Do you think some people are destined to be single?

I have met some single people who don't seem to be happy with being in a relationship. Do you think that every single people will meet the right person one day, or do you think some single people are meant to stay that way?

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Comments ( 30 )
  • elpotato

    Yes, some people are just bad breeding stock. Nature did not intend for everyone to pass on their genes.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      I wish more people knew this. Over the years, I've known people with fibromyalgia, scoliosis, diabetes, and few other medical issues who passed these down to their kids and regretted it because of how much their kids physically and financially suffered in adulthood.

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    • farkelu

      That's a really sad and offensive way to put it. There are a lot more people breeding that shouldn't. They can't afford kids, or they're on some kind of public assistance. You must be some special kind of stupid.

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  • ellnell

    Yeah. Some people are aromantic as in they don't fall in love.
    Others may have issues commiting. That doesn't necessarily mean you are destined to be single but if you don't want to work out those issues it kinda does.

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  • Grunewald

    Is anyone destined to be anything?

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    • nopurpose

      To be - hardly since by the end of the day if you becone something depends not only on the opportunity provided but also one's free choice to take it or not. But we're definitely destined NOT to be certain things..

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    • SwickDinging

      I was going to say this.

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  • bbrown95

    I am one of those people who isn't happy in a relationship (but really enjoys being alone), and yes, I do think that some people simply aren't meant to be in a relationship.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      It’s not for everyone. The propaganda that marriage and 2.5 babies is the universal key to happiness is bullshit.

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      • bbrown95

        I agree! I hate that propaganda as well, and blame it for part of the reason some people feel the need to settle for unhappy and unhealthy relationships just because they feel it's "bad" to be single. Same with having kids (in fact, my heart breaks on the occasion I hear or read about a parent who regrets and/or doesn't love their children; imagine being one of those kids and having to know that). I definitely think people should feel less pressured to marry and have children, and only do it if and when they want to.

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  • YE

    I gave up on trying to force life to go in any certain direction.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I believe there is an appropriate partner out there for everyone. It may take a long time to find.

    I was 55 when I finally found the lady of my dreams for my life partner and married. Its all worked out and we are amazingly in love with each other 9 years after we first met.

    Set your standards and be patient... Keep looking too... Your ideal partner is out there...

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    • Bazinga

      Sorry. I'm 70 and I never found her. My life would have been better if I never believed in your fairy tale.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I was very frustrated on how long it took... as I assumed I'd be married in my 20's with multiple kids by the mid 30's. But I never stopped looking; and had lots of fun along the way (and the disappointments when things did not work out).

        You do have to have a positive attitude and keep hoping, praying, and looking. Sounds like you've become negative; and I have no idea how long that has been. That's a turn off to other potential partners.

        I'd suggest becoming positive - and there are lots of single ladies in their 70's looking for someone to share their life with... If you can accept that they have a previous marriage and kids.

        Go for it!

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        • Bazinga

          Listen. Life is brighter thru rose colored glasses. And yes, a positive attitude can trigger positive outcomes. But, I have bad facial scarring, and terrible looking teeth. If you were more aware of the unrealistic perceptions that cognitive biases cause, you would understand the damaging effects of your advice that, while good for 95% of the population, causes shame, disappointment, terrible feelings of rejection in the remaining 5%.

          The point is that some people get hurt by the idealism of others. Please remember that. And, please be more respectful of disfigured, handicapped, and the truly ugly.

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          • olderdude-xx

            I have a substantial facial scar... from a birth defect - everyone notices (and I was extremely teased as a child for it). I used to have a severe speech impediment... people teased me a lot. It took years of work on my part with speech therapist to improve to a more normal speech.

            I grew up in severe poverty... and my family was from the "wrong" side of the tracks socially. Was bullied as a child due to all of the above.

            I've got health issues that prevents me from spending much time out of the house... and overnight trips usually take a half a vehicle of health equipment and supplies so I can stay somewhere else safely.

            I understand those issues... They didn't hold me down; and they and similar issues have not held others down.

            My 1st millionaire business mentor had horrible crocked teeth, and sprayed water (spit) on anyone within a few feet of him when he talked. People flocked to be around him. He mentored over 80 people to millionaire status from usually nothing or well in debt (and he started as an alcoholic potato shed worker before someone showed him how to become successful).

            I've seen paraplegics in wheelchairs build businesses and become self supporting.

            Just because you have a disability or don't look so nice - is not an excuse, unless you make it so for yourself - and that's on you.

            Sometimes it has taken me months to be able to figure out how I can function in society with my then latest health situation.... I'm well aware of many others who gave up and just said I have to sit at home and do nothing. I always have found a way (and its rarely cheap or easy).

            I don't hold anything against the handicapped or ugly. I've seen too many of them succeed in life.

            I've not seen anything that shows that your brain was severely handicapped.

            I've seen positivity work many many times... But, it's up to the individual to make it work.

            You are free to blame life on your limited limitations... but, don't expect me or many others to believe that they are the root cause.

            I truly hope that you can change your attitude and progress in life. Life is worth living if you make it so...

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            • TheMightyOz

              Yes, but you can fuck women. What about eunuchs like me? I have a rubber tube up my cock. I am pathetic. Yes, I could take an acting lesson, become charming, I suppose. But what would you do if you were a woman who unzipped a guy and found a rubber tube running up his cock?

              Ya know what? If you didn't slap him, you'd run away as fast as possible.
              This link provides visual details, please view it before responding.

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  • nopurpose

    Yeah, it's karmic punishment or life challenge - to give your heart to God

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    • YE

      Or natal Venus opposition natal Saturn, if I may add an astrological point.

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      • nopurpose

        Is that ypur case? Idk about that but I have combust Venus so..
        You seem an interesting person, astrology has always been interesting for me

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        • YE

          Yeah, I do happen to have this tricky aspect in my natal chart. And yes I figured out earlier in life that there was something peculiar about my love life before stumbling on astrology. An interesting person? Sure, when I'm with like-minded people it's easy to understand the shock people who don't know me quite well feel when they see me owning the room.

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  • Taka

    Think it just depends on the type of person. It's totally normal if somebody doesn't feel like being in a relationship, especially if they've actually already been in one (or more) previously.

    Heck, for the majority of my life I didn't care about being single until I met people I was interested in.. though after having gone through 1 relationship I don't even know if I want to be in 1 or not... like - I like certain aspects of being together with somebody, but at the same time it also changes how you live your life

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  • freakyman69

    i don't. i actually think theres somebody out there for everyone. sometime they just don't find each other. a lot of the time really.

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    • GuvnorsOtherWoman

      Somebody out there for everyone? I sincerely hope not, friend. I don't want or need anyone.

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  • JustAHuman

    I'm 54, male. Never found anyone. I've given up. I'm destined to be single.

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  • Somenormie

    No they haven't tried harder enough.

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  • freelarking

    The older I get the more it seems I'm not meant for anyone.

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    • LloydAsher

      Until you get old enough and then boom your competition dies off.

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      • freelarking

        Yeah I'm gonna kill it in the retirement homes...

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