Ever had a weirdo stalker?

Ever had a weirdo obsessed with you? Like maybe he's obsessed with your social media. Or maybe he finds ways to look at what you post on websites. Have you ever had a creepy person on the internet or in person that was obsessed?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah. It was mostly single lesbian chicks over the years. I'm 99.9 percent sure that they weren't actually in love with me or attracted to me in any way. They were just desperate because most chicks don't want other women, they want a husband, so when they found me, they clung on. XD

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    • SkullsNRoses

      They just wanted your Cuntsicklestick...

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        They can't have the secret to my cuntsiclestick! Its mine and mine alone!

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    • Meowypowers

      Mostly chicks too, is it too crazy, I would love a boy fan.

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  • vispii

    many actually. people have waited outside my window, left "gifts" on my front porch while i'm away, make fake profiles to try and get back into contact with me, befriend my other friends (worst one was my roommate) and use them to get to me, one ex even tried dating my best friend to get to me, emailed me sexually harrassing emails from multiple accounts, leaving notes taped to my car, following me around a store, trading my toiletries for theirs, following me to my pickup spot, watching me sleep, trying to drug me...the list goes on. i'm a chick and none of these fuks got to me and i am CONTIUNALLY grateful for the strength, perserverance and support to get thru this shite.

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  • Sarah_Is_Jimins_Number_1_Fan

    Hehe i have finally found you....

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  • bbrown95

    The closest I've had was some random wrong number caller who was convinced I was actually the person he was looking for, and called me at all hours of the day and night from different numbers (since I kept blocking them after he wouldn't stop, so he moved on to others and I'm sure borrowed friends' phones), and had a friend (or maybe it was him pretending to be someone else, I'm not sure) try to text me as well. I received like 50 missed calls within the span of a few minutes from some of the blocked numbers at varying times (my phone never rang, but I saw it in my call history), anywhere from midnight, 4 a.m., 8 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m., etc. The guy must have not had a job in order to have the time to do that, and my best guess was that whoever gave him my number made up a random one that just so happened to be mine because the guy obviously couldn't take no for an answer.

    I finally got pissed after he woke me up in the middle of the night for the second or third time and chewed him out, blocked that number, but he still kept trying! It was a local caller ID and was starting to freak me out a bit after it had been going on for some time, then all of a sudden it finally stopped.

    When I was trying to figure out how to block unknown and private numbers on my phone (scam calls are extremely annoying), I ended up coming across filtered out text messages I never received that were sent during the same time frame this was going on, in which the person was discreetly but obviously talking about trying to sell drugs to whomever the recipient was intended to be. I'm sure it was probably the same guy (didn't bother to compare numbers).

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  • Holzman_67

    Yeah I had a girl stalk me for years, it was quite intense for a 5 year period, then it died off, then came back again for a bit.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I'm not attractive, rich, famous or very interesting so no.

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    • LloydAsher

      Yeah I thought I was in that category too. Then i got a stalker... that was a bitch to deal with.

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  • Tommythecaty


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  • Tinybird

    Yep. He also found out where I lived and friended my mum and sent her weird explicit lyrics he made up

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