Do you use one or both hands to type on your phone?

Just curious, I see younger people using both hands while I use just one.

I'm trying to use both to see if I can type faster but I get lotsa words wrong while trying it.

Should I make an effort to be faster? Is it worth it?

Can you please state your age as well?

One 13
Two 15
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Comments ( 27 )
  • lordofopinions

    I'm 72 and was always a two finger typist as I was in hardware and then software support and didn't do a lot of typing. When I got a cell phone I use my "up yours" finger to type and hold the phone in the other hand.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I always use two hands. 20 yo

    And fun fact, I actually prefer to type my papers for school on this thing rather than use a computer with a real keyboard. So I have the docs app on my phone and I'll type it here then sign in and upload it on my computer. So I've literally types 35,000 word long shit on my tiny phone and poeple think it's so weird.

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    • You fuckin serious???? You don't respect the Academy then... but we already knew that!! hahaha

      Did you do it all while working on your biceps or quads?

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Yes I'm serious LornaMae.

        No I don't type while I'm at the gym. My biceps are weak too don't remind me. My quads on the other hand, are fucking huge and separated :)

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        • Tell me more! What are your V-lines like? That's all I find super sexy in a guy's bod!

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            My V-lines? As in obliques? My obliques are developed pretty well although abs not so much, especially lower abs are lagging.

            Fine, here is my more/less developed muscle groups. Imagine me 6'4", 260-265 pounds and about 20% bf.

            Calves, poor
            Quads, excellent
            Hamstrings, decent
            Glutes, excellent
            Lower back, decent
            Lower abs, poor
            Upper abs, decent
            Obliques, decent
            Lats, decent
            Upper back/traps, excellent
            Chest, excellent
            Shoulders, excellent
            Biceps, poor
            Triceps, poor

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  • Aethylfritha

    I only text/ type with my pointer finger .

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  • 19sammi91

    Depends on the situation.. I'm both one handed and 2 handed (mainly 2) each to their own I guess

    28 F

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  • EnglishLad

    Hold the phone with one hand, type with the other

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  • Walk

    Both thumbs to type, 19

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  • LloydAsher

    I use both if I'm typing something long like this. If I'm using one it's just for short type or sexting.

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  • JustAHuman

    Both hands. Both thumbs to type. 54.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    right index finger only

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  • ellnell

    I have to use both because my thumb can't reach across the whole screen. 😅 Phones are too big nowadays.

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  • Nikclaire

    By one handed do you mean holding the phone in one hand and pecking with the other, or do you mean one handed swipe text with the other hand free of the device?

    Personally I either swipe with one hand (not preferred) or two handed thumb text.


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  • Boojum

    I'm in my sixties and a touch-typist on a normal keyboard, but when I use a phone I hold it in one hand and tap the keyboard with my forefinger. Up until about six months ago, my phone was a really cheap Motorola with a tiny screen, and the only time I ever typed on it was to send texts. I did that as little as possible, since my hands are big, my fingers aren't that limber and I need reading glasses for small print. I bought a larger phone a few months ago, and that makes typing somewhat easier, but it's still a pain.

    My daughter will soon be twelve years old and she got her first phone last Christmas. I happened to see her typing something on it a couple of weeks ago, and I was amazed at how fast she was after having the phone for less than a month. She's a semi-touch-typist on a normal keyboard (not a two-finger pecker, but she doesn't keep her wrists stationary), and I'm pretty sure that with predictive text she's faster on the phone.

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  • litelander8

    I’m using one now. But if I’m typing something very long, I’ll use two to spread things up. 26.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I tend to drop my phone if I use just one hand. Also, my thumb doesn't reach all the letters. I have small hands. So two seems like the obvious choice for me.

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    • 41? What does that mean?? Not your age!

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      • howaminotmyself

        How is it not my age?

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  • I use one most of the time, but sometimes I use 2.

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    • Any deets to clarify? Age, for instance?

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  • Mammal-lover

    I do both methods depends what I'm doing it's easier to type with both though

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    • I feel rage texting is when people use it... is that a fact?

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      • Mammal-lover

        Uh what?

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        • I see people using both hands when they're fighting online, understand?

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          • Mammal-lover

            Ah. I guess man. Mind just depends what I'm doing how I'm positioned etc

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