Do americans really wear shoes in the house

I read online that Americans wear their shoes in the house. Is this true, because it is rather hard to believe.
My friend has an almost completely carpeted house, and he says his family walks around inside with shoes regularly.
I can't imagine how filthy the carpet must be, and they still walk around in the same places without shoes.

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Comments ( 33 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    is it true in other countries they cant afford vacuum cleaners & mops?

    also that they go round lickin their floors?

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  • Nickvey

    no carpet in my house marble downstairs , Oak upstairs . shoes ? down stairs only you see when a glass shatters shards go everywhere and i cant get them all, they wind up in my feet without shoes. i refuse to have plastic cups or dishes. Marble is also soft and benefits form being polished with my fine corinthian leather shoe soles.

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  • Dan13309

    Ours is a mix As long as we wipe them off good outside before we go in

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  • Slowlymovingfast

    American here, I wear my shoes inside, but I also go barefoot outside in the summer.
    So that's kinda the same thing

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  • AngelLoc

    We have house slippers and slip-ons. It rains a lot from where I live and just imagine how hard would it be to clean our white carpet with mud stains?

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  • SaintWorthy

    I'm a red-blooded American with a designated pair of mud shoes, but I cringe at the thought of stepping around in my house even with brand new shoes

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  • Joeydude

    My house is barely carpet, but I'd still never walk around in shoes.

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  • fakeaccount3

    I wear house shoes yeah but i got that from European family so idk what you’re on about

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  • McBean

    My house is a NO SHOES house. I would guess that about one third of American homes are shoes off.

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  • Dingus69

    In Soviet Russia shoe wears you.

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  • mm6969

    I don't wear shoes in the house. The carpet never gets dirty anymore

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  • mischieflover

    lmao i have inside slippers i wear, n leave other shoes by door. im african american, its a personal choice. never did it growing up or anything but i decided to do so when i moved into own apartment.

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  • MeThing

    I have designed house shoes that do not exit the house, the only reason I wear shoes is because I have had many experiences where I’ve stepped barefoot in dog or cat puke, on a dead mouse(that my cat killed) or on glass.

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  • lordofopinions

    I always take my shoes off in my place or anyones elses. Taking your shoes off in someones house is a sign of respect even if the place is dirty. I used to play darts once upon a time and a guy invited me over after a tournament. He said I didn't have to take my shoes off. I didn't because the place was trashed!!

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  • lordofopinions

    Call Management time.

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  • Nickvey

    it depends how much cow shit is on our wellingtons

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  • Nickvey

    i lived with a very nasty american woman she smoked and had four children , I would wet vacuum the carpets and it looked like sewer water . thats when i decided i would never have carpet in my house.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Only psychopaths insist everyone removes their footwear upon entering a building.

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  • BleedingPain

    Now thats my kind of house! With all carpet that is. I imagine it’s everywhere eccept for bathrooms and the kitchen...

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  • galen

    American here, most of my house is carpeted except for the kitchen and bathrooms. I usually wear socks in the house and no shoes. But sometimes I do wear shoes in the house (though not when the shoes are messy from outdoors) and to be honest I don't even think about it.

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  • Caspersghost

    Its pretty common. I mean unless someone has muddy shoes its a pretty common thing to do yeah. Also a lot of people get thier carpets cleaned by shampoo companys or just buy a machine. Carpets are bound to get dirty regardless though. You walk around on them all the time.

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  • LionsMane

    Depends on the carpet, the house, the shoes, the weather, your job, what you do at home, and more. I guess I see your point the more I think about it, but us Americans are gross anyway

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  • I’m English here I think most people walk around with their shoes on indoors for at least some of the time. Maybe different in the countryside as it’s more muddy. For me it’s a lot about comfort and whether I’m going out again shortly, also depends what shoes I’m wearing. If it’s something like trainers there is a lot more effort to take them off and put them on again. Also if I’m wearing stilettos I would take them off indoors as some of our floors are laminate and the heels mark them plus they are usually quite easy to take off and put on again. Also depends on the weather if it’s rain or snow outside and the shoes are dirty most people would take them off at the door.

    Not sure that it’s all about keeping the carpets clean unless you are wearing really dirty shoes. In England we clean our floors regularly, I wouldn’t remove my clothes before I sit on the sofa in case I made it dirty, so why would I remove my shoes before I walk on the carpet.

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    • glaus

      But I have slippers for indoors. so..

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    • glaus

      The quantity of dirt on footwear is significantly greater than that on clothes; we walk..

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      • We sit!

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        • glaus

          Yeah, we do sit, a lot..
          I meant we, humans, walk so shoes are dirtier than clothes. Unless you're swimming in tar.. 😀

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  • Annaegg

    What??why would you wear shoes inside?

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  • KiwiWisdom

    The truth is it depends on the house. As an American I've been in homes where I awkwardly shuffled around people's nice home in my dirty shoes and I've also been to houses where i was asked to remove them and walked around barefoot. It is less sanitary to walk around in shoes inside, so generally if you stay somewhere for longer than a short visit, it's considered polite to ask what the host prefers. Most people don't think twice about it unless it's brought up or a set rule. The momentary panic is always interesting to watch when you ask people as a visitor.

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  • curious-bunny

    Most in my family dont care, but personally my own place is a shoe off at the door or get the fuck out if my life

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I wear them in the house. I clean my carpets so there's no problem.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Some do, some don't. I would assume most don't.

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  • It’s no different than you going to a restaurant and then sitting on your own furniture. Maybe worse depending on who’s ass was in that restaurant seat before your’s lol.
    PS - read up on what a dog’s paws bring into the house from outside unless you always wash them first.

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