Do you agree with the death penalty?

no 129
yes 114
yes but it needs scrutinizing 69
they should have it in the uk 26
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Comments ( 84 )
  • for a child murderer yes, if they had any decency theyd offer to do it themselves anyhow

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  • rainbowdrop

    No. And what if there is an innocent person on death row, and he/she gets killed? What justice has that served? None! Except we are murderers just like the accused on DR. I used to think it was okay when I was younger, but now... I just don't think its right. The system is fucked up so much, I am witnessing it first hand.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      That depends...

      are they really innocent
      or are they saying "i'm innocent" to try to get out of the punishment?

      I am sure many people would lie if they thought it would save their lives.

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    • davesumba

      i agree, the system is COMPLETELY and utterly fucked up. people go to prison when they did absolutely no harm to anyone but themself (drug possession etc), and punishments NEVER fit the crime. Except for the death penalty, you kill someone, the government kills you, the punishment couldn't fit the crime any more perfectly.

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    • Darkoil

      Who gives a shit if an innocent person is sentenced to death.

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      • You might give a shit, if it was you. ;)

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      • rainbowdrop

        You would give ten shits if it was a family member, a friend or you. "Its not happening to me so I don't give a fuck" yeah, that's the kind of attitude we need. Grow up you douche.

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        • Darkoil

          That's not my attitude actually. 150,000 people die everyday so would you like to explain to me how one guy being killed is important at all?.

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          • rainbowdrop

            Because, the law and the justice system are how we decide who is criminal and who is innocent. It is not a good system but its what we have. When one person who gets fucked because they were not given a fair trial, or any other thing that may prevent them from having their innocence, and is killed..because of a jank system? Then who do we trust? Its not right. Its not just "one guy", its everyone. And yes, I know lots of people die everyday, but what the fuck is wrong with humanity when its actually considered alright to kill on purpose?

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            • Darkoil

              This is a good point about how the justice system is a broken pile of shit but still if it gets 9 out of 10 cases right then at least we can sleep soundly at night, as long as we pretend that the 10th person was guilty right lol.

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      • BLAh81

        Fucking asshole.

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        • Darkoil

          Lol. You mad bra? Hey just because my views on how important human life is differ to yours there is no need to start name calling.

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  • BrunetteBeauty93

    Yes I do, for crimes such as rape and murder.

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  • Gena45

    Yes and no. I think it definitively has to be there, but it shouldn't be an option all of the time. For example, I know this was a long time ago, but look at Ted Bundy. He killed 40+ women, and when he was in jail, he escaped TWICE, and killed more. If they hadn't put him to death, he would have escaped yet again and kept killing more people. I think they did the right thing by putting him to death, because by doing so, they saved lots of innocent women from getting brutally murdered.

    But it should only be used in cases like that, not on so many people. That I think isn't the right thing to do, especially if the evidence is circumstantial.

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    • Lynxikat


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  • carebear123

    Death Penatly for harsh crime is better than having our money go to feeding and sheltering criminals for a life sentence

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    • Octoberbella

      I agree! Plus if they are still alive there is a chance they can escape and then be among the public again.

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      • jwhit

        it is very unlikely they can escape ive been in prison if u try to escape your given a warning then shot yes it happens but its rare

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  • Hey Americans remember Casey Anthony she deserved the death penalty and did she get it ... No

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    • jwhit

      no she didnt she may of killed her baby but you cant try someone on the fact of how they deal with the loss people handle it differently i know someone that lost their daughter and they went and partied because they couldn't handle the pain whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty

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  • bananaface

    No, definitely not!!

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  • littlelulu1999

    Our jails are overpopulated, cost a shitload of money, and "rehabilate" very few. Not to mention that we have a backlog of criminals on death row filing appeal after appeal....It doesn't take a degree to figure that if you committ a crime and get a slap on the wrist, you will do it again....if victims could speak from beyond the grave, I wonder if they would advocate life or death for their murderers....nonetheless...I believe in the death penalty...I also believe in life in prison without possibility of parole EVER as an alternative (all states should exercise this option to the maximum potential)....

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    • randombob

      In Britain our legal system is way more stringent than most other countries..
      hence i believe that in certain circumstances it is justified - Robert Black killed 3 small girls in the 80's and was convicted for a 4th today.

      Can ANYONE justify keeping this sorry excuse for a human alive ? If you try to argue in favour of forgiveness or clemency then i suggest you meet the grieving relative of a victim of violent crime - i have and its not a pleasant experience, i know as i've done it. Wake up, a single years care for Black could but ten - yes ten - new hips..

      Sorry but in a case such as Blacks...nothing short of the final penalty should be considered.

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  • dom180

    No. No-one deserves to be put to death. It can't undo the crime, and it doesn't deter criminals.

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    • randombob


      It cant undo the crime but seriously violent individuals WILL re-offend over and over again.

      I dont know what you do for a living or where you fit into society but as someone who works in this environment every day and deals with violent individuals ... you should really not comment on these things. You sit behind liberal ideals and dont do anything yourself..leaving people like me to do all the dirty stuff for you. As an example look up Robert Black the British child killer - give me a single reason to keep him alive, bearing in mind as a ward of the state he will get preferential hospital treatment, food, drink, entertainment and days out for the rest of his natural life. Which incidentally the tax payer has to fund.

      Some things are so dreadful that there is only one true punishment... sorry but you are wrong

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      • dom180

        How the hell do you know what I do with my life, and how the fuck is it relevant? By trying to make this personal you have instantly lost any respect I might have given your viewpoint. I have my right to an opinion, and I choose to exercise it. I know more about this topic than you think. Just because I have a different viewpoint to you, does not mean that I don't know what I am talking about.

        Criminals can be rehabilitated. And if that can't be done, we keep them in jail forever. And it is worth the tax-payers money to keep people alive and uphold the moral values of society, not to mention EU Law. A child killer should be kept alive because a child killer is a human being, and that can never be changed. Humans have a fundamental right to life, both in law and morality.

        Incidentally, putting one innocent man to death is too many. If we had the death penalty in the UK, a relative of mine would probably be on death row right now, and we know he is innocent. But then, clearly I am just a liberal idealist who isn't living in the real world. Please think before you open you mouth.

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        • jwhit

          exactly cheers mate

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      • jwhit

        if you sentience people to death your just as worse as the person who committed the crime if you complain about ur job get the fuck out your just creating more victims by killing the offender oh its ok till one of ur loved ones commits a crime then youll bitch and moan and Jesus said you should forgive other or your father in heaven wont forgive you

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        • dude_Jones

          In principle, yes. But in actuality, it's positive closure for the victim's family.

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  • pambambam

    the death penalty is for criminals
    who have commited very high crimes.
    its a capital punishments for those who
    have done above and beyond crimes.
    with no regret and with the audacity
    to create the crime.

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  • Rufus

    I will not say there should or should not be a death penalty, because "should" is an absurd word to me. "We", "our", and "us" are equally absurd. There is "me", and then there is "everyone else". "Will" is a trustworthy word, and is also simple and primordial. Even a dinosaur can understand "will". "I" "will" be careful not to lose my life, and "everyone else" "will" do as they "will", and perhaps that means killing each other. It doesn't matter what I think about the death penalty. Futile. Absurd.

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    • littlelulu1999

      "All progress is due to the unreasonable person."

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  • thecheese

    Yeah those sick fucks need to die, if someone is killing good people for no reason, they should be put down.

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    • jwhit

      what about that persons loved ones they didnt do anything wrong but fuck em anyways god i hate fucking selfish people

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  • Yes. The man that punishes severely, punishes least.

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    • Rufus

      Unfortunately, you're right.

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    • I am relieved that most people don't think like you.

      You can take that as a compliment if you want.

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  • lease

    In the last year, the U.S. has overturned the sentences of a FEW people on death row because they're "getting around to comparing old DNA evidence." Assuredly, we've put more than a few to death already that were actually innocent. I think the death penalty is still a option, but the evidence should have more definitive weight to it...

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  • dickwashington

    i think we need to start public execution back up start selling tickets it will help with the bull shit economy, also clear up death row a little faster so we could stop paying taxes to feed people waiting to die. i think they should also start doing it to sick people like rapists and pedophile!

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    • rainbowdrop

      Lol I hope you're joking.

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    • Rufus

      In some cultures, pedophiles are normal and vindictive people are "sick".

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  • The_Trigger

    No, it is not our say on who gets to live or die

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  • FourAMandstillgoin

    No, we can do worse things than putting someone to death.

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    • littlelulu1999

      such as?

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      • FourAMandstillgoin

        I dont think i should say really.

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        • littlelulu1999

          We are talking violent crimes, and so I asked because some people think jail for life is worse than death....some other people believe in 'eye for an eye' type of punish (such as a murder suffering a similar death as the victim)....then you have countries where they publically/privately torture you or cut off the offending body parts....

          I think we should start considering death penalty and/or life without parole for white collar crimes as well since these crimes (which people are protesting about today) are just as harmful to society and have trickle down effects that influence violent behaviors...and I digress

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          • joybird

            Our uk jails seem quite comfy with TV, gym, decent food etc.

            What about if they were allowed the option for euthanasia if they didn't want to spend life in prison? The trip round the Crumlin Road jail in Belfast is fascinating, it shows where they used to hang them. Maybe the victims' families could be offered the option of hanging them? No point getting life here coz it only means 12 years max so we have many who are willing to admit to their crimes.

            Paedophiles like Robert Black should definitely be put to death.

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            • jwhit

              you know you create more victims that way but fuck the offenders family it doesnt matter they didnt do anything wrong

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  • mrbrownfinger8

    Fuck yeah, they need to relax the rules a little and show it on TV too. That might actually lower the US's murder rate for once.

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  • rayb12

    no way, the "death penalty" is actually killing people. Why is it socially acceptable to support this?

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    Two wrongs do not make a right. Personally, I believe life in prison is a much worse punishment than the death penalty. Why? Because you spend you whole life in jail... waiting for your death.

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  • RoyRogers

    In some cases yes.

    Rapist:Kill them
    Serial Murders:Kill them
    Child molestors:Kill them

    Drug Cartel leaders:Hire them to bust other gangs

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  • Foamy'sACoolSquirrel

    Of course I do. For many crooks, death is the only suitable punishment should they repeat their crime over and over again.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing


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  • elenaki

    I believe it should only be acceptable when someone has a life sentence to have a choice to get a death penalty instead.

    Anyways in Greece there's no death penalty legally but once in prison child rapists or murderers are killed by the other prisoners in a matter of hours.

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  • disthing

    I'm in two minds.

    I agree that some people deserve to die - those people who torture and murder people for their own gratification for example, whether it be the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs or Harold Shipman.

    But I don't believe it to be the place of the government to kill out of revenge for victim's families.

    Perhaps it'd be better to simply make prison for the worst offenders that much more unpleasant - for example, hard labour, or total solitary confinement. Make it so it's a very uncomfortable existence.

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    • jwhit

      i would love solitary confinement than i wouldnt have to deal with fucking stupid people just give me paper andket me write and read

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  • Aleks85

    Of course I do. But only for murder(s)

    Don't ask yourself simply "Do you agree with the death penalty?"

    Ask yourself "If someone you knew and loved was murdered for no good reason would you want the assailant dead?"

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    • jwhit

      no i wouldnt because i woul be just as worse as them

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  • SoccerStud88

    and if the criminal in question kills your own mother woudl you support the death penalty?

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    • jwhit

      no i wouldn't i would forgive him and hope that he could turn his life to God if my mother was murdered i would see her again in heaven

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    • bananaface


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      • SoccerStud88

        what if the criminal in question kills your mother right in front of you and makes you watch

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        • jwhit

          still no judgement is mine says the lord should he go to prison yes but not death for i would be just as worse as him and i dont believe in ur worldly attachments and conformist ways

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        • bananaface

          Well in that situation I'd probably want to kill him myself! That's my point though, I think everyone is capable of murder given the situation. I'm not in any way a psycho, but I'm still capable of murder, and I wouldn't want to be put on death penalty for something which I'd regret and never do again. If that makes any sense?

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          • SoccerStud88

            if you did it once you can do it again

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            • bananaface

              My point was that anyone is capable of murder, so I don't think it's fair to give people death penalty, because given the situation anyone will kill.

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  • I seriously believe in it.

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  • VikingWolf

    Yes, but it needs scrutiny.
    It gets scrutiny. The appeals process can take 20-30 years, so there is a lot of scrutiny which goes into it.
    But the scrutiny I am talking about is different.

    I would be against the death penalty if and only if there was a way to guarantee that people who committed the heinous crimes that deserve the death penalty would stay in prison the rest of their lives.

    I also think that prisons need to be like they were in the 1930's and before. Hard labor, busting their backsides working outside all day long on chain-gangs. Have these prisoners, of course supervised, by guards on horseback, (On horseback so that if they attempt an escape the guards can chase them and tire the prisoner out before the horse is tired out.) Build the new prisons. (This would help with overcrowding and cut costs to construct the prisons.)

    Prisoners should not have TV, radios, or anything electronic, outside of simple devices like electric shavers. Prisoners should only have the right to eat if they work hard, freedom from getting beaten up by others. And a place to sleep in their cell unless they merit a trip to solitary confinement.

    Persistent trouble makers in prison ought to be culled out and separated. I think solitary confinment like what can be seen in movies like Shawshank redemption and Alcatraz ought to be revisited too.

    I do think there needs to be more stratification between different crime types. Murderers, Rapists, thugs etc should not be locked into the same prisons as people who swiped something or who have embezzled money.

    I think that for truly sick individuals, there ought to be a revisit of lobotomies. Use this for serial killers, child molesters and the like.

    I think the only reason that the death penalty is something I still agree with is because I do not believe that prison life is tough enough for habitual criminals to be a deterrent and modify their behavior.

    If life with no possibility of parole was a guarantee, and not the travesty of justice where one can get out in 5 years or some other paltry fraction like it, on good behavior, then I would be against the death penalty.

    Make it harsh and deterring and make those who live their want to get the hell out so that maybe they might think twice about their crimes afterward.

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  • zchristian

    If the crime is hard enough or maybe they should just have a harder punishment...

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  • SoccerStud88

    only if the person is actually guilty.

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