.

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  • Hubbard

    Susan Atkins was pretty hot

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    • Too crazy for my taste. I like when they can hold it together alittle and seem normal.

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      • RoyyRogers

        There is a name for this. More common than you think fellow.

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  • Boojum

    Yeah, Presler's dead-eyed pout in her old mug-shot is uber hot, brah.

    I imagine that's just the look she'd give you when you woke up with her holding your amputated dick in her hand, and while you shrieked in pain and tried to stop the blood spurting from your crotch, she'd calmly say she'd warned you once about leaving the toilet seat up but you hadn't paid attention, so she'd made sure you could only piss sitting down.

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    • Thats true though I'd never go to sleep next to one of these people. I know the whole thing is irrational as well, and its a case of thinking with the wrong head...

      That mugshot you're mentioning is not a good one but her other pics are nice she also has great lips.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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