Donuts in peoples yards

When I was 16 I was a maniac with my truck. I would drive through ppls yards in the middle of the night just spinning the tires. I would do this to people I didnt like usually or id use random ppls yards to cut through to another street that was hard to get to

Anyway this one girl and her mom use to live not too far from my friend so we would get bored and go terrorize peoples yards. We use to go through her yard at 3am doing donuts until we noticed she booby trapped it. But she knew it was us but didnt have proof. Anyway one day she confronted me randomly and said "I know you were the one that took a shit on my front porch!". I couldnt help but bust out laughing and say "someone shit on your porch!?" And she said "yeah you're laughing because it was you!" I really did not shit on her porch though and to this day I find it hilarious some random person shit on her porch

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Comments ( 5 )
  • LornaMae

    Some people are so socially retarded that they terrorize others and shit on their porch. Fuck empathy, eh?

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  • Blade884

    My friends live in affluent neighborhood. Big houses with big lawns and driveways, etc. We went over for a visit, and the night before some kids (they ended up catching one of them) raced their jacked up trucks across people's lawns, one on one side of the street, and 1 on the other.

    What was different from before, because this happened to lesser degree there before, like cutting across lawns on corners, or thru someone front then back fence to go back into fields in back. But this time my friend's neighbor 2 doors down left their sports car, I think it was a porche, down the driveway a little bit. there was shrubby next to it, so the truck driver didn't see the car there and when he came thru he clipped/ran over the back end of the car. We saw the car when we drove by on our visit.

    My friends had fence smashed, landscaping driven thru, and because of tree line on other end, the truck must have skid to avoid hitting trees, then sped out of there throwing up mud onto the house, covering the 1st & 2nd story, even the gutter. I told my friend amazing it didn't break one of his windows.

    I get the excitement these hellyuns probably experienced, but they did this during the day. When most/all the people were at work. What if a kid was walking down driveway. most yards had landscaping or trees or shrubs that you coudln't see thru on property line next to their driveways.

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  • libertybell

    When I first read the heading I thought this post was going to be about putting actual doughnuts into people's yards. 🍩🍩🍩

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    • Blade884

      Hahahaha me too! glad I'm not only one...hehehehe

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  • Somenormie

    You donut.

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