Do you think pfizer vaccine is safe?

I just got my first Pfizer vaccine 2 and half days ago, and I basically had no side effects whatsoever, and I still feel fine. However, I'm getting freakin sick of seeing website article after another stating serious health dangers with each one! They're saying that even if you feel totally fine, the vaccine still may've damaged your heart and you could land in ICU at any time. They're saying something similar to that about each covid19 vaccination! Me not getting my first vaccine at all was put off all this time due to my worries about what the vaccines may do to me. But I also got sick of worrying about landing in ICU or dying from covid19 itself. I finally decided the other day that the Pfizer seemed the safest of them all, Johnson&Johnson caused dangerous blood clots and Moderna caused serious heart swelling. But now I'm seeing shit saying that Pfizer can do the same thing. I've already gotten my first Pfizer, do I have a high or low chance of getting a serious reaction, in spite of me not getting any yet the past couple of days?

Also, what website about, not just about vaccines or covid19, but about any topic under the sun, is stating the complete and total truth about that topic? How do I know which website is truly stating hard carved-in-stone facts, when so many different websites are stating so many different things which each of them swear as facts? There are so many different websites which swear different "facts" on which are the best vitimins to fight cancer, which is the most effective diet for weightloss, which car last the most miles before breaking down, etc. It's like that on the internet now on just about any topic you can think of. Even topics on science are like that. How do we know which are true facts of a particular topic when so many websites have different responses on what the facts of that topic are?

I know I've basically gone into detail on 2 different topics here, but I'd really appreciate if anyone reading this can try to come up with their thoughts on either one, or both

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Comments ( 35 )
  • charli.m

    Every single medication has a very tiny, minuscule even, chance of a given list of side effects. It's up to the individual to decide, preferably with the assistance of a medical professional, if they have medical issues, whether or not it's right for them.

    My country has put most of their energy into the Astrazeneca vaccine, because it is able to be manufactured here. They're now advising that people under 50 don't use that one. Our Pfizer supply is limited.

    If I am not able to get the Pfizer, I feel for me personally, the risk of blood clots from Astrazeneca does not outweigh the overall risk of covid. I will take the Astrazeneca if I am not allocated a Pfizer.

    I still would prefer the Pfizer because it seems like a better vaccine all round, but I'll be happy just to get one. I'm incredibly grateful that I even have options. Too many people don't even have one vaccine option.

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    • Tinybird

      that's exactly the reason why I have tomophobia

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      • charli.m

        I wouldn't call an injection an "invasive procedure"...

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        • Tinybird

          someone sticking a fucking needle into my arm and injecting a foreign substance into it is not invasive?!!!

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    • You got a point. I'm starting to think now that I was worrying too much about some potential serious underlying effect from the Pfizer I got 3 days ago. I feel fine, so I guess I'll not worry otherwise now unless I'm given some new reason to do so.

      I'm still curious on my other point about how to know which websites really do contain actual facts or not

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      • charli.m

        Critical thinking.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I had the Pfizer vaccine.
    After the second injection you may feel mild flu-like symptoms for a day or two. I felt sort of tired, achy and an overall blah feeling. Nothing too serious. It passes. The day after the shot I spent mostly just resting & napping.

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    • I'm sure that's all I'll feel too. Since I felt absolutely nothing from my first Pfizer, I can't see my second one giving me anything beyond mild flu symptoms. I was more worried last night about some more serious underlying situation that I don't have symptoms from yet, like a damaged heart. But I'm starting to think now that I worried too much about that, and that I'm reading too many of these damn websites that'll tell you anything but swear them in as facts (which brought in the other point I made about being confused about which website really contain hard facts).

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  • Whatintarnation

    I got the Phizer probably a month and half ago now. Arm was sore after the first one and I felt like crap for a day after the second. It's been a pretty common occurrence for most of the people I know that have gotten that or Moderna. I feel fine. I wouldn't worry about it.

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    • Yes, I'm starting to realize now that I was worrying too much last night when posting this. I was just reading too many websites. I think now that I'll be fine from the vaccines

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  • Somenormie

    It could be or it could not be either way.

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    • Yeah. It's why I was confused and worrying last night. I'm not worrying as much now. I guess nobody knows for sure. But one thing I do know is that reading many dozens of websites can get your worrying higher

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      • isitnormal_1

        I would stay away from the dozens of websites. People are trying to market this thing as dangerous often because of politics this year or are trying to come up with reasons not to take it. Whereas vaccines in history have been safe (measles, polio). I’ve never seen someone reject a flu shot.

        I’m all for people being aware/having choice, but talk to your doctor if you’re still concerned, every vaccine is just dead virus cells.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You know what I know has almost a 0% risk to me? Covid19

    Idk anything about the vaccine but I'm not scared of covid at all. My whole family has had it. I probably did too, my wife tested positive for antibodies. Sister, brother in law, ppl at work. Its not as bad as they say it is. If you got health problems thats a different story. Im not saying the vaccine is bad but why should I get some injection if the virus is no risk to me?

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    • LornaMae

      Oh, ok. Nearly 500 THOUSAND people dead here because of it... and then people like you... tsk

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        when you account for the rate of people who get covid and do not get tested that the actual death rate from covid is around 0.02% and that number is even far lower in healthy people. This is from the CDC itself I can link you the study.

        If 100 people have covid
        0 people are tested
        Thats 0 covid cases

        The actual number of people getting covid is gonna be atleast triple the amount of "confirmed cases". Like I said my wife had it. My sister had it brother in law had it. I live in what was once the #1 hottest spot for covid in the country. Lots of people I know got it.

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        • LornaMae

          Hey! Tell that to the 475,000 + families here affected by deaths of their loved ones. That should ease their pain.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            You are too caught up in the emotion and you can not look at it reasonably. You take it too personally.

            Can you atleast admit to me that your chances of dying from covid if young and healthy are almost literally 0%? Or atleast less than 0.02%? the CDC said that as well.

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  • jodi1955

    seen now they the health organization that the vaccine is causes heart problems so is it worth your life to get a vaccine for a virus with an over 99% survival rate

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    • I'm not saying that I agree with this, but if there is a good chance of the Pfizer vaccine causing heart problems, then it's too late for me because I already got one of them. Is that something that you'd agree with?

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      • jodi1955

        seen a new article today wednesday june 16 said the same thing from a different agency so one has to wonder is all iam saying as we have been lied to so much dont know who to believe

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  • hidden.hands

    You should be ok because side effects are rare. In my they side all vaccinations are safe and 90% or 100% effective. The Astrazeneca was advertised to be safe for all ages but in Europe they said it could cause a good clot even the elderly but after a few deaths they changed the advertisement to be safe for younger people and is extremely rare to cause blood clots in the elderly

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    • I think I'll be ok. Yet I can't be totally sure, just from those who are saying that the vaccines may be dangerous. Yet it's a very small percentage. But it also hasn't been that much time yet. But there would've still been more vaccine deaths by now than there has been if they were that dangerous. I think I'll be fine, I don't know I'll be fine, but I think I'll be fine

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  • raisinbran

    Your body is now a spike protein factory, which can and will accumulate in your organs causing blood clotting and death. You have maybe a couple of years.

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    • I may've been nervous about what'll happen to me as a result of me taking my first Pfizer, but I'm not going to take each of your words completely seriously. If what you said were totally true, than half of America would be dead in 2 years, since about half of America has taken one of the vaccines now.

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      • raisinbran

        Seems insane, I know. But think about how impossible the events of the pandemic would have seemed to someone in 2019.

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  • got my first pfizer in march. i ran some errands, went home and had a celebratory six-pack before making myself and omelet and taking a nap. everything went smoothly.

    got my second pfizer april 15th. went home, had a few beers, and went to work. arm hurt, but nothing happened.

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    • That's good. And I'm sure that's probably all that'll happen with me too. Check out what raisinbran wrote, right above you. Good thing that I'm not taking what he said too seriously, even with how I was getting nervous about the vaccines before

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