Do you believe in god, science or both?

I grew up religious. As a kid, I believed that God existed, but as I grew older, I became doubtful. But now that Im a lot older, I now believe in both God and Science. This is gonna be long but please bear with me...

Scientists claim that the world was formed by SCIENCE. Science says that the earth, water, gas and the sun was formed first. And then animals and plants came next. And then apes, which eventually evolved to humans.

Religious people argue that GOD created everything. He created the earth, water, gas and the sun. But then he thought something was missing, so he created the animals and plants next. He decided that someone must dominate the earth who will take care of the earth and everything in it and so he created us humans.

I believe all these stories. But Science continues to reject Religions. And Religions still reject Science. I'm religious but I also believe in science. When I told a religious person that humans were evolved from apes, she was offended. But THIS is what I believe in - GOD created everything through SCIENCE. I believe that God created the apes and helped us evolve into humans because he wanted us to look more like him because we are his children.

I'm just curious. Which do you believe in? God? Science? Or both?

PS. This is all out of curiousity. I'm not trying to create an argument here. I'm not trying to offend or shove my beliefs to any religious people, atheists or even agnostics. I'm just curious if anyone sees religion and science like I do:)

Science 31
God 9
Both 36
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Comments ( 85 )
  • KiwiWisdom

    I believe in both God and science and I'm not afraid to admit it.

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    One of the fundamental laws of science states that it can only measure the natural world.
    God is supernatural, for scientists to say He doesn't exist I personally find to be unscientific. They are making a claim that by their own rules they can not prove.

    I am a creationist, I don't believe in evolution from the primordial soup, though that said I don't really think it's a big deal one way or the other, whether God created the world through slow evolution or instantaneous thought, personally I find it to be irrelevant either way.

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  • lordofopinions

    Science all the way. Mankind invented God to explain the unexplainable of the day.

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    • Acton98

      Yes, also as an excuse and form of control.
      Convince people they have something (original sin) that they must get rid of, and if they do they will lead an eternal life in paradise, but if they don't they will have an eternity in torture and they will do almost anything you say.

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  • Edit: Sorry for the misinformation. When I said "evolved from apes", I meant our common ancestor.

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  • Lioneyes

    Science is not a thing, but a tool of physical and theoretical discovery humans have learned based on discovery/experimentation.

    That being said, there are times when I can lean both ways. However, I do believe the bible, quran and other written literature on religions are man made, thus cannot be taken as the actual truth (I.E. where in any religious material written before the 18th century are there references to dinosaurs?)

    Though part is we cannot fathom the age of the earth and our universe is. 4.5 billion years? Shit, look what has changed in the past 200 years. A lot of movement can happen in 4.5 billion years, but it takes a lot of other outside influences to be here as a species.

    - no moon? We would not be here. The moon keeps our tilt stable which gives us our seasons.

    - no Jupiter? We would not be here. Jupiter has sucked up or deflected a ton of asteroids and comets that would have a potential of hitting earth.

    -sun to big or to small? We would not be here. If our sun was smaller, we would not have enough energy to exist. Bigger and we'd be burning up like Venus.

    The list goes on and on.

    We are a goldilocks planet and potentially lucky to exist. Are we even alone in this universe? If we can evolve over 4.5 billion years, isn't it possible over the trillions and trillions of stars across the known universe for the same to happen at least once?

    Maybe it was another civilization that deposited our ancient ancestors on this planet and knew we would evolve. is a human term to view our world and the universe, not a term how the universe became to be.

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  • HarryPotter17

    I agree fully with you. But in the end all started with God...

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  • redrainbow22

    I believe in God, and science, but I dont believe we came from apes.

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    • jinx5543

      with science while humans evolved we did not evolve from apes. the truth is that we evolved from a comman ancestor.

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      • Oh! That's what I meant to say. Oops.

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    • Murun

      No fucker believes we came from apes! Apes and us have a common ancestor. They're very different concepts.

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    • EccentricWeird

      ur dum

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      • The_Loitering_Creep

        She's a confused little girl.

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        • redrainbow22

          Show me proof

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          • EccentricWeird

            Your face, for one!

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      • redrainbow22

        Wheres your proof we came from apes?

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  • Murun

    Science is slowly discovering how god's toolkit works .

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  • Grunewald

    I put 'both'. But the question in my view is faulty.

    The world can't be created by 'science'. Science can't create, as if 'science' were a kind of super-human sentient being (not even humans can create, by the way - at best, they can engineer, or generate). Nor did 'science' pre-exist the world. Science is an entirely human development. Rather than creating, science chiefly translates what is already there into a form and language that enables human beings to make judgments about it and manipulate it. It is a tool developed by humans for humans. And science cannot 'describe' on its own, again as if science were some kind of living thing. Everything from the equipment used to the design of the test, to the assessment procedures, to the parameters on which the thing is to be judged, to the methods of recording used, and even the forms of evidence and kinds of judgments that are 'acceptable' and which are filtered out as 'irrelevant', is a human fabrication. The only thing that isn't, is the object of study - and when you consider how huge a research project is, the object of study is only a small part of it. All evidence is just a 'nudge' towards a human judgment and it cannot 'tell' anyone anything without judgments being extrapolated from it. Often the things scientists apply their science to are things that they already believe to exist - science usually serves to confirm, develop or overturn things that have already been accepted. Scientists are occasionally surprised by what they find, but it is a very, very long process before they can ever undisputedly say they have 'found' something.

    My main point is that neither scientists nor their tool have 'created' anything. At best, they either found it was already there, confirmed or overturned their belief/disbelief in it to a degree of plausibility that they or others found satisfying, or engineered it.

    So yes, I believe that God created the world. And hints to human judgments about how he created it can be generated by science.

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    • Acton98

      "God created the world"
      By speaking it into existence. LMAO, you can't get something from nothing, and for true creation to take place, not even a "creator"
      Can be present.
      The whole idea of god is a contradiction.

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      • Grunewald

        You would be right... If God is a type of human, and the words of a God are made of the same stuff and have the same qualities as the words of a human. But he isn't, and they aren't and they don't (unless he chooses to make their form understandable to humans,which he has sometimes done in his dealings with us). Whatever kind of entity God is, and whatever God's words are, I can't see why they shouldn't have power to influence the material world that he is the creator of, the same as human words have the power to influence culture that humans are the creators of. We are creators of our culture (even if many creatures of lower intelligence than us could not imitate us or ever conceive of how we did it), and whatever God is, it doesn't seem implausibe that he should have the qualities required to create a material world, if creating the material world is what he is reputed to have done. In biology, if we see strange animal tracks but can't imagine what animal could have made them, we don't say that the animal never existed just because we can't appreciate what it must be like. Instead, we say, 'whatever this animal is like, its feet are adapted in such a way as to enable it to make tracks like that.'. We can't imagine how God is a god, but in intelligence as a species, we are to God as a slug is to us, so it should be more worrying if we *could* understand. What we can conclude is that if God made the universe, God has the qualities and attributes required for making universes, which of course no known animal has, because God is not an animal, and animals do not make universes.

        It therefore isn't implausible that the attributes of God should be significantly unlike ours. In the animal kingdom, birds fly without an engine, fish live underwater without an oxygen tank, some fish even produce their own electricity, and they did so probably.millions of years before humans 'discovered' it. But short of DNA modification any human-like being doing those things lwould be absurd. Well, since God is a higher intelligence than us (and I'm talking by a lot, not a little), I could well believe that enough of God's attributes are not shared by humans, to make him capable of myriad other things that would be absurd for a human to be able to do. And yet, he is like enough to humans that he communicates, and that these communications can cause things to be engendered.

        To talk about the attributes of something, you first need to entertain the premise that it exists. Otherwise it is like saying 'There is no such thing as a hoggleswaggle. It does not and has not ever existed. The cry of a hoggleswaggle does not have the power to cause an earthquake.'. But if there is no such thing as a hoggleswaggle it doesn't even have a cry - and more than that, there is no 'it' to have or not have a cry in the first place. All I know about the power of the words of God is that I have heard seen it working, but if you have not seen them,and do not know or will not permit yourself to entertain the notion that God is even an entity, how can you describe his characteristics, and draw up limits of what he can and can't do? A non-thing can't have any attributes at all. Now because I have had experience of a real God in my life I can say the little I know about him. But far less than tell me what God's words can and can't do, you couldn't even tell me what colour my neighbour's cat is! And yet despute never having seen or known my neighbour's cat you could believe well enough that my neighbour has a cat.

        I could go on...

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        • McBean

          Please do go on. Tell me why Agnosticism is a false concept.

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    • So you're saying God created the world through his power (not science). And science was just a "tool" of humans to discover what God created?

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      • Grunewald

        Essentially, yes. The laws of the universe that science has discovered pre-existed the science, all science did was make them visible to humans. We 'see' the laws often by codifying them into mathematics. Sometimes we get the science wrong. But no matter how bad the science is, the laws themselves don't change. They are not dependent on 'science' to exist, and they stay the same until someone does a better job at describing them! Newton's apple would have fallen whether Newton had called it 'gravity' or not!

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        • McBean

          Yes, but is the evolution of life into the species that we see today, not due to random processes of which the non-adaptive ones die out without intervention nor guiding care from a Deity?

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          • Grunewald

            Why are the two mutually exclusive? As I see it, God created matter and its laws, and sustains it in spirit. Spirit and matter are two completely different things. Science in its present form largely only considers matter. There are points of convergence, but empiricists are generally only concerned with matter. So, however God may be sustaining his processed, they don't know, and largely, they don't want to know l, except to try to 'disprove' God. Would an almighty God condescend to let mockers and haters tie him down and prod and judge him like an animal specimen? We ask if dolphins, elephants and primates ought to be treated with more dignity than to be put in zoos because of their high IQ. ASSUMING God is real, then he is a God, not some kind of monkey. He would not be less sentient than a human being, but more, and have a more developed sense of self, and a more powerful intelligence than a human. Assuming God is real, we could not expect him to be happy to be treated as a lab specimen and dominated by those who consider him an enemy. Why should he not conceal himself from them? His existence doesn't depend on their believing in him. If scientists set out with the foregone conclusion that God doesn't exist and set up their parameters and scope of enquiry accordingly, then of course they will not 'find' him. Moreover, how can they expect to develop a methodology to detect him, if they already don't believe he is there? They do not have any idea what sort of being he is, and they do not care. So they cannot.

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            • Hasandu

              Looks like your a huge Jesus freak that has a very narrow mind of how things work in the universe

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            • McBean

              Nobody is trying to banish your warm fuzzy spiritual teddy bear into non-existence. Either he created the universe, or he didn't. Despite your best efforts to avoid answering my question, you have answered it. I wish you, God, and your ancient scriptures all the best. As an Agnostic, his existence matters not to me.

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      • Murun

        God isn't a he. It's not got sex or gender.

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        • JustAHuman

          Then why does the bible refer to God as "he."

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          • Murun

            Probably because it was written by men in a patriarchal society.

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          • What does the Bible have to do with god?

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            • EccentricWeird


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    • Acton98

      God cannot exist no matter how many word salads you throw at it.

      God was a concept create by man to explain why we are here ect. because they had almost no understanding of how the world worked.

      Creation is impossible because nothing is just that nothing, and nothing is, nothing no matter what.
      And in order for true creation to happen not even a "creator" can be present, because then who or what created them on into infinity.

      Where did the universe come from honestly we don't know.
      And the thought of some altimate being speaking everything into existence is laughable.

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      • Grunewald

        Arguably everything anyone has written on this page is word salad, but verbiage doesn't make any difference to wheher God exists or not. He does or he doesn't. All it can make a difference to is whether people think he does. It is either God or the void that will have the last laugh when we're dead.

        You would try to make a God exist or not exist via logic, which is essentially a thought experiment. Could God not equally make you exist via thought experiment? Is all matter essentially the fabric of an extra-material being's thoughts, or speech? Is there an infinite number of 'yous', which would be required to make an infinite God cease infinitelty to exist? Perhaps I am being facetious. Pick holes if you will, you will always have a retort. Christians hold that God can speak matter into being - and the human urge to speak God into nothing could be seen perhaps as a twisted vestige of having been created in his image.
        Were you there when man supposedly invented God? If you like evidence so much, can you show me some?

        I don't see why God needs an infinite chain of creators to exist. I don't see the conflict. The point of a creator is that it brings things into existence that were not before. Nothing can be created out of nothing - but this very rule is based on a naturalist account of the universe that excludes God from consideration and only considers mortal things as possibly existing from the outset. God is not the same as a mortal thing. He is an eternal thing. Eternal things don't rely on mortal things to exist. They aren't bound by the same limitations either. God doesn't need to be created... because eternal things, by their very nature, aren't created.

        We use logic to try to prove such-and-such a thing can or can't be - but there is actually no reason why he universe *should* obey 'hard logic' as it is understood by humans. By naturalist accounts at least, we aren't at the centre of the universe. The universe does not exist just because it is logical to us, or cease to exist just because we find bits of it hard to make logical sense of. Are you and I even well read enough in hard, mathematical-philosophical logic to be able to make authoritative statements about wheher God is logical and discredit opponents? Should we require God to make more innate logical sense than the physical world around us before we will admit that his existence is even 'possible'? The physical world too has many mysteries. How much more the one who created it! And how could we even permit God to make logical sense at all if we are so certain that he doesn't exist? If you study a thing because you're only interested in proving that it isn't in fact there, are you really studying it? How can you analyse a thing with your eyes shut?

        Just because you don't want us to be able to know something doesn't mean we don't know. Just because something is laughable doesn't mean it isn't so.

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        • Acton98

          If god can be eternal as you say, then why couldn't the universe be eternal.
          Really it's a question of what meaning you choose to give a god.
          I don't give any thought of a dirty any meaning there for it has none and doesn't exist.
          But you can't deny the universe or science, because there it is.

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          • Grunewald

            The universe could be eternal. In theory. Why does God being eternal mean that the universe couldn't be eternal? And if the universe wasn't eternal, God could still be eternal. He is not subject to what he created unless he subjects himself to it...

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            • Acton98

              If he exists he is subject, because where did he come from and why?
              And if god knows everything past present and future, why even bother with us in the first place?
              How could a perfect god create something so imperfect?

              Sorry about the time gaps, I only check back here once or twice a month, because it's not as busy here, lol.

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    • Hasandu

      If god created the universe he would still be creating it and he won't have a end of that because the universe is expanding

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      • Grunewald

        Who's to say God stopped being an intrinsically creative God once the universe reached a state similar to the one we see today...?

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  • QueenJuliaGG

    If you beleive in a Magic fairy man in the clouds who noone has ever seen, touched, heard, ect, who created the laws of physics, the universe, and everything in it in 6 days, then you might be a little psychotic.

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    • Hasandu

      Ya are right man

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  • Dustyair

    God is a big soft inflatable pony with a happy hole it :)

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    • Acton98

      Now that's something real, I could get behind😉

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  • rayb12

    Why is neither not an option? I disagree with every assertion made in this weird question

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  • MissileExpert

    I am Agnostic, but you seem to be in agreement with Catholic teaching here.

    Unlike much of evangelical Protestantism in the U.S., Catholic teaching traditionally has not been at odds with evolution. In 1950, Pope Pius XII proclaimed there was no opposition between evolution and Catholic doctrine. In 1996, Pope John Paul II endorsed Pius' statement. Pope Francis has waded into the controversial debate over the origins of human life, saying the big bang theory did not contradict the role of a divine creator, but even required it. In fact, in 1925 a Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître, made the first preliminary estimate of Hubble's constant that quantifies expansion of the universe.

    No worries. You certainly are not the first person attempting to integrate ancient scriptures with observable evolutionary processes.

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    It believes in Bawth.

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  • kelliekelliekellie

    Science is useful as to explain for the HOW, but not as to explain for the WHY. And when it comes to people saying that there is no meaning, then how come did we even find out that there was no meaning? Why did we ask it ourselves in the first place?

    The evidence of the existence of God is relatively easy. At an early age, it is easy to figure out that there is a design in the things that surround us, and the things that MAKE us, and are inside us. Why is your heart pumping blood? Why are you seeing what's around you? How does your heart know it must pump the blood? In every logical thing in the world, intelligence has to be behind. Every logical thing has to be thought in the first place. And thus, any intelligence reveals an existence.

    It is also easy to see, when interacting with other people, that there is clearly a line between right or wrong. And this isn't influenced by society, this is how humans naturally are. There are many studies that were conducted in the tribes and aboriginal groups - thus not influenced by our modern society - that tend to say right and wrong have always been around. Again, how are we aware of this ?

    I guess the most difficult thing nowadays for people is to believe that there really is a guy who died and came back from the dead. That is why I am mostly agnostic, and not necessarily calling myself of any religion. You don't have to be a practicing religious person to figure out that there is a design.

    However, I can clearly see that there is an agenda at hand nowadays, to destroy Christianity. To destroy family values, to blur the lines between good or bad, right or wrong, the male gender and the female gender. And honestly I can't help myself but thinking, why? Why are they doing this, what's the outcome ? At this point, it can only go downhill from there.

    Because at the end of the day, even if you hate God or everything else that comes with it, those values built the world, and the most successful nations nowadays, like the USA, were built on those values, contrary to other nations that are still struggling...

    People will often object that God only led to wars, and misery, and that if he existed, your aunt wouldn't be dead, or African children wouldn't starve, and you'd own an XBox, and this, and that.

    Wars were made by men, not by God. If I go to a Madonna concert and Madonna is singing a story she heard about killing people, and then I'd go to a killing spree to please her, it would still not be her fault. She would have just DESCRIBED me something she'd heard about, I killed because I wanted to. If you don't want wars, if you want to fix poverty, only men have the power to do that. We had our chance and we blew it. God isn't Santa Claus, that's not how it works. It's not about telling you what you want to hear, it's about telling the Truth.

    So, does God exist? I'd say, probably. Probably because, people are putting way too much energy into trying to turn him into a memory and I find that suspicious. Am I going around everyday, parading to convince people that Santa Claus doesn't exist? Why don't people move on?

    I think it's also very weird that, although people gave up religion a long time ago, the spirituality industry is EXPLODING. People are taking yoga classes, meditation classes, they create new religions, new gods, new communities. Why would you ever need to do something like this? That is another undeniable evidence that humans were designed for spirituality, and they'd rather believe in Oprah Winfrey, a tree, or ANYTHING, than God. So let's ask ourselves the right questions.

    At the end of the day, I can only draw ONE conclusion: EVEN IF HE DOESN'T exist, I'd say it's still much better to be all equal under one imaginary man, than under one tyrannical, data-stealer, perv and corrupted government.

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    • Hasandu

      The part that you speak about sex and meditation shows how narrow minded you are.meditation is the best way to clam your self expand your brain capacity and mastication has been there for about 4000 years even before lord Buddha.before you say stupid things just think you have brain right then start to using it

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    • EccentricWeird

      Nobody is going to read this.

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      • Acton98

        I did.

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      • kelliekelliekellie

        Uh, somebody got butthurt! Pretty sure you read my shit from the beginning to the very end lmao.

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        • StinkyPickle

          You're chasing rainbows, airhead. Evolution is an active game that fertile people play. Get a pair of stripper heels and get interested in cock. Life is passing you by.

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          • kelliekelliekellie

            Who are you talking to? Cause I'm taking it in the ass everyday 🤣🤣 funny are people get touchy when they realize people find happiness in other ways than theirs. Actually, you're even more judgmental than those old catholic mothers haha

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        • EccentricWeird


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  • LookAUsername

    I once read something about humans hatching from eggs made by the apes and chickens, I was laughing my ass off.

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  • Nickvey

    the odds of even one enzyme needed for life just forming on its own is greater than all the known molecules in the universe. I believe in math. Math proves a creator. God is Dog in reverse. not really a name to be calling our creator. Luciferians reverse words in spells.

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    • Hasandu

      Do you know the satellite cepler it was build to track down planets that are smiler to are earth.the satellite has been operational since 2009 it has already tracked down about 200 planets that probably seaport life just in the Milky Way math does point to a creator but physics does not maths is just a tool you use for physics

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    Science. There aren't any god(s).

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  • Acton98

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  • Acton98

    God and religion were made up by man to explain how the world worked.
    If god was so real, then why did the church kill and torture people that didn't believe?
    Because god and religion were used as a tool for absolute control.
    If people weren't literally forced to believe.
    If you want to find corruption fallow the money, and how much money does religion get every year.... billions.
    Religion and god are excuses, that our ancestors were forced to believe for control, and people are still being led around by the face because of it.
    Religion and god are excuses nothing more.

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    • Not all religions are like that. I learned a little bit about religions in my history class. It’s true that there are people out there that used God’s name to control people but that doesn’t mean that all religions do that. There were people who are pure evil that used God’s name to manipulate innocent people. But there are also genuine religious people that helped abolish slavery and helped the world become a better place. Those who used God’s name to hurt others, they’re are false believers who only wanted wealth and power.

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      • Acton98

        I agree

        But to that I will say the religious people that abolished slavery (where they lived)
        Didn't need religion to do it.

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  • Acton98

    God cannot exist no matter how many word salads you throw at it.

    God was a concept create by man to explain why we are here ect. because they had almost no understanding of how the world worked.

    Creation is impossible because nothing is just that nothing, and nothing is, nothing no matter what.
    And in order for true creation to happen not even a "creator" can be present, because then who or what created them on into infinity.

    Where did the universe come from honestly we don't know.
    And the thought of some altimate being speaking everything into existence is laughable.

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  • WorriedOfInsanity

    I believe in both, I believe in God and Science things like Evolution, I also believe in the paranormal.

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  • Endless

    The was I see it I'm sure we were created but by God? Doubtful. I just believe it is some intelligent life that is just more advanced then we are at the moment.who created them? who knows. But I'm sure we are not far from creating life our selves, we are on the verge of creating really advanced AI and we already know how to clone other people so it's not much of a stretch to think other beings did it all before us. And way did they do it? Well this little excerpt from the movie Prometheus I think sums it up perfectly

    Charlie Holloway: What we hoped to achieve was to meet our makers. To get answers. Why they even made us in the first place.

    David: Why do you think your people made me?

    Charlie Holloway: We made you because we could.

    David: Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?

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    • Acton98

      I wouldn't be disappointed.
      I would say "thank you"

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  • Puppetmorty

    I believe in both, but not in the same way you do. But it doesn't matter how you believe, as long as you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior and love Him with all your heart.

    I believe God created light (the big bang).
    I believe that through science, God created everything.
    I believe that animals evolved into what they are today.
    BUT...I don't believe humans evolved.

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    • Acton98

      "It doesn't matter how you believe, as long as you believe in what I do"

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    • Acton98

      "It doesn't matter how you believe as long as you accept Jesus as your lord and savior"

      Oh dear.

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