Fat people riding scooters

Is it normal that I get very frustrated when I see fat people riding around on motor scooters in wal-mart? It gives me the urge to just yell at them to walk around, and maybe then they wouldn't be so fat. I mean, if you are that fat, clearly you should start walking around to lose the weight right? I am just really cold hearted, or are there other people out there who think the same way?

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Comments ( 233 )
  • perceptions81

    When I was recovering from a broken ankle, I had to go get groceries.. involving one of those grocery carts. I waited and waited, with my crutches and finally the store found one for me. I tucked my crutches beside me, and everything all set when a few heavyset people yelled at me for taking "their" chair. First of all, it was the store's and OBVIOUSLY I need it. Holy crap! I was so upset that I got up and left. Had to drive home, luckily the ankle was my left and didn't have to worry about it, but I was really mad.

    Why should THEY get the chair? Gah.

    People piss me off.

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    • Haeven

      Yeah i just would have said to them "excuse me but does it have your names on it? Bcuz if not i believe it belongs to the store, not you." They would be leaving before i would lol and maybe if they used the legs God gave them in the first place they wouldnt be so damn fat. And this coming from someone who needs to lose weight too but good god, at least im doing something about it (exercising again) instead of thinking thats an automatic entitlement to a scooter that was made for crippled people and i would never let myself go to the point where im morbidly obese.

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  • DrQuinnMedicineWoman

    OMG can i just share this right now....The other day we were driving past a park, chain link fence all around it. And you know how the fence has openings, and it's kinda like you have to walk through a path in the fence to get you to the other side? Well holy shit i saw a fat person in a scooter that had gotten stuck trying to get through to the other side of the fence! Like, their scooter was stuck in the path of the fence, adn they couldn't back up or go forward. They wer just sitting there in their scooter, with their lights blinking. HAHAHAHHA

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  • Dr.Rockzo

    my mom is a amputee and alot of the time you cant get a motorized scooter at wal-mart because some fat shit has it crammed up his ass it is disgusting to see some lazy fat fucker with fat tits riding all of the scooters, buying more food to stuff there fat faces with. try water slim fast diet coke a apple something stay away from the Twinkies. try walking

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    • AmazingGrace2

      I come from an obese family but I say obesity is a choice and I choose to be healthy. I also have Multiple Sclerosis and even when I have relapsed and found it difficult to walk, I still walked and I still drove a car with manual transmission. I am totally disgusted when I shop at Walmart and see all the lazy obese people with their entitled attitude shopping. I ignore them as I walk around buying healthy food in my size 8 body. I also get disgusted by all the people who are too lazy to return their shopping carts to the designated areas. I get exra exercise by collecting at least 5 carts on every visit and putting them into the designated areas. I hope people notice this and think about it the next time they are are finished with their cart and need to make that decision. No one wants to have their car dinged by a runaway cart but too many people are too lazy to do the right thing.

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  • Shannondoaha

    Not to mention the Handicap parking for obese people.
    Seems to contribute to the issue.

    Can I get VIP parking for being healthy?

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  • QueenLiz123

    Isn't their laziness the reason they are so fat. They should only allow disabled people to ride scooters not fat people!

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    • moonlightshield

      Yeeess!! Everytime i see a fat person riding a scooter at stores i just want to push them out of scooter and scream at them "RUN FAT BOY RUUUUUUN!!"

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    • weatherman25

      the policy at walmart is if anyone wants to ride it they can but i say it should only be for the crips not the bloods lol timmy...

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      • Dazzle

        Anyone can ride it? God, I have to go to the US, in a wallmart and just ride around in one of those all day! :D

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  • Yeah I hate them! I'm fat myself, but I actually do stuff about it, I go to the gym, eat well, dont use wallmarts fuckin scooters.

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    • cnc3freak

      [sarcasm] you are now officially my favorite person in this thread, i name you leader of the fat people, please lead your people into a not FAT future (by this i mean at least under 250 pounds / 113 Kilograms) and save the human race [/sarcasm]

      no, but seriously, all jokes aside, good for you. at least your doing something about your weight, and even if your not losing weight, at least your maintaining a steady weight and not gaining any more weight.... i use the word weight too much :P

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  • DrBallsack

    dont you just want to push them off it and take it
    they wont be able to catch you

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    • Quiblum

      aaahhhaha, the thought of it makes me giggle with victorious pleasure....

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  • squazzer

    I had a severe leg injury and could not walk for over a year. Ya know what I did when I couldn't exercise? I ATE LESS!! I also had to take prednisone for years, which increases your appetite. Ya know what I did when I felt hungry? I FORCED MYSELF TO EAT HEALTHY SERVINGS!! Very very few people have absolutely no control over their obesity.

    And to everyone who keeps saying "leave them alone, they're not hurting you-" THEY ARE HURTING US- WITH THEIR DAMN MEDICAL EXPENSES!!

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  • McSheep

    Just thought I'd add my insight here: I'm physically disabled,so I can't get much exercise at all. On top of this I'm on drugs to combat migraines that increase my appetite tenfold and I have always had a slow metabolism. I faced up to facts early on and cut down my diet accordingly. No, I'm not starving myself to keep the pounds off; I'm exercising self-restraint and following a healthy diet regime. I've heard many people use disabilities, drugs prescriptions and metabolic problems to excuse their obesity, but in my experience the only problem is a person's restraint and willingness to accept that life-altering conditions have to mean drastic changes to lifestyle.

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  • LittleLady17

    I have encountered these same situations, and I believe that these people should be walking instead of going around on scooters. What pisses me off even more though is when you see them walking and dropping into the scooter, and then later when you are doing your own thing, they are behind you saying, "Excuse me, can you reach up and grab them can o' beans?" REACH UP AND GRAB IT YOUR SELF! You may find it hard to walk aroumd, I get that, but you arn't freaking useless!

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    • Quiblum

      what if you say NO? they`ll probably run you over....never trust fat scooters...

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  • balletshoes

    I never shop at Wal mart. Those motorized land submarines they provide to the whales annoy me.I am sure that I annoy the whales with my comments. Live and let live.

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    • jesus42

      hahahah lovely way to phrase it

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  • done_that_1

    People say oh they have a medical condition. It is funny that I have never seen a fat person who didn't over eat. You see them with double quarter pounders. And a cabinet full of little debbies. And then have the nerve to say I have a medical condition that is why I am fat and cant walk.

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  • jeezIdno

    I'm sure all of you have imperfections that you wouldn't like people making fun of you for.

    Fat people know they're fat. I doubt the fat people in walmart do anything to provoke your mean behavior.

    So no, you are NOT normal. Normal people aren't so upset with their lives that they have to critisize other people to feel good about themselves.

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  • YumInsanity

    if being fat is not something you can help, how come america is the only country where you really see fat people on scooters? im not anti american or anything, i like america/ns, but saying that they dont choose to be that way is ridiculous

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  • FuriousFran

    It isn't normal NOT to get angry about it.

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  • tintedcouture

    ...they are annoying, especially when they have the look, "I'm FAT. THEREFORE TREAT ME LIKE ROYALTY AND GET THE #$*%%$ OUT OF MY WAY!"

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  • piercebrosnan

    Totally agree with you, by sitting on your ass you're not doing anything to help yourself, just making your condition worse. Those scooters are for old people with arthritis an circulation problems, not for your fat ass.

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  • Well then, walking aroudn wouldn't hurt them much would it? because sitting on their ass in a scooter certainly isn't helping their obese situation.

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  • catsarenice123

    i hate to say this, but i think that fat people are the dregs of society. no joke, if i see a fat person, i automatically feel like i'm superior to them. i feel like a fucking asshole about it, i hate thinking this way, but i feel like america's lower class can be defined in one word: fat. god, i feel like a jerk, but am glad i got this off my chest.

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  • slackjawedyokel

    sure there are some lazy asses who ride those things but i bet the great majority wishes they could get up and walk.they may have acquired a disease or injury that has limited their mobility and they got fat because of this.they may have been very athletic and slim before they were in that chair.let it take care of itself====in other words mind your own business.

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    • kerikitty

      idiot. I don't know ANYONE who gains 100 pounds from a disease or medication. I work in health care, so don't give any oth that crap. Yes, diseases and weight gain can go hand in hand...but were tlking less than 50 lbs, nOt another person!

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      • geek_god_101

        Here is a medical solution to some of these morbidly obese people who distorted themselves: give them a fire hose enema. I am sure their colon looks like a sewer line.

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  • fluffycloud101

    Ok there's this thing we hav for disabled ppl that they can get it's called physical therapy get off I'd lazy butts pick up the phone and find a place with a physical therapist to help u get whatever u injured back into working order and get on with ur life and stop feeling sorry for urself and that's all I have to say on the matter and u apologize to anyone I may have offend but to be honest it's the truth

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  • I fuckin hate those type of people they expect to be treated special I have no problem with fat people if they can contribute

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  • Kaiote

    i wish i could use those scooters and then go really fast and crash in to the fat people =D and i dont know if its just me but dont alot of ugly people hang out at walmart? like if someone is feeling down about there appearance just tell them to look around walmart and it will make them feel much better lol

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  • Tilikum

    I get frustrated too! And what ticks me even more is when they ride down the donut aisle just PACKING those sticky delicacies in their basket, though we both can see the thoughts of guilt running through his/her mind.

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  • ComboBreaker

    I dont mind fat people, its like an alien species. They eat more than us and use machines to get around where humans would usely walk. There anatomy is very simaler except they have not one, not two but eight stomachs. The extra stomaches make them weigh much more making it hard for there bones to suport there weight. On there home planet they have there chief scientist DR.Wolvo Ein, who has perfected a full skeleton transfusion to make Fattysapien bone's stronger.

    But dew to there addaption to earths large gravitational pull. Fattysapien's bone meleculer structer has formed an immunaty to DR.Wolvo Ein's solution.

    So i ask you please. With only £1 or $1.64 a month, you can save a Fattysapien. By sending it to its home planet (Burger King) for gravitational rehabilitation and DR.Wolvo Ein's Miricle solution.

    Sorry i might have gone off track a little. Normal... but not nice.

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    • My_name_was_already__used

      Try reading that in the doucumentry voice! Lol

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  • halfbonedry

    i think they should just eat pickles cuz pickles solve every thing

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    • demonspirit17

      go pickles

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  • timmy420

    Losing weight is easier said than done

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    • sixsix

      Right. And totally worth the effort.

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  • johndavies115

    Stop saying "I'm not fat but I weigh (insert obese weight here)" You are.

    I've never seen fat people on scooters before but I think fat people should be made to pay double poll tax (they get ill more often so more ambulance calls and they have more refuse to collect because they eat more). They should pay for 2 tickets on the bus or plane if they swamp over onto the other seat even by a centimetre. Telling me they have more serotonin when they eat is stupid, exstacy opens the trapdoor for serotonin but theres millions who don't go off their head on pills on a daily basis. Hell even a rape and murder spree would get the juices flowing but even I only limit that to weekends.

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  • rosstheboss

    well said

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    • Oliverlovesme

      I messed up my legs in an accident real bad and as a result, I had to get a lot of bed rest and keep off them. The weight comes on when you can't walk like you used to.

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    • Cappa

      Lol. Why think about yelling when you simply can. Just rage and be done

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    • lol.true and funny.just like fat people in little coats

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  • MCJeffree

    There are a %% of obese people that overeat because they cannot help it...and making fun of them only contributes to this...I used to date a girl who was a bikini model...suddenly she started gaining weight like crazy...After a year she went from HOT to NOT and I had to end the relationship...ran into 2 years later and she was hot again...I asked what happened...it was a thyroid problem and it took 18 months to diagnose...so much for health care...others suffer from chemical imbalances in their brain that lead to obesity...depression or bi-polar disorder can lead to eating for comfort...others grow up with parents, who like you idiots here, make them feel bad for gaining a couple pounds and the guilt drives them to eat for comfort leading to obesity. I don't believe scooters are the answer, but neither is arm chair morons like you !

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    • kerikitty

      Oh, NO so your ex went from what....45 lbs to 105? What a fat cow. How does she get from place to place? A forklift? Bikini models are too damn skinny...another stupid conversation in itsself!

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      • WarLord

        Why are you so angry?

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    • sheepish

      well said sir

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  • IkeBroflovski

    Whoever said some fat people are fat due to "medical conditions" or "hereditary issues", are talking plain shit.

    They're fat fuckers because they eat too much. End of the debate.

    How many obese people live in Africa or the poorer regions of the Asian sub-continent? Why is that?

    Being fat is more a lifestyle choice than a medical condition and just because big Sally cries after stuffing her face for the 5th time that day, doesnt suddenly make it a condition she can't overcome...

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  • maybe if they'd walk around to LOSE all the weight which is putting the uncomfortable pressure on their legs they'd no longer have to use a scooter.

    No pain, no gain. Fatasses.

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    • wowblogging


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  • sleepingowl

    It's gross but don't discriminate. It may not be their fault. Maybe they're legs are broken, or are just too weak to walk. Yea maybe some of them are too fat to walk but everyone has the right to be who they are without being hated.

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  • Actually one time i saw this REALLY big lady on a scooter and it looked like her ass was dragging on the floor.

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  • scooterfatties

    It is normal. In fact, we embrace it: http://www.scooterfatties.info/

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  • PushingForward

    Yo I hate that too. I mean most of thoes people REALLY do have trouble walking b/c They are soo fat, but it still pisses me off.

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  • TheDude

    These Fatties need to get out of those damn scooters and WALK!! They should only let people ride those things if they really need one. What if the store has 3 scooters and some Fattie is cruising the store and a handicapped person who really needs one can't go in the store because the 3 Fatties are cruising the store. It's a recycling thing the more you cruise the Fatter you get. All these years I thought people in those scooters needed them 90 percent of them are Fatties!!

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  • matniky

    maybe if they stop eating Mc.Donald's every day they wouldn't be that fat.

    ps. in Canada you never see that.

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  • josey9898

    The fat people are prob. Sad becuz they're to fat to get up either that or their just lazy and fat and pretend that they need a scooter and say oh im fat so when some disabled person walks in imma this is my scooter jerk! And then the disabled person had to leave becuz of that lazy fat jerk that didnt want to walk around. Lagging so much >_<

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  • ponder

    You try walking around with 400 pound weights, then ride a scooter with 400 pound weights, then it'll all make sense.

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  • courtney890

    No I don't feel such aggravation toward them. I'm more upset when I see unfit drunk parents buying packs of beer while yelling at their children for wanting candy.

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  • CaramelChrissy

    Amazing how this page has gone on for 3 or 4 years.

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  • GreenxBlack

    Some have health problems where thier weak and can't walk so they get fat from lack of excersize, in that case thier okay but if thier able bodied then . .GET YER ASS OFF THE SCOOTER AND WALK! lol

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  • I guess so, but I don't get frustrated, I just laugh uncontrollably

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  • demonspirit17

    i want to tip them over :| and watch them try to get up off their own asses it makes me want to MAKE them walk the drain their scooter battery some how :|

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  • It matters the situation, really. Like if they were fat because of overeating, you are exactly right. Bit if it's because of a disorder that they can't change, that was kinda mean

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    Normal, next.

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  • jdube

    The person might have been thin when they got some disease, and now sitting in a wheelchair all the time they have gained weight. Then again, in this day and age, look at the bloody youth. Getting fatter and fatter, and adults are getting lazier and lazier. Anyone see the movie Wall-E? Everyone has their own scooters and are all obese and don't even know how to walk, That's seriously what's gonna happen in the future.

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  • NirNova04

    health disorder its ok...the other 20 fat ppl who just eat and sleep all day. i want to dropkick u for ur lazy fatness

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  • kaylakewlkat93

    I've always been OHHHHH so tempted to ask them to race. (:

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  • iAmLiz

    LOL me too. Escpically when i went to disney world this year. I saw this fat person a motter scoot thing and we had to get on to the charter bus to get too r resort
    so the fat people/ old people with scooter get to go on first. so this fat person rides his thing to the bus then stands up walks onto the bus and then makes the bus driver drive the moter scoot on too the bus. im like OMG!!!!

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  • sepia

    LOL....im a little on the heavier side myself, but i am still active and it does annoy me wen i c tht also...i have the same urge to tell them to get up and walk!!! I understand tht sum have health problems, but others r jus plain lazy. So, yeah, totally normal to feel this way.

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  • chunkybongo

    I'm not fat at all, in fact I never have been even close to fat. I go running and hiking all the time and do pull-ups. But I honestly don't give a flying fuck how fat or skinny anybody else is. If they want to become morbidly obese, develop type 2 diabetes and roll around in a fucking stroller until they keel over dead from a heart attack, then more power to them. Give them another bacon cheeseburger; I don't give a fuck

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  • abnormalmochi

    I always get annoyed when some huge sow waddles into walmart and takes the last buggy. My mom is disabled and can get around without the buggy, but it's really helpful for her to have one if we're going to be in the store for awhile.

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  • Vivacious

    this made me laugh...really hard initially! and then i was thinking...maybe they have like really bad arthritis or seriously can't lose the weight....funny though, one time i was at costco, and my great aunt did this little drift and speed stop towards me....i laughed pretty damn hard. i wonder if they can pop wheelies?

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  • ditto...

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  • psycho101

    most likely the people that hate fat people have kids that like to throw there food up because there mommy and daddy think they are fat only to find out that there kid is only 95 pounds. as for the fat ones daddy touched me when mommy wasnt looking and I better go get a pack of M&Ms to help me with the fear that mommy hits me too.

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  • gmedia

    one time my boyfriend rode the scooter at walmart in the middle of the night and acted like he was mentally challenged and got the check out lady to light his cigarette even though the place was non-smoking. needless to say I was horrified (OK I was actually laughing my a$$ off!)

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  • Knighthawk99

    I'm tired of getting blamed as an american like the obesity problem is my fault. I put up the damn effort and weigh 160lbs. I'm not a contributor to that statistic, thank you very much.

    Fat ppl, go lose some weight because if I go overseas, I don't want a whole bunch of bony french folks thinking i am lazy and eat fried filth because it's quick and cheap, like a whore.

    there i said it.

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  • cockycunt

    The best way to deal with the mobile obese is fry them, scooter and all in their own lard the rendering of which will involve first boiling them at as high a temperature as they can stand without actually perishing. The Wallmart brand fattie requires careful handling as tendency to actually melt down spontaneously at point of capture. Recommend stressless capture using darts etc. Once deep-fried a typical vespa-hog will feed a family of four lardies for a day which may in their turn be similarly rendered. Fried Vespas make fairly serviceable ironing boards for the less well-to-do.

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    • b454

      That was friggin funny

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  • kerikitty

    I think it is mean to make fun of fat people, but at the same time, I hesitate to say I agree with you even just a little...I mean, come on, now... how can someone let themselves go that much? I can see, maybe being 50 pounds overweight, but these people you see at Wally-WOrld are, like.....beyond morbidly obese. I can't fathom it. I used to be a little chubby (lost the weight, thank god)and alot of people in my family are chubby...even fat, but not THAT huge. And I have never seen so many obese children in my life. THAT is sad. 10 year olds should not weigh 180 pounds at 4'10"!

    My husbend likes to play a little game called "count the fat people".

    In my nearby wally world (ugh... a necessary evil like taxes and Vodka) I play an even better game....We play that and "count the mullets" AND "count the people with all their teeth". And I live in CT!!!!!

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    I am so angry also - there shouldnt be scooters available for them at WalMart. They should be made to ride small shetland ponies instead, dressed up as construction workers, smearing themselves in chocolate and asking other shoppers if they want a 'hit' of their whipped cream!

    Sorry, got carried away!

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  • wontwork

    You are cold hearted. Especially what you said about them if they had a disorder. Jerk.

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    • QueenLiz123

      A disorder most likely won't make you gain 200-500 pounds. It's called Twinkies that the cause or something like that.

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  • donkeyspuzz

    Is citizenpremier one of these buggy using fatties? I think so...

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  • roguetrick

    Who gives a damn, if it bothers you so much put a fez on them and they can be as entertaining as shriners. Really though, stay the hell out of walmart. It has made you definitly "not normal".

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  • BirdyMojo

    You people have cold hearts, you're not in their shoes. I mean sure, in some cases it could be preventable, but in some others it is an actual disorder that takes time to fix. You shouldn't be so quick to judge, those people could actually have a bone, muscle, or joint problems that can't let them walk or exercise. So they can't really help the weight gain. Why should you care?? It's not your body? You people complain any chance you get. People such as yourself need to gain some patience and compassion. Not everybody is blessed with an amazing body.

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    • MillaKappilla

      and those of you who judge them are probably just envious :-D

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  • swq70

    Let's compare two different opinions. First up, in favor of "They can't help it, it's not they're fault."

    -Lets address this disorder thing and fat people nonsense. A lot of them DO have disorders, most of them psychological. The people who are morbidly obese have low self-esteem, even 99%% of the people that 'make fun of their weight' feel insecure about it and this is how they make themselves feel better about it. Fat people DO eat a lot because they are more hungry. You feel 'full' due to chemical signals sent to your brain, people who are 'overweight' naturally need more of this chemical to reach their brain, and the way to obtain this is by making eating more and making the stomach more 'full'. The things you eat also inhibit this chemical, so if a lot of them (which they do) eat fast food, they might need to eat even more to feel 'full'. So mix this with low self-esteem, bad eating habits, depression, and just the sheer relief of eating = an Obese person. Obese people have increased serotonin levels after meals because its their body's way of responding to food. Serotonin makes you happy. Making them eat is giving them a break from their 'probable' depression. Its wrong for ALL of you to talk about them like if they're a nuisance or a bother to society.

    Now for "OMFG!!1! Loooossseeerr get off ur ass fattie!!"

    They are annoying, those fat f**ks in scooters, they are always in your way driving there little scooters. Walmart should only let people with handicapped parking permits use them. Of coarse I'm sure these fatties know how to get fake permits. FAT f**kERS!!!

    Can you see the context diffence? I think that we should do something for people to actually simulate being fat, mabey that with make them shut the bloody fuck up. Seriously, I'm not obese in any way but really. There are many, MANY disorders that prevent people like that from losing any weight at all, so 99.99%% of the "Fat" population can't even help it. So fuck off. Bastards.

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  • buriedalive

    aha, that would be kinda funny to see, in a mean kinda way... we don't have scooter-riding fat people in Ireland, we don't even have walmart :'( I want to go to america now...

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    • matniky

      no you dont wanna go to wall mart or usa most people there are stupider than a third grader.

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  • Sweetie07

    Yeah, the health disorder thing is a load of crap to make themseleves feel better but there are over eating disorders where people cant help but eat a lot when they are stressed out or emotional. I agree though, those people on scooters are annoying...but I happen to find them very comical as well lol...:D

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  • peachfuzz

    the only thing worse than a fat person is a fat black women they all think they are better than everybody else when in reality they are just fat monkey looking mother fuckers.

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  • myewyldsyde

    Wow, this one got alot of people on their soap box. I agree, these lazy fat a**es should park their car in the far corner of the parking lot and walk all the way to the store then use a normal push cart like every one else. I have a friend that actually has the stones to walk up to them and tell them they should get off that scooter and walk, maybe they would lose some weight.

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  • jackass1019

    I'm a well built person but i caryy my weight really well, I weigh about 18 stone but becuase im 6ft and i spend slot of time working out I have got away with it and I actually have pulled a fit girlfriend.

    When I was at school I was just plain fat and people picked on me about it but now i'm the one who's got it good :)

    but yeah i do actually wanna say get the fuck up and walk around to hhehe

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  • Eman96

    Sometimes I like to ride in the scooters.
    FLABBERGASTING BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • football009


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  • citizenpremier

    It might hurt them to walk, you know. Somehow I think if your legs hurt whenever you stood up, you'd use a scooter too.

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  • simplyme0613

    Wow... Really.. How low can you get? Grow up! God made everyone beautiful. I'm sorry that not everyone can be a size 0; but does that make them fat? NO!

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  • BDSMKitten

    I agree 100%%. They're just fucking lazy, kind of like my parents that complain about being overweight but won't get off the couch and go for a bike ride with me. :(

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  • Ahiam

    I could not agree more whenever I see that I want to scream at the person riding the scooter it`s like what if a REAL handicap came into the store and couldn`t get around cause all the fat idiots took all the scooters. I don`t just hate fat people on scooters I hate fat people it`s like when you get fat your personality changes to be a worthless idiot that can`t do anything for yourself.

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  • mephisto

    Funny how fat slobs suddenly have the energy to get up off thier lazy-boy chairs, to type protests about ppl who r fed up w/ their fat slob asses. Put some of that energy into oh, idk, walking? You stink, you're an eye sore, you waste valuable resources, you're a strain on society, taxes, medical insurance, disability money, you fart all over the place, you take hours in public bathrooms while others are waiting for you to dump my girlfriend's weight in crap, etc, etc. Stop making excuses, get off your fat cow asses & stop stuffing your fat faces with junk. It's unhealthy & disgusting. Otherwise, don't get mad when ppl rightly have an aversive reaction towards you.

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    LOL i know that this is sort of mean but... i sort of stare at the over weight ppl when they jog and their fat jiggles... heh i cant control myself sometimes

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  • jewman5000

    sexy ass fat women on scooters?? where??

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  • geckopaws

    Well I think it is frustrating but you know some people can't walk so that is why they get so fat.

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  • esreverlogic

    i loled.

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  • EmoGirlzRule666

    This bugs me too. I mean, it just makes them look pitiful. I can't help feeling sorry for them but at the same time, I wish they would get their lazy asses up! Once when I went to six flags, this hideously fat lady tried to get on the roller coaster, but she couldn't fit! What losers they are.

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  • Clayman88

    I always want to push their fat ass out of the chair and yell at them. "WALK YOU FAT FUCK!" I also hate that they get to park in disabled parking. If you lost a leg or have some horrible disease than you are disabled. If you eat to much and don't exercise than you are not disabled! If anything your fat ass should have to park father away from the store! I love this remark. "I have a glandular problem." No you don't! You can say that if your fat and live in some shit hole like Africa were everyone is starving. But you can't say that when you live in America! The fat fuck capital of the world!

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  • hayual

    Fat people piss me off- they need to gain some self-control: reduced calorie diet, exercise, and quit making the rest of America pay for their myriad of medical bills that come from fucking up your body like that- Diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, heart failure, pace maker installation, syncope, a multitude of cancers, strain placed upon health care workers who have to move those peoples' fat asses around (roll in bed, pick up and place on stretcher, etc). Fat people should write down EVERYTHING they eat daily for a week and measure the portion sizes so they can see how much they're eating, because I don't think they have any idea. Exercise ain't exerise unless you're breathing hard enough where you have to breath through your mouth and your heart rate is at a decent level- like approx. 150bpm if you're young.

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  • ihopeyoudie

    yeah it is annoying and it is normal. but they have every right to be fat you douche bag.

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  • citizenpremier

    Some people literaly can't burn fat, dipstick. It doesn't matter how much they diet.

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  • Solarith


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  • Bigmanrn

    I happened upon this thread by accident, first off I have to admit I am one of those "fat fucks" you all seem to love to make fun of. I have a ruptured meniscus root from sports, not sitting on my fat ass, I'm more fucking active then 90% of most of you I am sure, and most of all I eat less then 90% of the population, every time my amazing fiancé and I go out to eat the manager checks with us to see if everything is ok cause hardly any food has been touched. I use those carts right now simply cause my injury that will be surgically repaired in 2 weeks, so you might want to watch what you say, even though we are fat fucking failures in your eyes, we are people with hearts and feelings, and you never know when this lazy fat piece of shit will be taking care of you or your family in my hospital in your time of need! Karma is a bitch, and while everyone is entitled to their opinion, walk a day in my shoes, I dare you cause I know god damn good and well you would end each and every day in tears cause being me has made me a stronger and better person then you could ever hope to be! So fuck you and have a nice day

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  • hairyfairy

    If theyr`e disabled simply because of obesity, then yes, they should eat less & walk more. I`m tired of seeing so much of NHS money being spent on people who are eating themselves into an early grave. Let them starve!

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  • BrownRice

    They see me rolling, they hating

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  • Dazzle

    I think everyone should be free to do whatever they want with their body, if you want to be fat, be fat!
    I don't think you should be discriminating them for being fat, nor boasting about how healthy or how much weight you lost. What you did, you did it for yourself, not out of respect for others.
    Though I think you should take responsability for your choices, which means leaving the scooter to a person with an actual injury and waiting even if you're a fatass and you can't walk anymore.
    And you shouldn't be treated any better than any non-fat people for being obese.
    It's as if I was getting free dentist care for not brushing my teeth.
    My point is: anyone should be free to dispose of their body as they wish, but they should also take responsability for those choices and not be a liability for others.

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  • AyeYerMa

    Some people are so fat that they can't move their feet enough causing them not to be able to walk

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  • Valetion

    What about the fat, downs syndrome kids?

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  • 8==D


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  • Quackaddict

    Holy shit!? They have obese parking spaces in the us !?

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  • Milenajonijon

    There's a reason target doesn't have scooters. Just sayin.

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  • purpledino8

    ROFL this is to funny

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  • CheekyChihuahua

    I hate that too. My grandma is almost 80 years old, and she weighs around 200 pounds, but she still walks at the grocery store. If an old lady can walk I don't see why some obese, young 30 year old can't get off their lazy ass and walk too!

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  • queency89

    Man there are some dumb asses out there! I really hope the wanker that wrote this doesn't have something happen in his future so he can't walk. And ends up in a scooter with gland problems and little punks judging him. Pull your head in and grow up

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  • JoyBoy

    You people are all complete cold hearted morons.

    Have you ever heard of people having medical conditions that maybe are not obvious? Liver problems, Kidney problems, and one that should be taken into consideration... BACK PROBLEMS that cause people to not be able to walk very far without suffering an immense amount of pain.

    It's really easy to come online and be judgmental against people who you don't know and have no idea about. There are many, many obese people that would give their lives to be thin and not have to use those damn scooters.

    Do a bit of RESEARCH on obesity before judging people, and maybe you morons will learn a thing or two. Mean People Suck.

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  • squeeshy

    Hey you, you gonna take that cart?

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  • Buntaur

    Does it really matter if they're fucking fat or not? If you can't walk you can't walk. Actually ALL people on scooters in Walmart piss me off. But hey that's my problem. I see a lot of people who look physically fit riding them. But you know, they may have some physical ailment or injury which leaves them unable to walk a lot or are just tired. Who knows? People are incredibly and insufferably ignorant.

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  • kyanviado

    How does it concern you. Really? If you neighbor was really fat, would it increase your risk of heart attack.

    Go into the kitchen in make me a sandwich

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  • witcr3wdraek

    Fat people don't usually annoy me, but when they're THAT fat, I get so aggravated. Especially when they blame other people or other things for their obesity...

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  • keridwen

    I'll admit that I did not read ALL the responses here, but it seems that they are overwhelmingly negative towards obese people. Wow. I didn't realize there were so many haters out there. Take me, for instance. Until 5 years ago, I walked 3 miles every day. I was not thin, and actually was on the heavy side. 5 years ago, while climbing a tree, I injured my knee while jumping down. I have been unable to do my 3 miles/day walking since because of the injury. I'm not a heavy eater (never have been), and until 5 years ago, I was very active (hiking, camping, etc). I have gained about 30 lbs in that time, and I know it's because I can no longer walk like I used to. For 4 of those years, I had no health insurance, so I couldn't get my knee fixed. Now I have health insurance, but it's a pre-existing injury and well...you know. I would prefer to be thin. I eat healthy, used to exercise (and wish I still could), but I seem to be big whether or not I exercise. It's a shame that when someone is obese, it's seen as a character flaw of some kind rather than a genetic predisposition or the result of an injury of some kind, or a medical issue. Yes, I know there are people who are obese because they have poor eating habits and do not exercise, but that's not everyone. When I injured my knee, I never had an obese person yell at me to get off the department store scooter. And, keep in mind, we all have our flaws, some are just more visible than others. You may be thin and fit, but may also be a complete jackass, as evidenced by many rude and hateful comments on this posting.

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  • BaLLaPlaYa

    thats amazing

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  • fluffycloud101

    That was suppose to be ur not id

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  • kingboo

    Let them be .

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  • oliviahest

    u should see if they have their own orbits :P

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  • jellyfishman

    I PITY THA FOO! Well, no, not really

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  • If only you could yell " GET SOME EXERCISE FOO" at them...

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  • misseylolemis

    I think completelty the same

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  • pain123

    I was thinking of gaining a couple hundred pounds just so I could ride the walmart scooters! Lol

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  • dancer81

    My beat friends mother rides on one simply because she had cancer and is to weak to walk now.

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  • MrsPringle

    Err that's a little judgmental don't ya think? But everyone has different opinions so I'm not gonna be a bitch about this.

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  • Sweetz

    I want a skooter so dam bad

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  • nicoleio

    sweet man that made my day! :)

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  • Noobunderground2


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  • mluker

    No reason to hate it. Just laugh at it. Aa ha hahaha

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  • LuffySp

    I think people are too hard on large people. Medications, inherited problems, glands, thyroid. They ALL afet weight. I can admit it sometimes upsets me when I see a large person on a rascal or using a handicap spot when I see nothing but weight and no weight-related issues. BUT if the weight has caused blood flow problems or lypomas? Then why would anyone have a problem!!!

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  • PrettyDecentUsername.

    hahahaha! i think EXACTLY the same way. i always think that everytime i see an overweight person on those scooter things!

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  • orphelius

    they could also have chronic, debilitating back pain that was caused in a war, or in a car accident.

    i'd say try to understand them. if you feel like you're getting reproachful, approach the gentlemen, or lady, and ask, innocently, "how did you end up in that scooter"?

    you may get a swift slap across your cheek, but it could be therapeutic...

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  • windowlicker

    call the fat cops LMAO

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  • SilmeriaKai

    No that is perfectly normal. I feel the same way. That is why I feel guilty when I ride them (I weigh 438 lbs).

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  • Puppylove

    Some people have no gallbladder and literally can't burn fat. I know someone who eats very little, and has an extremely active lifestyle, but is very obese, because she has no gallbladder, and after each child, she didn't lose any of the weight she gained in the pregnancy.
    Once she hurt her knee, she could no longer walk for a long time because it would hurt to be on her feet. Now she's better and she doesn't use the scooter anymore, but when she used it, people were mean to her, and totally were acting like "you're only on that thing because you're a fatass", it really hurt her, because that's really not true.

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  • hiimacoolcat

    I think we should just let them use the scooters so they get even fatter and have a heart attack so we won't have to worry about them anymore.

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  • VoLoPoK

    AARGH volopok want to kill fat people; fat people make him angry.

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  • TheAftermath

    I know!!!!!!! Like seriously get of your fat ass and stop being so lazy. The morbitly obese ones make me sick.

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  • funforall

    I think citizenpremier is a fatass himself

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  • I totally agree. It gets me so angry when I see fat people in scooters. I just give them the evil eye

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  • UserFriendlyDrug

    I understand why old people use scooters, but fat people do need to get into the habbit of walking.

    But keep to yourself on this one. You don't want to blurt out something that you might regret later.

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  • I also hate it when you see ppl riding in one of those who don't even look like the have a health issue!!! (but they usually do)

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  • I hate when I see them to.

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  • bgirl888

    Dude I totally love you I feel the same way XD

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  • Thats what i think. they need to eat some celery with ranch and walk around the block.

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  • sassiecassie

    I totally agree! But at the same time, they probably can't walk or at least they can't walk far enough to get them around the store because they are so overweight! It is gross that people get so obese that they can't even go grocery shopping.

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  • thecyg

    Completely normal! I too can't stand seeing fat people riding in scooters simply because they're too fat and/or lazy to walk. Not only are they not helping themselves by doing that, but they're also contributing to the whole "america is fat" stereotype!

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  • fibonaci

    I agree they shuld get off their lazy buts and do something about it!!!!

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  • freebirdd

    All I say is they are fat asses

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  • amberlyn1021

    Some can't because of bad knees, surgery or even sickness

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  • Its normal for people to feel that way cause thats one of the reasons why there sooooo fat they don't move around and exercise enough and if they didnt ride on the motor scooters all day they might be able to loose weight..... I totally understand how u feel

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  • thesmiths

    you should meet my brother-in-law...

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  • whatever_man


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  • neyeah

    this one is the funniest ever!
    Don't worry, it's absolutely a normal reaction, i've imagined some really fat people riding scooters and yep, it give a wish to screeeam at them loudly. hehehehehe
    Keep Walking.

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  • jess_meows@the_moon

    no dude, i would jump in the scooter basket and ride with them!

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  • mieoux

    It's normal but you need to stop paying so much attention to them. Those feelings of frustration means hormones like cortisol are flooding your bloodstream and these hormones cause your body to lay down fat more quickly in unpleasant areas like the belly. So in your case getting mad at those fat people could actually make you fat.

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  • daisy

    well said but have u thought that maybe they can't walk around wall mart because they have gone 2 far with being over weight and they have bad legs or summert?

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  • PennyLanee


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  • i dont get mad, i get jealous of them for being able to ride those lol.... ill be in the store for like 3 hours and my feet will be killing me.

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  • bears09

    oh my hell!! i HATE that!! it disgusts me.. and i am overweight myself! you will NEVER find me on a scooter bc im too lazy to walk around. eff that noise!

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  • DireWolf13

    Agreed. Why waste the scooters' energy when they could get off their lazy ass and use their own energy?

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  • coconutcreampie928

    Man, i completely agree. They need to get their fatasses walking, and stop laughing and playing on scooters.

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  • ShadowRunner

    Its normal and don't listen to those who get affensive, I think the dsame thing. Get off your but, cause today most of the US is overweight and its caused by early school years especailly all you do is sit then go home to sit again to relax cause of all the work.

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  • stanley_fedoraless

    It's normal, as long as you don't actually yell at them or anything. Because that would be rude and you don't know what caused them to be so fat or what they're doing about it.

    And no, just getting up and walking around to lose the weight may not be the best thing for them, being fat can cause heart disease and damage their knees and backs and things so fat people often need to be careful about things like that. Maybe they exercise at home where they can stop when they need to or maybe they do something like swimming that puts less of a strain on fat bodies.

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  • Roxanne

    Totally true...those stupid fat idiots should just get some brains into themselves..fatheads!

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  • horny10

    That's f*ckin funny! SOOOOO true SOOOOO true !!

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  • sorry

    I looked it back up and google stated the following when I typed in stone and pound and searched.

    1 stone = 14 pounds

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  • tapdancingrocks

    I also hate it when they carry the little kids around in the baskets in the front. That is so stupid. The kid could fall out or something.

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  • IuKITyphoon

    Hahaha yep! Very well said.

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  • simba1

    Yeah! Heard it all before. My mother is overweight (5'2" and 14 stone!!!) She eats lollies like an overwound insinkerator. But,of course, this has nothing to do with her weight. She blames having me late in life(so now its my fault!!!),Having her appendix removed(logically, should have made her lose weight!!!), even having her tonsils out: (She must have kept her tonsils in a very strange place!!!) She doesnt ride a scooter though. Thank goodness for that. It wouldve got lost.LOL!!!

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    • What the hell is a "stone" when it is refered to weight?

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      • simba1

        16oz to a pound, 16 pounds to a stone

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      • I looked it up and Stone is = to 14 pounds.

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  • bigfatkittycat

    hahahahahah that's so funny!

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  • EyeOfTheStorm

    Obviously obesity is factor realed:

    1)enviornmentally, location of where someone lives
    2)psychological, how one copes emotionally; mentally
    3)family history
    5)utimately it is one's own choice to be the way that they are physically and mentally because the truth is if noone is going to do for you then you must push yourself harder and motivate yourself even if you don't want to run or walk or take that extra mile, because it's not what you want sometimes. It's all about balance in one's life.

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  • BigRedOne

    They are annoying, those fat fucks in scooters, they are always in your way driving there little scooters. Walmart should only let people with handicapped parking permits use them. Of coarse I'm sure these fatties know how to get fake permits. FAT FUCKERS!!!

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  • horseloverxx

    they would probabaly fall over!!!!lol

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  • caocaofan

    yes! they need responsibility about they own weight, because everyone has choice to diet (try to diet) or not...

    i knew that loose weight it was really "hard" things but still depends they owns.

    i agree that what you said. they sould be stand up walk for few minutes it's better then none try and just sit, on scooters.

    really hard imagination about the fattiness in their fat bodys!

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  • wontwork

    oh yea, i guess it could be normal, but keep it to yourslef!

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  • QueenLiz123

    Well I was watching Half-Ton Dad and at the begining there were pictures of obese people and like a couple of them were in Wal*mart riding those scooters and I'm think wow so they got from eating so much and now they're taking all scooters

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  • sarah8362

    i get how its TOTALLY contradicting of them-they could walk and lose that weight, but no, they chose to ride the scooters, GAINING more. you gotta acknowledge that you don't know their story. no one has a right to judge anyone else, but its understandable that you think its not fair. i think as long as they dont start yelling at you for something along those lines, we shouldnt be yelling at them. its their life, their responsiblity, but because they chose to ride their scooters, they cant say its not their fault theyre overweight (aside from any health reasons in which they originally gained the weight-they can stil lose it)

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  • ugabugadog

    seriously that would annoy the shite out of me too >.<

    you should seriously just like drop something right in front of their wheel and leave like you didn't notice like a box of cereal or something really heavy or a spool of thread or string to get all caught up.

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  • Dollface13

    Thats so funny...you especially see alot of that in L.A but over here in chicago you get laughed at. Ha, in L.A you can get away with being a freckin alien if you wanted to.
    uuuu nothing but a town of wannabe fashionista freaks.......Chi towns my place for sure

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  • Loveybabe1213

    YES I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!! Evrybody knows America is fat so it's not helping that Wal-Mart is accomodating them to their bad habits!!!

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  • MapleSyrup

    Im overweight dislike sweets and I was told i'm over weight because i don't eat enough. I eat once or twice a day. Go figure.

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    • erocablok

      Im sure you dont like sweets with a name like that! If both of your meals are at fast food restaurants and you dont workout I just solved yout problem rite there. Someone should give these people helmets cause they sure are special.

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  • EmoLoveIsForever

    my mom is fat but she hurt her knee so they mite be hurt w/o u knowing.

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    • plugy

      to true

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  • shiranaru

    sometimes these people can't walk because there's so much wieght.

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  • hallo101

    a large percent of people are fat because they choose to be lazy and fat, they have NO RIGHT to be offended when you call them fat because its CLEARY their FAULT!!!!

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  • Coaster

    assholes... all of ya!!! ignore them and go on with ur buisness. what if u had a injury that disabled u from walkin. like poison from a snake. or a bullet from a gun. u dont know a danm thing about these people. so u carry out your anger and frustrations on is it normal .com . LOSERZ.

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  • lilshorty57

    It mite be mean but it's so true they need to get off there lazy butts and on to the treadmill! I think it's pretty normal to think that

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  • yaboiiii

    Yess! Normal! Gosh my friends mom and his grandma are just two obese ladies. They are capable of walking but they are just so goshdarn lazy!! I hate lazy people! Just get up and walk dang it! U fat people suck, get up and walk before u break that poor little scooter, it's probly not even made for your weight!

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  • kushking

    the only people that didnt agree are those fat losers

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  • chairs

    @ citizenpremier. Agreed. Not everyone is fat just because they are lazy. Some illnesses and disorders cause this. It's not really anybody's business but their own if they're fat.

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  • beccaboo

    I just think you are very immature and need to worry about yourself there are many people out there that can't help the fact that they are big but then again there are a ton of you son of a bitch's out there!!

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  • 1u5t

    I hate fat lazy people!!!!!

    Props to the fatties @ the gym!!!

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  • Haha I get sooooo frustrated when I see fat pple being diliberately lazy. Maybe they wudnt be so fat if they'd exercise or something! Or get off their lazy asses and move!

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  • Kaiote

    oh and some of the fat people im sure would lose like ten pounds just getting of the couch. 1000000-10=999800 more pounds to go!

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  • queenZEBRA

    Fatties really need to WALK!!! Not eat a bucket of fried chicken while riding a scooter!!!! The least they can do is move themselfs with their arms

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  • cgirl123456

    why don't you cut people a break? I'm sure there are things about YOU that THEY would get malicious pleasure from pointing out!

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  • mybuttholesmellsofshit

    fuck fat people. most of them could be skinny if they werent so fucking lazy. good thing those heart attacks take care of most of em.

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  • MillaKappilla

    some have diseases, so they cannot do anything about it... like if their bones are soft.

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  • Teenageguydan

    the only excuse for obesety is peoples own damn fault!!!

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  • Gonzo

    Fat people use up shitloads of your tax money. You should care.

    I say we kill them and use them for insulation.

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  • olizmagicalmojo

    wal-marts in america,of corse there gunna be god damn FUCKIN FAT PEOPLE! i have a thing id do if i was king of the world, id make all fat people shoot them selfs, but then again that would mean no americans, also, if i was god, i would either make there heads explode or make em zmobies, coz it would be fun too kick there ass, and they would be slow, so start a clan LLL Luu Lluts Llan, and we go around dressed in brown and burn giant F's on fat peoples front gardens. HAHAHAHAAAA

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  • herbivore

    "Am I just really cold hearted, or are there other people out there who think the same way?"
    There is something seriously wrong with that question. Those are 2 completely different ideas. Normal does not equal right. Most people are dicks, so if you hold yourself to that standard, that may be the answer you're looking for.

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    • No, there is nothing wrong with thinking this way. I have Multiple Sclerosis and they mock my ass by riding those scooters, not because they are or they know about my condition but one day I might need one and some fatass is on it.

      I have an overweight fiance and honestly, she begged me to never let her ride one, ever. She's working on it but lets just say if there is a fire, I wouldn't be able to lift her.

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  • msglamorous

    have you ever thought about that the person may have been skinny and then became disable were they couldnt walk and maybe they gained wait because they couldnt excersize because of their disablilty......have you ever thought about that

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  • CuppycakeXD


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    Your just a dumb asshole. I personaly weigh 460 pounds i only eat only one small meal a day and walk 5 miles a day for my job im a pipeliner i can work you ass under the table any day. There are weight problems that dont cone frome over earing suxh as a thiroids and diebeties so read up on some medecal conditions before you go to judging others.

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  • UrbanArtLover

    A simple case of frustration. No need 2 worry, i feel the same way, but about teenagers...

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    • uncreative89

      Your an idiot.

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  • amoronorma

    i love you ...

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    • shadow1004

      i love you too...lol... no really i mean wanna date? are u single? i really want to get to know u...

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  • WildChildTDC

    think people, why are they fat in the first place? CUZ THEY ATE LIKE PIGS!
    so yu say it's cuz other people, for calling them fat, which makes them fatter?
    they decided to be too fking lazy to run around so they stay home and watch tv and eat chips like pigs. they got no one to blame but themselves.
    i agree with sweetie07, disorders are bullcrap to make them feel better. guess what that does? MAKE THEM THINK ITS OK TO EAT LIKE PIGS AND NOT EXERCISE

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