Drinking issue?

I got drunk last night but I am now drinking with the intention of getting drunk the next day at 1pm? I felt depressed so I started drinking again. I puked again but I still am drinking. I will clean up the mess later. I am sitting at my desk just enjoying this beer, I could sit here all day. The best feeling ever. All my problems are going away.

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Comments ( 6 )

    This will work for a while but eventually the drinking just creates more issues and it prevents you from solving or getting over the existing issues from the start.

    The other problem is that, unlike with heavy smoking, with habitually drinking until the point of your body rejecting it (throwing up) and then continuing to drink, serious bodily damage isn't something that's just more likely to happen but that almost always _does_ happen.

    The liver doesn't experience pain. If you get really lucky the inflammation will hurt the surrounding area enough for you to realize you're messing up early, but more often you just discover you're kind of fucked out of nowhere and now have a way more serious problem than what you were drinking away.

    At the rate you're moving, this isn't some threat but your definite future. In that future you'll wish you could go back in time and simply not do this to yourself. Right now you're that person, back in time. Don't do it to yourself.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You sound like an alcoholic.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Your problems will only get worse. Drinking hides your problem and destroys your ambition to stay on top of many other things so they become problems as well...

    I suggest you seek help now... to minimize the hole you are digging.

    Call an AA group in your area. They may not be the exact right group for you... but they will get you started and provide support until you find a more appropriate group if they are not the right fit for you.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Seek help mate, theres help out there waiting for you. There are so many people out there that get it and will show you a new way to live and how to get the same relief you get from alcohol.

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  • Meowypowers

    Puking isn't good at all and a binder should only last two days

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  • greekfish

    I think you should get help before this gets worse because it sounds as if you are an alcoholic or possibly becoming one. It may feel good now but the future is what I want you to think about.

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