Do you ever truly get over your first love?

No, I can't seem to forget them... 941
Yes, it may hurt, but time heals all. 189
No, I STILL love them! 771
I moved on, but they will always hold a special place in my heart. 1313
Yes, I forgot about them a long time ago. 213
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Comments ( 55 )
  • dietfruitloop

    If you can get over them entirely was it really true love?

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  • Italiandyke

    No especially if your first love is your true love

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  • neptuneschyld

    I think that FIRST love, especially if you are a teen is the most passionate and life altering love you will ever have. You feel complete and at peace in your soul when ever you are with them and everything is dream like and surreal. It's all so new and wonderful. When that first love is over it's like your soul has been ripped immediately from your body. All your joy is gone and you become zombie like and numb. It's the worst feeling I have ever had. I was nauseous ALL the time and it felt as if a HUGE boulder was sitting on my chest. This went on for over a year. Every smile on my face was forced and painful to even do, but was done to spare others my true pain. Happiness was an empty word that I believed I would never feel again. Even after 2 years I would still feel nauseous and have the chest pains from time to time. I tried to move on and dated other people, but I was still in love with my ex. More time went by and I did fall in love with someone else and had a child with them, but still from time to time I would think about my first love and cry. About 5 years after my first love and I broke up and my child was 3, I cried over my first love for the last time. I never spoke with him after we broke up, but I did look him up online. I found him on an inmate search and discovered he did time for many things including possession of cocaine. Knowing that helped me resist the temptation of ever contacting him. I thought about how awful my life could have been if we had stayed together. It was then that I knew that I did not love him anymore. How could I? The "him" that I loved when I was younger was not who "he' was anymore. People change and the person I loved no longer existed. It's not really TIME that makes you get over someone, it's the realization that you can't love someone you do not know and I no longer knew him. The length of time it will take for the pain to stop is different for everyone, but you will eventually get over it and it WON'T hurt anymore. Also, don't compare how you felt for your first love with the love you feel for someone else in the future. You cannot compare the two. Your first love falls into its own category like anything else you do for the first time. Like the first time you drove a car. It was so exciting, empowering, and you felt so free. Now, you just hop in your car and off you go like no big deal. You WILL love again. Love is not a once in a lifetime only deal.

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  • BabyBeluga

    Wish I could forget about him. Ugh. :/

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  • C-span

    Dude you'll get right over them! (Well, not RIGHT over them... it'll take like 3 years or so). But it'll happen dude! Keep on rockin!

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  • it's been four years and he still haunts me...

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  • firefly88

    people are saYing thaT if you can get over them then it wasn't true love, but who are you to say that it WAS not true love. people change over time, physically and mentally. and there are different types of love on many different level and an individual cannot define the maNy different levels of love that exists on this universe. (sorry i can't type i broke my pinky)even the mountains and the ocean change over time, the stars aNd the planets shift forms as well, our bodies change into something 100% different over time as well. so does our heart. there is no such thing as forever, life is impermanent, aNd so is love.

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  • Your First love is your last and your last love is your first

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  • ladybeagle

    Married him. Got back together years later, and ta-da... So happy!

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  • SoFuckedUp95

    if you get over them then they wernt your first ever true love...... but no you will never ever get over them no matter how long you wait or try and forget they will always be in that special place sumwhere .......... things will always remind you of him or her ............. iv mooved on and im very happy but i will never forget my first

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  • violentsonata

    Real love has a great and lasting effect on you. If you have only platonic feelings for them, then the love wasn't real. It's like those people that say "I love you" to everyone they date. Shaaaaat up!

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  • DiscoDuck

    I remember this chick that I broke up with used to call me every single day for a whole year, just to hear my voice on my voice mail.

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  • b454

    I'm way over my first love. Don't think it was true love though. We were teenagers and I had a child with him, but couldn't stand being with him anymore. We're friends now, since my daughter spends weekends with him, but the things of our past really never cross my mind.

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    • well then that doesnt seem like your 'first love,' but merely your 'first lovER'

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    • teflon77

      It also helped dat he continued to be a price of ur life. Most of us just dream wat it would be like if we wud of made it work. U c da results already.

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  • chucky

    it will always haunt u because in your eyes you should be with that person but god has other plans lifes a bitch but u gotta learn how to live wid her

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  • Diceguy

    It's been 10 years since I last saw my first. She's in a different country now with two kids. I'm engaged and about to marry. I love my fiancee but no matter what I do, I can't seem to forget my first.
    Even though we haven't seen each other, we seem to find ways to message each other. We seem to message each other once a year through social media. Last year she was feeling down, so she decided to message me and we spoke for hours. Last night I dreamt of her, so I messaged her a 'happy eyewear day' as soon as I have woken up. We picked up like nothing has had happened. We never seem to speak of her kids or our partners. We speak as we're both still single or together still.
    Every time I finish speaking with her I feel abit more happy, it's like I got a love dose. But like every dose, you kinda regret it after.

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  • shoka2322

    I have never dated or really loved anyone.

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  • AB1234

    I am DEF not a sentimentalist. Yeah, I felt strongly for the first kid I really fell for, but he and every other guy I used to date NEVER appear in my mind. I mean, not for a single second. I'm not bitter or angry, either. It's just such a waste of time. It's like, what's the point of me thinking about a rain-shower from 5 years ago? It did a lot of good to the local environment, and made me smile, but damn. 5 years ago!

    Onward and upward.

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  • armanjr

    If you forget, it wasn't ever true love at all! I'll never forget my first beautiful true love. I still want her and think of her often! That flame is eternal. I've come to terms that I'll probably never see her or hold her again. Yet I want to. So many days have past. Often wonder where she is and who has their arms around her now. I secretly wish it was me. I'm now married, but think of my first love every day. I will till I die. Those memories never fade.

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  • xCol

    I had my first love in kindergarten, and I still know him. Actually, we've been in the city yesterday with him and other people. I forgot about him a long time ago, just like about the other people I ever liked.

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  • sillygirl77

    I'm married to my first true love awwww right? lol... try not to spew.

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  • LadyXul

    I believe you can only truely be in love with one person.

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  • Navysealdude416

    Im working on getting with mine gosh she is sp perfict

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Eh... I haven't forgotten about them, and I don't think I ever will. I'll always remember them, like I remember all the people who come and go in my life. But the fire/flame has faded to nothing. If I saw them now, it'll be enough to make me turn my head to look in their direction, but it won't feel the same as the way it once did when I used to look at them. I'll just see them as somebody I happened to at one time know.

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  • babya-

    Love is love and it never goes away, you just learn to ignore it, and sometimes its for something better.

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  • Iliketacos

    Sometimes you may feel, think, tell yourself, etc. that you're completely over him/her. The thing is that, we'll always truly have a spot for them in our hearts. I mean..come on.. they stole part of your heart a long time ago, you never get that back.

    I don't know if this is true nessasarily to the extent of them killing your entire family, cutting off your catch my drift?

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  • theytookthisone

    I did

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  • ilyk

    I will never forget mine. And I still love him more than anything in the world. I would still do anything possible for him.I believe that your first love is your only true love. We learn from each other! I talk to other people ( as in dating) but its not the same. I would leave any other boy in a heart beat to be with HIM!!!
    A lot of people may not understand your relationship and how you feel about that person. But I personally believe that I will never get over my FIRST TRUE LOVE .

    APRIL 29 :[

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  • No matter how strong u are,love engulfs u !! after all, its the strongest and greatest emotion ever!!so,first love will always be there on ur minds and deep inside our hearts. Fact is, when each of us? typin this, our first love's face would have crept in our minds/thoughts see? now,that's the power of love

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  • lyche_natadecoco

    First Love is Still a first love no matter what happen he will always have that special dwelling place in ur heart because the two of u shared a very special past. Even though u move on it will always be there. :) I'm happy that I got a chance to met my first love.

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  • Elorria

    My first love was a douchebag, but it took me a while to realize that. Its was easy to get over him once I realized that though. I still think about the happy moments in our past relationship though :<

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  • greyatlas

    Ugh, I am so glad that is in the PAST. I don't really think I could call it my first love because you don't know much about love when you think you're in it. It was definitely a learning experience if nothing else, because the guy was not a good person.

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  • no matter how much weed i smoke i will nvr forget her....

    i still have some feeling for her though

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  • MeisterWolf

    You get over them, but you can't forget them. It feels like another lifetime ago back then!

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  • XxAwesomenessxX

    I have to see mine everyday at work, we have forgotton about what happend 12 years ago!

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    I married my first love ^_^

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  • serenitybrat

    Wow this question brought up some stories. The past is best let to be. Once you know it just doesn't work why try again.

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  • crazykittens

    I still love my first love, but I'm engaged to another man now. He knows I still have feelings for my ex, but he accepts that. My ex is also with someone and I'm fine and happy with that, but I will never forget what we had and I still do love him as more than a friend. We're still very close, but we don't flirt or do anything of the sort anymore.

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  • SovietAviator

    Not really, yet.

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  • pgirl03

    i fuckin love that rat bastard!!

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  • flammableliquidz?

    there are always long periods of time where i forget... then something will pop up like "our song" and i'll think of him... then txt him see how he's doing...

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    • teflon77

      Songs yaaas they always do it........

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  • Depends how long its been, but you never truely forget them, and from time to time they will pop up in your head reminding you of where you could have been, and how diffent your life is today now that you're without them. It causes bittersweetness.

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  • xvan3ssax

    My first love was when I was only 9 years old. He liked me for along time and one time asked me to be his girlfriend I told him yes sure why not? So we started dating and spent alot of time together. We were dating about 2 years. Until i got around 12 he used to start sending me cards and sent them by hand to my house he was a little violent though he used to hit me and make me do stuff that I didn't want to do at times. Once we got into a bad fight. Which involved punching and stuff like that. After that we ended up all cut up and bloody and his sister came out which was like my best friend came out and tried to break up our fight then our parents came out and broke the fight after that we didn't talk and I broke up with him but i still loved him a couple days later he asked me to be his girlfriend again and i said yes and we ended up dating even though he was still a little violent and sometimes mean to me he was mean to everyone though even violent he always got into trouble and got into alot of fights at school and with everyone in the apartments that lived near us. We both lived in the same apartments after a year passed when I was 13.He told me that he had found another girl that he really liked and she liked him to that lived in the same apartment as us, so he broke up with me and i got a little upset and left we never dated again but i missed him and was sad for about 6 months and then i began to feel better and as time passed by i felt okay and didn't feel sad anymore. Me and his sister are still friends we don't talk as much as we did though because she moved and the only way we can talk is through texting or myspace. When ever I go and visit her my ex is always picking on me but i just ignore him.

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  • harshita

    i still hate him..

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    • teflon77

      U can only hate him if u still luv him. Other than day u shudnt care about him.

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  • combatgal856

    I don't think you do. I think I'm on my first love, and I can't imagin life without him. So I'm guessing it will suck if we are not destined to be together forever blah blah blah. I doubt I will ever forget him though. Only time can tell

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  • iinmaybe

    well each one is different if you have a strong personality you will easily moove on but if you were sensetive it will take a long time to pass it the thing that helped me as a broken hearted girl is to date someone else until you fall in love again and don't ruch yourself just take your time and you will find some one better and am sure you will as i did.cuz when my bf left me and he wz my first love i was about to go creasy and it took me over 6 monthes of non stop crying and beggin him to come back but then i felt like he is not the god that must be worshiped and he doesn't deserve my tears...i said that and i wz still loving him..and i met someone else and i tried so hard and i loved him and guess what i forgotten him.aS it's said out of sight out of minde...and now the one that made me forget my first love has broken my heart too and am looking for another that will make me forget him and life must go on....

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  • violentsonata

    Okay, I just read that comment two above mine about the girl who tried to stab her boyfriend, and I think that what he may have felt for her was true, but not what she felt for him. Though, can love be true if it isn't truly mutual? I believe that real love is CORE SHAKING, it's comfortable but passionate and they make you want to be a better person. They bring out the best in you, and show you parts of yourself that you didn't know existed. They help you grow, they don't hold you down. True love really IS selfless.

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  • RabiesGreen

    It was such a screwed up relationship and I still have feelings. The chick tried to stab me! But there were good times but there were also bad times?

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  • Ryuhei

    god i hope so...but i doubt it

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  • SpiritFlare

    To be honest I forgot about her after about 2-3 year, but recently we reconnected and now my feelings are coming back but not nearly as strong. so i guess my answer is no. you never totally get over them but you might forget for years on end

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  • bluefalcon21

    i got dumped 4 and a half years ago and she is "gay" supposedly but i still feel our connection and i still feel the same way about her till this day true love never leaves god is love and his/her love is eternal so for anyone who can say they got over their first love cant say they stopped loving them because then that would mean you never did

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  • Mrtreakle

    Love is an illusion guys just pretend to listen to you for sex. The first step to conquer your denial is acceptance.

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