Feeling stuck in life..

So, for context check my previous post but I am feeling very stuck on what to do in my life. I work seasonly at a ski resort so right now I'm off and I recently cut 2 very toxic people out of my life. The only issue with this is that I work with these two and now I'll have to face them. One of them wants to apologize to me since we've been friends for 10 years and the other is just an idiot. I make really good money at my job since I'm a team lead but I absolutely DO NOT want to work with these two and I'm thinking I might just have to switch departments and go down a few dollars in pay. How should I deal with this?? I'm going to have to see one of them eventually if I dont switch.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • JustJazzin

    Kill with kindness. Act as if whatever they did to you did not leave a lasting impression and that you are perfectly fine without them in your away from work life. I’ve done this before and it actually puts the other person in an uncomfortable spot. Don’t show weakness or shyness or any type of way when they’re around you in the work area. Just act as if you’ve moved on with your life. It will drive them crazy and most likely they will think to themselves that they didn’t win. By you switching departments and taking less money because of them working in the same field as you shows that you can be a pushover and easily manipulated. Self worth my friend. Stay where you are and put them in the uncomfortable position. Maybe they will be the ones finding it awkward at work and will ask to relocate to a different position

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    • strawberryfieldsforever

      This is the best advice I've gotten so far. Thank you. I've done this before and they definitely took notice. I'll try getting into this mindset again and see what happens. Shes been messaging my mom massive paragraphs trying to meet with me and apologize and I'm not having any of it.

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      • JustJazzin

        I’m so glad I could help in some way!

        Good! Stick to your guns and don’t show any type of weakness. These kind of people thrive on it and will try to wear you down. Keep being strong. Sometimes not saying anything at all and playing things off like they don’t bother you work stronger than words :)

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  • Plato003

    I’d move on. Who wants to work with toxic people? Unfortunately the world is full of them.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I wouldn't switch departments and lose money. You'll just have to learn how to keep a decent work relationship with them.

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    • strawberryfieldsforever

      I'm just worried about how they'll treat me when they see me. I hate awkward encounters and I'm at a point where the friendship is not salvageable on my end.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        I have some people at work I work with that we arent cool with but we just kind of nod heads when we see eachother the first time of the day, then we just do our jobs and don't interact unless necessary. You have to realize your former friends dont want an awkward encounter either and they're probably worried about it too.

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  • dimwitted

    I agree focus on you and not them.

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  • thepeepeepoopooman

    Sounds like an awesome job! I would just focus on that. You must be still emotionally connected to the toxic people in a way that you will have to do some introspection to work out. They should be easy enough to ignore once you break apart the feelings they're giving you. And if it's seasonal I'm guess you only have to see them a few months.

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  • MrToxic

    I suggest working around them. They likely dislike working with you as well! All the more reason to stick around. You could ask a higher up to keep an eye on things as there's a strained relationship between yourself and those two.

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