Do you think ancient romans would love nascar?

This is something that I've been thinking about. If an ancient Roman visited our time, do you think they would be huge fans of NASCAR? I mean, it's very similar to chariot racing in a way, but in 200 MPH.

They would like Nascar 16
They would dislike Nascar 6
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Comments ( 9 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    They'd like it but they'd like it more if Christians were released out on the track and forced to dodge on-coming cars.

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    • They'd be disappointed to find that literally all of the western world is christian though, and that they were defeaten by those pesky barbarians in the end.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    That or horse racing, and interested in MMA and boxing, and roman greco wrestling also. Those sports were popular in rome. MMA was called pankration it was really popular.

    Ive always thought it would be cool to see a champion from pankration in ancient rome compete with a champion in MMA today. In boxing the science is evolved so much that boxers today would usually win. But idk much about MMA aside from the boxing part. And the romans had great wrestlers.

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    • The Romans would probably find modern martial-arts boring for not being nearly as " gory " as the stuff from their time. But motorsports would blow their minds due to the sheer speed of it, absolutely unheard of at the time, and the fact that they seem to power themselves.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Possibly although most gladiator fights werent actually to the death. They did enjoy plain fighting also without death.

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  • Tommythecaty

    No, I think cars would scare the shit out of them for obvious reasons.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    you could put someone from that time in a shitty econobox and theyd be astounded to go normal highway speeds

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  • Boojum

    I'm sure ancient Romans would find the noise and speed of Nascar exciting, but I suspect the lack of blood and guts on display means they'd find it unsatisfying in the end.

    By our standards, the Romans were really a ghastly bunch. Not only was the whole civilisation built on slavery (the majority of whom were Greek, although there were others taken from defeated peoples all over their empire), the way they treated animals was appalling. Pompey put on games during which 500 lions were killed. One contemporary Roman wrote that during the Colosseum’s 100 days of inaugural games more than 9,000 beasts died, either in staged fights between animals or at the hands of gladiators. And it wasn't just lions, but tigers, leopards, cheetahs, hippos, rhinoceroses, monkeys, aurochs, bears that had been captured in Scotland and basically any wild animal they could get their hands on. There are even stories about zebras and ostriches being hitched to chariots and races being run before they were killed for the amusement of the crowd.

    But the Roman mob apparently did have some limits. There's an account of how during one series of games, some elephants were brought out to dance and perform tricks they'd been taught, and many in the crowd weren't all that impressed when they were then slaughtered.

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  • Somenormie

    They'd be probably interested to see how a car works.

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