Do you think christianity and science can coexist

I am a Christian who volunteers quite a bit in the musical ministry in my church. I also happen to love science. I believe science has helped reaffirm my faith in God. I am curious to see if anyone else thinks so too or differently and why. Please be respectful. Thanks

Yes 28
No 15
Maybe 11
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Comments ( 31 )
  • Anpan32

    "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." - Albert Einstein

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    • Pseodonihm

      good post

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      • Anpan32

        Thank you, if you think science and religion don't go together then you're wrong. Science is the pursuit of knowledge and explore how the world is created. God does not against human for searching knowledge, look at Albert Einstein quote I put above, yes Albert Einstein know that there is "Creator" already make this world and universe in order. What's about Isaac Newton law of gravitation, he know that in this universe there's already have structure and order itself able to keep the planet and star. Those famous two scientist already know that "God" already in control and they should not deny that.

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        • bfus

          Einstein didn't believe in a personal god at all, an idea he considered childish. He believed in Spinoza's idea of God, which is fundamentally different from what people usually mean by "God."

          "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
          - Albert Einstein

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    • bfus

      This quote is very misleading out of context. Einstein's idea of religion was curiosity about the universe and human nature. He didn't consider faith-based religions like Islam and Christianity to be "genuine religiosity" at all. He didn't believe in a personal god, and considered holy books like the Bible fictitious and man-made.

      "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me."

      So this quote really means that science without curiosity is lame, curiosity without science is blind.

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  • Murun

    Scientific analysis shows none of the religions can be anything but man-made. I can accept god as a sentient universe or collective consciousness, but I'm sure Jesus was just a normal mortal man who preached some good ideas on how to live.

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    • Pseodonihm

      Thank you for your thoughts.

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  • EquityRap

    Yes. Anything we find here God made it. Yes. Absolutely. Genetic Editing and everything else. If our brains can create it, or find it, it was meant to be by the Almighty, imo.

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      Who created god? And if you can say that god doesn't need to be created then why can't I say that the universe doesn't need a creator? You're just adding one layer of complexity.

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      • haha98

        if God needed a creator, then who WOULD have created Him? God was, is, and always will be the Creator of everything even if you don't agree. And also, if the Big Bang theory needs to come up, how did nothing explode into EVERYTHING?

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        • EuphoniumLizz

          Thank you!!

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          • haha98

            No problem :D

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        • BlackCatsAreAwesome

          Read my comment again. You are guilty of special pleading by arguing that god always was.

          Also, your little appeal to ridicule by straw manning the Big Bang as nothing exploding into everything shows how little you are familiar with the physics of it.

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      • Knightmare

        Well, that's kinda one of the things we won't find out until the afterlife. Most popular theory I've heard among religious people is that he had a creator too, in fact (don't quote me on this) the LDS believe that the plan for this game called life is for everyone to grow and develop and eventually in the next life gain all that the Creator has, most presume that includes God's abilities.

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        • Pseodonihm

          Good post.

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      • TheGiraffeOfTheUniverse

        The creator of God is humanity. God is the creator of humanity. We came into existence because our planet is able to support life. But what started the first bit of life that grew and evolved into everything that we see? We have no definite answer so humans created god/gods to explain things. We found answers, and adapted. In a way, we use religion to fill in the gaps. Dose this disprove the existence of a god/gods? No, god/gods Might still exist. Why do we have a moral compass? A strong feeling of what is right and wrong. It is real, the thing that influences humans the most, A god.

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  • ChurchHotel

    Christianity goes against everything science has proven, and the die hard fans of an old fairy tale book; will always disagree with science and it's evidence. Faith if a powerful thing, and it makes people do crazy things.

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    • Sunshinegirl

      It was the Christian Church who was subsidizing the scientific work that was being done in the medieval and modern period until the rise of the anti-religion types like those of the French Revolution. It was the Christian Church that created the university system It was the anti-religion secularists that chopped off all those heads. So atheism can make people to crazy things. The Big Bang Theory was invented by a Catholic priest.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        Anyways individual Christians can be scientific, if they cherry-pick the shit out of the religion and see it as symbolic.

        As a political force, none of The Abrahamic religions are (currently at least) pro-science.

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      • _Mehhhh_

        That's absolute bollocks, what a bold faced lie. In the height of it's power, Christianity blocked scientific advancement at every opportunity it could, and most if not all schools it endorsed were likely religious ones.

        The likes of Giordano Bruno were burned alive on "heresy" charges for daring to suggest scientific theories that contradicted The Bible. From The time of the decline of The Roman Empire until the secularist movements 1000 years later (this period was when Christian theocracy was in full-swing across Europe) there was shockingly little scientific or technological advancement because it was stifled. That's partly why the period is known as "The Dark Ages".

        Even post-secularism, scientists like Charles Darwin faced vehement pushback from the religious for their work. Even to this day, we have people pushing creationism in schools over anthropology, biology and geology, and we have dangerous climate change denial. It's complete fallacy to say Christianity has supported science, it's a lie.

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        • Pseodonihm

          That is correct sir.

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    • CreamPuffs

      That's certainly accurate.

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  • Lucas467

    Hmm. Let's see. Science is the search for truth. God is truth. Therfore, God created science. The new anti-intellectualism that is pervasive in the world right now is out of fear, hate, confusion and ignorance. This is a rather recent development...for people to speak up against science, truth, learning, study, history, etc. But we've seen it before and it always accompanies a major political shift. Ever hear of 'the dark ages'? The conservative leaders are fanning the flames of neagativity to gain more money and power. Christianity is radically being misled by wolves in sheeps clothing who are turning people away from love and truth at astonishing rates.

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  • itchyTitsMcgee

    If they can completely and undoubtedly prove religion to be true then yeah probably

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  • Pseodonihm

    I believe the search for divinity is a personal journey we should all take. But as no one can answer the question with certainty everyone has the freedom to believe what they want. So yes I believe science and religion can be friends. Take Creationism vs Evolution. Creationism claims life in all its splendor would be impossible without intelligent design. In my opinion evolution is a pretty intelligent design.

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    • EuphoniumLizz

      Interesting thought

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  • Pseodonihm

    too true.

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  • Nickvey

    havent you heard the universe is a hologram acording to the bullshit artists . machine made by a God

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  • CreamPuffs

    Not as long as they firmly disagree.

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  • dweeb

    You don't figure out shit by praying. Why be stubbornly loyal to a losing strategy?

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  • xfg-48

    Yes, it is possible to develop a mental disorder and retain some level of logic and reasoning.

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