Does bigfoot exist?

Bigfoot, Sasquatch, whatever you wanna call it, has been a popular urban legend for a very long time now. So popular that they even made whole TV-series dedicated to finding this creature. So, what do you think? Do Sasquatches exist, or is it completely made-up?

Bigfoot exists 12
Bigfoot doesn't exist 25
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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    holy fuck boys its a samsquanch

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  • barstool

    Almost definitely. There's even big foot footage. Big-footage, if you will. There wouldn't be footage if it wasn't real. Footage.

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    • growinUTubr

      yeah, and there is footage of nessy floating acrossed a pond. oh wait that was a inflatable

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  • paramore93

    It's possible, or at least there were bigfoot-like creatures in the recent past. Thinking about how many branches of homo there have been throughout history, it's possible others survived but lived in areas humans didn't go to. I mean there are probably still human tribes we haven't discovered yet.
    I want to believe!

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  • TerriAngel

    I'll say possible.
    I won't say where to look.
    Some places don't need a bunch of urban idiots flooding in.
    Consider this:
    The world is a very large place.
    Yes,cities are crowded.
    But, there are still areas few have tread.
    A few steps off the highway, you're invisible.

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