Evolution for dummies

Can you give me a simple explanation for Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.. I come from a highly religious country where it isn't taken seriously and people just say its impossible we came from monkeys..

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Comments ( 10 )
  • poolmansk8

    We did not come from monkies. Monkeys and us have common ancestor from which we both evolved from.
    Basically evolution by natural selection goes like this.
    1 there are more animals/plants "born" that can possibly survive.
    2 Those individuals that have special characteristics that allow them to survive are more likely to survive and pass this characteristic down to their young.
    3 Most of these young will not survive and the same slow process goes on until a new species is produced.

    Evolution happens quickest when their has been an extinction event when there are niches to be filled.

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  • Nickvey

    Darwin put forth a theory , it was just wrong thats all. for instance we claim europeans had sex with neanderthals and 2-7 percent of our genes are neanderthal , then someone will say , show use a fossil of a neanderthal /human and they cant find one.

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  • LonelyBlossom

    This could be a good introduction to the subject :)

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  • Nickvey

    Darwin was about as intelligent as the average eighth grader when it came to science. he never heard of DNA, RNA, enzymes . or apparently entropy. any way , all life on earth uses DNA with the same four base pairs. this means all life now on earth happened from one event. it means life arose only one time on earth . evolutionists of today can't explain why. it should have happened many times with an assortment of base pairs but it didnt.

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    • lordofopinions

      They did not know about DNA, RNA, enzymes and all that in Darwin's day. Darwin came up with the theory of evolution when his ship stopped at the very remote Galapagos Islands and saw species he or anyone else had never seen. He concluded that life had evolved over a long period of time to survive in that location. This was at the time when the creation theory was widely accepted and taught by the church. To suggest anything else was heresy. I always ask these creationist's what day did God make all the fossils?

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  • Nastynate

    "All these smart-ass scientists who say we come descended from monkeys!...that's not my culture and heritage."

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    • lordofopinions

      The truth will set you free. Get out of the dark ages.

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    • lordofopinions

      You're right. We didn't evolve from monkeys. We had a common ancestor. Homo Sapiens (us) went one way up the evolutionary ladder and monkeys or hominids took a different path. Monkeys and us share 97% of our DNA proving we are related but in the distant past.

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  • Ratmanforelife

    We evolved from fruit flies. That's a proven fact. That's why we like fruit cocktail so much. OK? End of story.

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  • e51pegasi

    Google 'evolution for dummies'.

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