Do you believe religion is evil?

do you believe some religions are bad and others are good? Not trying to offend, just curious to see if anyone sees any religions in a negative light

Yes 13
Some are some are not(conment) 14
No 9
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Comments ( 17 )

    Religions aren’t evil but some religious people are. They pervert the teachings of good to their own twisted ideas.

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  • rkive

    From my experience, I see that religion can be very toxic but not particulary evil. It depends on how a person treats religion and do they actually follow the teachings they claim to preach. I have seen too many people in my life, act godly and then their true colors show. It's one of the main reasons I became atheist.

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  • KholatKhult

    Organized religion will always create division among people, when you have differing religions within one society there will always be discrimination and lack of unity, no amount of personal tolerance will change the rules of each religion. I think anything that seeks to create division and can be (and often is) far too easily used to enforce oppression is evil.

    The extreme consequences and supernatural authority that are promised in the major Abrahamic religions is far too intense to go unquestioned - the belief that an all-knowing all-powerful being is in complete control of everything that happens, and can punish you through the harshest means (hell) possible to any human being.

    I think religion sedates people into accepting poor conditions in life. The idea of Heaven is the most genius way of getting people to just sit back and behave because “you’ll be rewarded in the end”, which hinders a lot of progress.

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  • Clunk42

    The only good religion is the true religion, and all other religions are inherently evil, because falsehood is inherently evil.

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  • Crocotta1

    Only satanism

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  • Orphan

    Religion is the worse mistake mankind has ever made. And to this day people still believe and preach that shit

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  • kikilizzo

    Religion is not evil. It does on the other hand fuel self important, paranoid psychos to act in evil ways and then justify it using religious texts they have twisted to suit their agendas.

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  • dappled

    Not always evil, and there are some almost human elements to religion. I can get behind "do as you would be done to". Less so with the stonings to death for the wrong clothes or being gay. It does have its root in evil and manipulation of people, though, but occasionally it says something useful. Maybe that's true of all things. In general, I'd like less evil, and religion really needs to be prevented from claiming more victims.

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  • AsterBean

    It's all a matter of perspective. If you don't know any better, nothing is good or bad in comparison. Most religions try to define what is and is not evil but usually fail epically because they don't know how to see things differently than what they were taught.

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  • raisinbran

    The brainwashed masses are better off with established traditional religions, than mistaking politics and ideology as a religion.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Religion can be both good and bad for society. It depends on the values of the religion obviously. If your religion is to kill infidels its going to be bad especially for the "infidels" living in the area with you. Then you have class issues.

    Or the value of acceptance and forgiveness like taught in Christianity can lead to degeneracy being accepted and that destroying the nuclear family which destroys the society. They all have their weaknesses and strong points. Muslims may be authoritarian and are mean for throwing gays off buildings, but on the other side they dont have woke degeneracy everywhere and they are growing and their culture is spreading across the globe.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Some religions are inherently evil. None of the big ones are; the closest to that would be theistic Satanism. That's the one that actually participates in devil worship. (The satanism that is recognized by the federal government is Leveyan Satanism. It has nothing to do with the biblical Satan and received its name to piss off Christians.)

    However, all religions CAN be used for evil. Islam, Catholicism, Hindu, Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism get used for evil every day in the regions they are most popular.

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    • Tommythecaty

      You mean “theistic” satanism.

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      • PurpleHoneycomb

        Correct. Small typo on my behalf.

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    • I wholeheartedly agree. Although I don't have a favorable opinion on religion in general, I don't exactly hate it although I do recognize that like pretty much anything else, there is a dark side which some people try to take advantage of

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  • shoka2322

    Catholicism is the only ture religion. If you don't follow that than you are either missing something, suppressing it, or just plain evil.

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    • lolidkwhattoput


      ask god for a dictionary

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