Do people find it embarrassing when white people blush?

I'm super pale and whenever I try to make a good first impression with new people I'm hyper aware of how much I blush. If I say or do something embarrassing I can feel the heat in my cheeks and forehead as if someone was wrapping a hot towel around my head and I can only imagine how beet red I look. I feel especially self conscious around my non white friends because blushing is a lot less noticeable on them

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Comments ( 6 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    I don't think anyone really cares if someone blushes no matter their skin color.

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  • Tommythecaty

    No, people don’t find any of the things people talk about on iin to be real things.

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    • A better question would've been "do white people feel embarrassed blushing in front of people of color?" because I feel really self conscious and aware of how hot I feel when I blush and how obvious it must be to anyone around me

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      • Tommythecaty

        If embarrassed a person tends to give off a bunch of nonverbal indications, so it’s pretty obvious even if one doesn’t blush.

        So it’s not going to matter much regardless.

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  • litelander8

    You blush Bc you’re nervous so it’s only natural that you feel that way. I never thought about it in the context of being white though.

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  • Ligeia

    Depends, I don't think blushing looks bad generally but then again there are people who have their entire face turn tomato-red. It can be cute otherwise

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