Do you like your is it normal username?

I don't know if I like mine. This is ospry. When I was creating an account I used literally the first word that came to mind and now sometimes I regret not having put any thought into the name

Yes 28
No 3
Sometimes 1
I don't know 2
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Comments ( 30 )
  • megadriver

    I am megadriver-man! I wield the power of driving! I can drive anything!

    Behold, an example of my power - *tries to do a cool and aggressive launch in S600, car stalls and goes into limp mode*

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Yes, I like confusing people.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Not so confusing more like amusing.

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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

        That too.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I certainly do like mine. I'd like yours more if it were osprey though

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  • ibrokemyds

    i love mine lol. for those concerned - i did eventually get my ds fixed but the guy i went to did a crap job and there's now a speck of dirt permanently under the top screen :(

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    • ospry

      If I would've seen your username first then mine definitely would have been "ibrokeyourds"

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        Just make a new account ;-)

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  • normal-rebellious

    I don't know if I like my isitnormal username, normal-rebellious is the name when I'm no longer rebellious, people despise me.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    A lot of usernames are taken so I ended up with this

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I like mine. It's leagues better than some of my other usernames that I have used online.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I don't even remember what I thought when picking this username. (This account is old.)

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    • Somenormie

      Was it something random you thought of?

      For me when I chose my username, I just thought of the two words that I thought of when I joined.

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        It was so long ago... So many things happened since then. A decade of my life? I can't even remember what I was thinking at the time. Not even sure exactly what year and month it was when I joined. All I remember is searching for advice online and this site showing up in the first few search results.

        Back then this site was massive and highly popular. I didn't join for increasing my social circle. I was just a kid looking for advice, not feeling safe asking the people I knew and talked to offline. (It was a sexuality related question and back then there was so much homophobia in my environment I was just scared to open up about this.) It's a lot better now. I'm just returning to this site years later. No one who was active then is even here these days... I suppose the most active people back then (about 10 years ago) are quite a bit older than me, and they are busy offline now. So they just forgot about this site completely.

        Maybe one day I will forget about this site completely and simply stop checking it.

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        • Somenormie

          Yeah, maybe I'll even forget this site as well when I get older as I'm still 20.

          Back when I joined ( this was during 2020 around when the coronavirus pandemic fiasco began and around when I was at my first year in college ), I was just a bored person who wanted to know if laughing at death was a normal thing looking for answers I distinctively remember looking at extremely abnormal questions, for example someone wanting to have intercourse on their wife when they die and the list of extremely weird questions posted goes on.

          Perhaps most of the members you knew back then have probably moved on with their lives and have forgotten about this website, some of them I knew when I joined probably do not use this site anymore either.

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          • Millie_the_evil_saint

            Covid was a difficult time for everyone. Back then I tried to stay connected through online friend groups for a hobby I have. That worked out well for me. I became better at what I do and still keep in touch with a few people from back then, to this day.

            But I've made new friends more recently. Sometimes it can be difficult to bring up difficult subjects especially when you know a person. If they react badly they could actually harm you. So be careful when talking with people you know. You might not know them as well as you think you do. And they might turn around and backstab you, when you thought of them as a friend.

            I try to avoid controversial topics with new people. But when I see someone carrying a rainbow colored bag, I feel more safe talking about sexuality topics. Although I don't bring it up in every conversation. Sometimes people wear some accessories that might visually clue you in to them being open to having these discussions. If someone carries a tote bag with a skull on it... maybe they would be more open to discussing death than your average person would be.

            Part of it is 'profiling', part intuition. You can find people who think in similar ways as you.

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  • aubzilla

    I made it approximately 7 minutes ago, so I better.

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    • ospry


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      • aubzilla

        Indeed, a play on godzilla lmao

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  • Anonnet

    Yeah, I like it. Short, sweet, and to the point. I'm anonymous, I'm on the net, what's not to love?

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Gives me 'nona' flashbacks to lolcow farms.

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  • Grunewald

    Thank you <3.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Depends on how hungry I am.

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  • Grunewald

    I'm okay enough with mine since Admin changed it from 'AspiringRuth'. It sounds less cutesy, and of the right sort of tone for this sort of site.

    I wanted a name that showed that I was a lover of beautiful and wholesome things with a taste for gritty realism too; a woman but not a girly-girl; a Romantic with a big 'r' who is anything but romantic with a small 'r'; and so I made up the word 'Grunewald' - or so I thought I had made it up!

    I recently found out to my delight that it is the surname of a great Protestant woman who was an activist, a great Catholic artist man, and a Catholic Bible.

    Sadly I also found out that it is the surname of a ruthless Nazi officer 😔.

    It is additionally a place in Germany with a chequered history. On the one hand, the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer lived there, and he is celebrated for having hidden and protected Jews from the Nazis. I like reading his reflections on life and human nature - he has an amazingly stark, 'existential' outlook on life. On the other hand, it is the spot from which a large number of Jews were sent to concentration camps to be murdered 😓. At least the site has got a memorial on it.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Can I ask? I wonder if you think my username sounds 'cutesy'... Do you think it does? Or girly or romantic? Just wondering what impression it gives you.

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      • Grunewald

        I can't say, really. You sound young and self-conscious - which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

        I originally chose AspiringRuth because I aspire to be like Ruth the Moabite from the Bible.

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  • rockyrocks

    mine's alright, the whole point is that it doesn't resemble my usernames on other sites

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  • Somenormie

    Yep I like it.

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  • Tinybird

    I like my name

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  • Bassmachine

    Basement cassette tapes or something along those lines idk why I chose Bassmachine.

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