Does it make me a bad person if i don't date a fat person?

I just don't find those types of people attractive. I tried to, but I just couldn't. I'm a very active person and they couldn't keep up with me. I also like to eat healthy, and they didn't. I also just don't like how they look. I have no problem with them. I just don't see them as a potential partners.

Yes 8
No 48
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Comments ( 14 )
  • jtbmetal123

    No, you're just not attracted to fat people.

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  • mchoro20

    You aren't a bad person. Everyone has preferences. Even those who say "I only like people for their personality" have judgements about peoples appearances. You are completely normal for that.

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  • _Mehhhh_

    No I think it's normal.

    Biologically, we've evolved to prefer traits in others we read as "healthy". It is what it is. We look for visual cues that suggest the person is in good health, and will therefore be able to contrubite to our life situations better and will probably live longer.

    I wouldn't be rude trashy cunt about it, but personally I wouldn't date a fat person either. I don't need guys to have perfect gym bodies to be dateable, I can deal with some chub if he's still a reasonably healthy weight and not outright fat, but I want a healthy partner. I'm also quite physically active and I value the same in a partner, I don't want to have to stop every 5 minutes for food, or to let you catch your breath, when I go out with you.

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    It's fine if that's not what you're into then you're not into it. Just as long as you aren't mean to people for being overweight

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  • Tealights


    Just don't find yourself a chubby person and try to mold them into a skinny person; because you're dating the person they are currently, not the person you think they can become.

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  • Drunkuncle

    If you're not into them, you're not into them. It's preference

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  • MrsEdGein

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  • justbecause11

    Then don't look at them as potential partners. You have your preferences and that's fine, but think that just because they are overweight that can't or aren't active. I live in area with tons of bicycle races, marathons, iron man competitions, triathlons and such and I see plenty of "overweight" people competing in those events. Just about every single day I see and "over weight" person running or biking, swimming and they've done if for years and are still heavy. You are making a judgement of a person from information that you have been spoon fed by the liberal media and politicians. I would say you are a judgmental person, not a bad person, maybe a dick.

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      If anything, the liberal SJW feminazi media preaches fat acceptance and shames men who shun fatties.

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      • justbecause11

        I haven't seen anyone preaching fat acceptance. Quite the opposite in fact.

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    • "You are making a judgement of a person from information that you have been spoon fed by the liberal media and politicians. I would say you are a judgmental person, not a bad person, maybe a dick."

      I've dated fat people who claimed to be fit and none of them could keep up with me. Women and men who were fit could. I also don't like how fat looks. I've seen people say on TV that not dating anyone overweight makes someone a bad person and that all the health complications overweight people have are a myth. I'm not falling for THAT version of the liberal media.

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      • justbecause11

        I don't care if you date fat people or not. That's up to you. I could really care less. I don't date blonds because I don't find most of them attractive. I think you're judgemental for looking at someone and making a snap judgement about their life. From my experience, just because a person is fat, does not mean they are not fit.

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    • nikkiclaire

      I don't understand your logic. The only way to gain weight is to store calories in the form of muscle or fat. To do this your caloric intake must be more than you burn. There is no way to do this other than by eating or drinking. Fat doesn't just appear.

      Perhaps you are seeing these overweight people because they are on a short term "get fit" bent but there is no way of gaining weight without consuming.

      *yes water weight can have an effect too, which I didn't mention.

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      • justbecause11

        I don't believe I said anything about why people get fat, just that the OP was judgemental for making a snap judgement that fat people aren't or can't be fit or healthy. That was it.

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