Do you have it all?

I think the title sums it up. I mean, is your life perfect by the very definition of the word.

Just trying to see if the universe is rigged to keep us frustrated and unsatisfied permanently regardless of what we have and have achieved.

I want to find a way out of it. I currently believe detachment is the secret.

But I find that state of mind very hard to maintain, almost impossible.

No 11
Not yet 3
No, but i'm fine with it. 10
Yes 6
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Comments ( 32 )
  • ospry

    The universe isn't rigged, but it's possible for people to rig their own mindset to interpret everything as "never good enough"

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  • Holzman_67

    No, I will be continuing to learn, grow and self develop all the way up to my death. I'm a student of the universe and a C+ one at best

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    • justcurious00

      Well, that's the only logical way to be, isn't it. Good for you!

      My only hope is that we would not lose our memory or cease to exist completely after death, otherwise, well, you know.

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      • Holzman_67

        some things in my life could be better, im working to improve them, but i also believe in chaos, impermanence. Everything is temporary! So the good things, you better believe I enjoy the shit out of them while they last

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  • Curiouskitten444

    No, but I'm fine with it. I have what I need and then some. I have a lot of my wants met. Yet there is still much more I get to achieve in my time here. Try to practice gratitude more.

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    • justcurious00

      ah the hopeful one. The 'not yet' option is more appropriate to you.

      Also it's very interesting that I attracted another member with 'curious' in their username. What a coincidence right! But I don't think it's a coincidence, I think it's the algorithm of the matrix delivering to me what is already within me.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I have all that I can handle at the time. Humans do not have an infinite ability to handle more in life.

    I've certainly had a great life so far; and despite my long covid issues I still see a lot more great things ahead of me. It's never about what you cannot do because on an issue. It's all about what you can do even with that issue.

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    • justcurious00

      Good comment.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Not perfect, but not bad. I'm fine with it.

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    • justcurious00

      Is it correct if I interpret your response as that you're unsatisfied with your life but you're good at handling it?

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      • Iambillythemenacetosociety

        No, what I meant is that my life is not perfect, but it's not bad. Just average, which I'm fine with.

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        • justcurious00

          Also I don't think the word 'average' mean anything here because life is a subjective experience and there's nothing to compare it with.

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          • Iambillythemenacetosociety

            Yes, it is. I call it average because there's nothing special about it.

            I'm curious as to why you even care.

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            • justcurious00

              What do you think I care? I'm trying to understand life and the universe.

              And yes I'm sure your life is average to you. But there's no such thing as an 'average' life, objectively. That's what I was getting at. It's all your personal interpretations.

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        • justcurious00

          So you're saying that you're satisfied with your life the way it is? Then why do you not want to regard it as a perfect life? I would.

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          • Iambillythemenacetosociety

            Are you forgetting that we are two different people?

            Yes, I might be fine with my life, but that doesn't make my life "perfect". What you're saying is that in order to be satisfied with life, it needs to be perfect. That's not true. It just doesn't need to be bad, which it's not. But nothing really special happens either. That is why I won't call it "perfect".

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            • justcurious00

              My logic is, if it's not perfect, then there's room for frustrations. and I'm assuming you're good at handling them, that's why you're fine with it. There's no other way I can logically understand it.

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    • Makes sense. Added an option for it as well.

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  • wigz

    I think to have it all means being ok with having nothing. If you think the next object, job, relationship, bank account, pet, house etc will make you complete then you're just never going to be happy. It will never end. Having it all means having everything you need to survive and be content, inside you. No object, person or situation needed to prop you up or get you through.

    Yes, I have it all.

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  • RoseIsabella

    "The only true freedom is freedom from the heart's desire, and the only true happiness this way lies."

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    • justcurious00

      A life with no motivations and desires. Is it even a life?

      What is freedom for when you have no desires?

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      • RoseIsabella

        It's actually just a quote from a THE THE song. Although I do think when people are basically run by their desires it's like a form of addiction, or enslavement. People can be motivated by more than just their more base desires.

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        • justcurious00

          Basic or not, you can't have a motivation with no desire. That quote is good for people who are too tired/scared of suffering that they're ready to give up living life and settle for a mere existence.

          Because that's what a person with no desires is. An existence. Not a buzzing piece of life.

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          • RoseIsabella

            You should google Buddhism, and detachment.

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            • justcurious00

              Why, do you think I'm wrong about something here? Because if you do, then you should be able to point it out easily. Just telling people to go study something shows that you don't know what you're talking about but want to appear superior regardless. It's a lame trait. Get it fixed if you care about being liked by people.

              Also I know enough about Buddhism because I'm an actual Buddhist from a Buddhist country.

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  • justcurious00

    So you're on your way to a perfect life, right? Then why didn't you vote for 'not yet' option?

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