Fear of black people

I am of european ancestry if you haven't guessed already, and I was born with a fear of black people. For some reason I was particularly afraid of black people wearing white people's clothes, especially old fashioned European clothes.

There really weren't many darkly coloured people where I lived and I barely ever saw one in real life, so I don't think a black person would ever have harmed me at all, and it's not as if I hate them or anything.

As a child someone gave me a toy golliwog and I was so afraid of it that my mum had to put it away somewhere I would never see it.

I have pretty much grown out of it now, but now and then it still catches me off guard.

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Chonga, there is a very obvious difference between being racist and having a fear of something. Fears aren't voluntary whereas racism is usually a choice.

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  • annada

    I don't think you are a racist, you just have a fear that completely understandale since you have not been exposed to black people a lot.

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  • Hitlerthejew

    Black people are just like you with different skin. But a while ago i went to south africa. The blacks there are friendly... Some of them. But then i paged through a news paper over there. 99.9%% of rape in south africa is preformed by a black person. Almost all crime, murder and thefts are preformed by a black person. Here in L.A blacks wont harm you. But in south africa. Well. Dont go there.

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  • ieatdabutt

    i black.

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  • dagreat

    grow up. meet a black person be friends with them and grow up.

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  • You need to grow up. You are acting like most American's who are afraid of Arabic, Black, and Hisapanic people. I used to be afraid of black people so I can understand where you are coming from. You don't need to be afraid of black people, you need to be afraid of the people who you know will harm you, and if you don't know who is going to harm you then stop being afraid. Make friends with black people. I have a friend from Germany who's loves dating black men because she figured out that there is nothing to be afraid of.

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    • NickDigger

      I cannot date girls who had black guys before. ITs simply too much, and you cannot match their penis size.

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  • c21smith12


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  • The mid-20th century golliwog says it all - a racist slur presented as a child's toy - what "gift." Adding little actual exposure to black people with how blacks were portrayed in media, and racist intergenerational roots (attitudes/behaviour of parents & grand parents ) frames your fear and tension.

    But as an adult you need to confront your fears and challenge your ignorance and prejudices. Your post may be a step forward & that is good.

    And hallo101: you are a disgraceful bigot.

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  • i have a black friend and he always beat me at hide and seek

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  • kaylamak

    golliwog where racist beacuse its a racist name. you are SCACED OF US CAUSE YOU DNT UNDERSTAND US

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  • joline08

    I live in a very racist area. However, I am not one of them. Most blacks that I have ever met are actually more friendly than white people I've always known.

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  • Chonga

    Racist kee-unt!

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  • polyandry

    Watching the news lately, I am scared of all human beings.
    Especially the police.
    They seem to have hired a few mentally ill individuals to patrol our streets.
    I don't feel protected and I don't know who they are supposed to be serving.

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  • well i grew up in a mainly white country when i see a black person i look at them it may seem racist but i am curious my cousin is married to a black man and they have a kid his family are as black as a boot but they where ok when i saw them as the wedding my cousin was not pregnant at the time btw.

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  • minamu

    No one is born racist. You just think that you were because you felt that way from a very young age, perhaps as far back as you can remember. However, what probably occurred is that there were no black people around you during some or all of your "formative" years, which are the ages of 1-5, and so when you first saw a black person, it was a surprise, like seeing an alien. I am African-American, and I was very afraid of Indian people when I was little, because I had never seen them before and then an Indian family moved into our neighborhood. I would scream with horror whenever I saw this little Indian boy, and the boy would look at my mother and say, "I didn't do anything to her." Also, get this: I spent my early years mostly around white people, and when we went to visit my black extended family for the first time, I was afraid of them!! That was when my mom said she knew it was time for us to move to a more diverse area, so I wouldn't be afraid of "my own people".

    I also was a caseworker for a while, and I had a black kid on my caseload who was placed with white parents at birth. She was raised in a totally white area where she never came into contact with black people. When I was assigned her case and went out to visit her, she was afraid of me. It was really sad, because I knew this child would have identity problems later, but it was better for her to be with two parents of any color than to be in a group home or something.

    Also, you likely now fear black people also because the media tends to portray only the negative things involving anyone, including black people, and if you don't have black people in your life to show you that that's just one subset of the set of black people, then you will believe that black people are mostly criminals, etc. The mind tends to put things into categories, you just have to broaden your experiences and broaden your mind. Try actively engaging with black people in your workplace and building real friendships with those that you like (i.e., you go to each others' houses and hang out like you do with your white friends). Soon you will find that your fear is fading away and maybe you will start to wonder what else you've been missing your whole life.

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  • thetruthhrts

    It seems like the only black people you see who act right or are semi intelligent are the ones who look like they have some other races dna mixed with there's. If you go to Africa were there isn't much race mixing they act and live like animals. They cant help it its in there nature they were given south Africa they took a beckon of civilization and turned it into a mud hut. So what is building a school or a well for water going to do for them?

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    • Kb16


      Where are you from? I am African and live in Africa I am stunned by your absolute ignorance about us. Africa is actually about 53 nations/states, with diffrent cultures and civilisations. Countries like egypt, Mali, Ethiopia are old civilizations. Egypt especially is where most knowledge came from before spreading throughout the world. Wake up from your deep ignorance and visit Africa you will be shocked to discover that despite les means youth in Africa is actually much more cooler and intelligent (arts,sports, fashion, business, etc) than you in your enclosed cage you believe is the best.

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    • minamu

      Wow, what an ignorant statement. Unbelievably ignorant, actually. Africans do not live like animals. Africa is a huge continent, and some parts of it are more developed than others. You really need to get around. Where South Africa is concerned, blacks were stripped of their land and forced into shanty towns. Ever heard of apartheid? Now that apartheid is over, they are trying to work on redistribution issues, but people aren't just willingly giving up huge tracts of land that they've been living on for years. What is this "they were given South Africa" crap? Given?

      Confusion of cause and effect is common, but still reflective of ignorance.

      Your statements indicate a complete ignorance of the history of Africans on the world stage. Did you know that Africans had the first universities, and that France and other European nations actually sent their people to Timbuktu to learn, and that the Sorbonne was modeled after learning centers in Timbuktu? That the Moors educated Europeans and also some of America's founding fathers, and can be seen in artwork from before and after the founding of America. When you see black people in turbans in early American artwork, those aren't slaves, who didn't wear turbans, but rather are Moors who advised leaders and whose traditions formed the basis for the Freemasonry later practiced by many of the founders.

      I can't be too critical, it's probably not completely your fault, because much of the history of black people in this country and this world is simply not taught in American schools. What is taught in American schools is a Eurocentric curriculum that conveniently omits the history of others (not just blacks, but also Native Americans). Moreover, historically speaking, there was a systematic effort, coinciding with colonialism, to eliminate the history regarding Africa, which is indisputably the cradle of civilization, because perpetuating caste systems required a false superiority and false inferiority dynamic. However, in the words of Shakespeare, "the truth will out," and the truth cannot be suppressed forever. It's coming out. If you research ancient art, you will find lots of ancient art depicting the Madonna and Jesus, as well as several Saints, as black, and I don't mean caucasoid North Africans, but as dark-skinned, negroid, black people. The Vatican played a huge role in this process of "whitewashing" that took place on a conscious level, and which continues subconsciously and inadvertently out of ignorance today.

      Did you know that Alexandre Dumas, the author of the Three Musketeers, was of African background? Probably not, because that isn't taught in American schools. I saw an app recently offering classic books that had the nerve (or maybe it was out of ignorance) to depict him as a white man! But they know it in France. Did you know that Hannibal, the infamous military leader and nemesis of Napoleon, was black? Of course not, because they don't tell you that in American schools. They will mention the name, but omit the ethnicity. Did you know that open heart surgery was first successfully performed by an African man? Did you know that Thomas Edison had a black colleague who is widely thought to deserve credit for some of Edison's "inventions." However, during that time, blacks were often very reluctant to get patents because of the fear of persecution that could come from any sort of notoriety during such racist times.

      The belief that Africans live primarily in mud huts is so ignorant that it's pathetic. It's truly sad that in this country, the majority of people have been fed so many lies about African history and their own history. This just means that most people really don't know who they are or who anyone else is. But it's never too late to learn. Look for the truth and the truth shall set you free.

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  • meowmeowmeow

    i have tons of black friends.. but be afraid of the girls... they make shit go down ( :

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    What really matters is the FACTS or TRUTH. Not feelings, opinions or theories. Neither can you use human rights abuse to justify human rights abuse.

    Questions to seriously consider:

    Is it true that we are all the same? Do we (the different races) all have the same level of intelligence? Are we all genetically the same? Are there genetic differences in us? I mean we do know and see that some breeds of dogs, for example, are much more intelligent than others and far less violent. No one would ever look at a Pitbull and call it a Rottweiler. Wolves, for example, are indeed superior to any breed of dog (and a wolf is a large wild dog).

    What all of this really is is simply breeds or variations of the human species. Caucasoid is one breed of man different and distinct from the negroid, as also the mongoloid. And, as we have seen in some animals, as we are in many regards, some even within the same species, are indeed better then others. And the simple fact that we are different (even if we were not better than one another, but just different) means that what might be right for you may not be right for me. It does not justify any sort of interaction or mixing between peoples. That is not racist or racism. IT IS TIME THAT PEOPLE BEGIN TO ACCEPT TRUTH, NOT LIES, FEELINGS OR OPINIONS ABOUT EVERYTHING.

    Thus, do certain people deserve more in life (and they would if some people are inherently better than others). Is interracial mixing justified? If one race is more intelligent than another, then wouldn't it be complete shit to marry someone that is inferior to me in intelligence? If I have a straight noes, shouldn't I find straight noses attractive?

    There is nothing racist AT ALL about discussing these issues. People only try to prevent us from doing so simply because they are hiding something, or don't want people to know the truth.

    You are not racist to fear blacks. However, you shouldn't. If they try to give you trouble, do what is right and defend yourself at any acceptable cost. Don't allow anyone to cause problems to your sovereignty and right to exist. Believe in God, trust in God above all. No one in their right minds would allow people with such differences and behavior to live and exist in their society. They would keep them far away.

    And I am not White. Nor am I a White supremacist. I'm just being honest.

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    • BooneJones

      I understand where you're coming from, with different races being different in aspects beside skin color. That is not racist, it is a fact. But I do disagree with the fact that racial mixing is not right. I am not attracted to people of a different race, but if others are let them do what they want. Also, about the living separated by race thing. That pretty much happens today. Go to any neighborhood and look at the race of people there. More often than not, it is all predominantly that one race. If you go to another neighborhood, again most residents will all be of the same race.
      Yes, there are differences between the races besides skin color, but the differences are not so large that we should be separated or not marry.

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  • cre777

    its alwys odd to see some one who looks different from you and there is no need to fear black people at all how do i know because i am black and we are just as normal as everone else we just have darker skin than yours. some of us are friendly some can be rude we all have dif personalities but i geuss at the end of the day its what makes us human beings

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  • wtfidontknow

    i actually had a situation today which i feel helps understand this a little.
    i also was raised in a place pretty much free of black people, and am in a completely new city and have had to use the subway to get around. the subway line i had to use tonight was predominently black, to the point where every single person on the platform, in the subway cars, conducting the subway cars were all black.

    i am white. initially, the situation cowed me, because it felt alien, until i realised that all of them could be feeling the same way about me!

    its about perspective-taking.

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  • BOYracer88

    lol they just people, i am white but i find black people more friendly and down to earth than most whites. maybe try to get to know a black person, this will probably get rid of your phobeia

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  • HeyHiHelloGabi

    I beg to differ that you were "born" this way, when a child is born, are we born with hate? Children are clean slates and absorb everything around them. I'm sad that you were brought up to be this way but you were taught this through your parents or maybe even a relative who made comments.
    I find it laughable that your ancestry has anything to do with this at all, I'm european too and live next to Ireland, I'm of Scottish heritage and was born to treat others fairly and give everyone a chance, sure I went to School and witnessed rascism but I knew that wasn't who I was or wanted to be. Your morals and values and what your parents taught you during your childhood caused this and in my opinion it is sick to blame it on heritage. Children aren't born with hate, fear, regret, we are taught it and accept it as out own.
    Why do you think people are compare us to are parents?

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  • Empathy

    My best friend is black but I am also terrified of black people. =_="

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