Do you think it's possible for a couple to break up if

They live together for 4 years?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's possible. I've known people who have broken up after 20 years. The amount of time a couple stays together doesn't determine if they'll be together forever.

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  • darefu

    My ex and I were together for almost ten years. They cheated for at least nine maybe even started before we were considered a couple. So we broke up after nine years but really I should say we broke up after a year. They just forgot to tell me.

    So short answer, yes time doesn't make a difference.

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  • litelander8

    My ex and I moved in together after 6 months and we’re together 7 years. So, yeah.

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    • Wow3986

      He probably found out that you were a child perv enabler.

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      • litelander8

        Proving my point. Lol.

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        • Wow3986

          But you're the one that supports predators....It's almost like you're proving that YOU'RE the loser.

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          • litelander8

            Wow, I’m a changed person. Your wisdom and guidance has cured me.

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            • Wow3986

              It should. It will make you improve as a person and lead you down a greater path which is stop enabling child pervs.

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  • kikilizzo

    No it's illegal at that point.

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    • ospry

      No they forget how

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    Of course it is. I have.

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  • darefu

    No, not really, that was quite a few years ago. We are actually still friends, we had kids together. So kind of had to maintain a little bit of a connection. I just finally came to the conclusion, they had a different concept of marriage than I did.

    They grew up and watched their dad have various flings and thought that was how marriage worked. Fidelity never entered the picture or crossed their mind. I was just the opposite at the time. Young, believed you found your special someone and lived happily ever after.

    So they moved on found another person that believed as they did and screwed whoever and whenever they wished. Me, I found a special person but never really got my whole heart back. So now I'm more open to involving others and mixing genders. For me it comes down to trust issues, I just assume one day they're all going to screw you over one way or the other.

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