Does anyone else do this with their cats

So, sometimes when i'm playing with my cat i just lightly toss her onto my bed. Not violently, just like less than a foot. Is this considered okay? Because it is not hurting her and she continues to play with me after i do this.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • HappyGreenHills

    It's only violent if you throw her into the ceiling fan

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    • freakinnoodle24


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  • libertybell

    Why would they do that?! That's so mean and disturbing!

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  • Dogkiller

    I remember watching my cousins taking a box full of kittens that they bought from a auction and feeding them to their hunting dogs. One after the other, ripped to shreds. I was only like 6 yrs old, so I didn't understand that they were training the dogs.

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  • SpookyPancake

    Cats in nature playfight each other and jump down from high places. Normal. It won't hurt her.

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  • SoulfulPassion

    I do the same thing to my cats once in a great while, when I play with them. So yes, it's perfectly normal to me. It's fine as long as you toss them to a soft surface, like beds, and as long as you don't do it often. Cats are very agile, so tossing them on the bed won't hurt them at all.

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  • Darkknight

    Sounds playful enough to me !

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  • RoseIsabella

    Probably, but I prefer to fuss over my cat and treat him as gently as I would an infant, well probably more so, but you get the picture.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    As long as it's in a soft playful way and it's not hurting them, then it's normal. I used to do this with a chicken I used to have named Strawberry. After I put her on the bed she'd fly back to me, give me this "Wheee again! Again!" look and I'd do it again a few times. If I didn't, she'd cluck/cackle impatiently until I gave her what she wanted. She was a good hen.

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