Dizziness and trouble urinating

Just about 10 minutes ago, I got up out of my chair and got a sudden hit of intense dizziness and feeling faint, and had to put my hand on the counter for support, and it lasted for about 10 seconds. And I still feel kinda off, like the same thing will happen again next time I get up. And, this has happened about 5 times in the past 2 days. My second symptom is this cold sweat that I'm feeling, but I'm not sure if it's a fever because my forehead doesn't feel really hot when I put my hand on it. My third symptom is I've suddenly been having trouble urinating in the past 2 days, even when not having gone in hours. Fourth symptom is that I feel noticably lower in energy than I felt previously. All four of these symptoms all came together a couple of days ago and haven't stopped since. I called my doctor but they have no appointments now til after Thanksgiving. So in the meantime, I'm just asking around if maybe one of you on here have ever experienced these particular symptoms that all came together, or if you've known anyone who's gotten these. Or if one of you may have a higher education in health than I've got, and may know what the combination of these 4 symptoms may mean

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Stakz87


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    • I doubt it, since I've been sexually inactive for years due to impotence and erectile disfunction

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  • TerriAngel

    I can get pretty raw when I drink.
    If you have a valid issue, fine.
    Best of luck.
    I drive past homeless camps daily of people living in what used to be a clean median area, or sidewalk.
    Perfectly healthy, but theyd rather be bums then actually work.
    The victim mindset is a bad thing.
    I have every sympathy and compassion for an actual problem.
    But no sympathy for folks making excusses and wanting hand outs.

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  • controversy

    Get ur blood pressure checked, sounds like orthostatic hypotension.

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    • Maybe. Or hypertension, if my symptoms could mean some kind of hemorrhaging, very high blood pressure can increase risk of that. But, I'm wondering now if it may be a kidney problem, with me having trouble urinating. And I suddenly remembered now reading about how failing kidneys can no longer process the toxic waste (the piss) out of you, and instead get into your bloodstream creating dizziness, faintness, and very low energy. I don't know.

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  • jethro

    It could be a brain tumah.

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    • Ok Arnold, lol

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  • Clunk42

    I Googled it for you, and the closest things to your condition I could find are aspirin poisoning and cerebellar hemorrhaging. It sounds like the internet might be incapable of helping you. I'd go to a doctor. I know you said your doctor doesn't have any open appointments, but you should see some doctor; any doctor.

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    • Yes, I'll find one. I'm not sure if this is something as serious as a brain hemorrhage, because I'd be completely passed out on the floor unconscious. I'm guessing that it may be kidney trouble, with my innability to urinate right. Since I first posted my thread up top, I saw a website that says how failing kidneys can make you feel dizzy and faint, low energy and weak, as well as not being able to urinate normally. When your kidneys stop being able to rid your body of waste, it can begin poisoning the blood with toxic chemicals and cause those other symptoms I'm having. I didn't think of the kidney thing until I saw that site a little while ago, and I was then reminded of some other similar things I've read on this before. However, I'm no doctor, so I'm not able to officially diagnose myself on this. And, maybe it could be mild hemorrhaging. I don't know. I'll find a doctor somewhere in next couple of days.

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  • TerriAngel

    You're a pussy.
    A big fat, clammy, cheesy, urinal or dead animal smelling pussy.
    Everyone feels the way you do on certain days.
    The difference is what you actually DO. not what you FEEL.
    You're looking for symptoms, or signs.
    What you are really doing is looking for an excuse.
    An excuse to be a..
    Piece of shit looser victim.
    I drive by that crap daily.
    Its choice.
    The current U.S. president is no better then the poorest bum in metropolis.
    Its all in how you see yourself.
    If you choose to be a looser, you will be one.
    Knowone else can fix that for you.

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    • If I'm being such a pussy about this, why is no one else on here saying what you're saying? Clunk42 thinks that I may have a cerebellar hemorrhage.

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      • blinkeredharlot

        I think its drunk, dw about it

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        • I'm not. I don't get bothered by people on website comment sections, who I'll never see in person, bother me.

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          • blinkeredharlot

            Smart move

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            • Yes. They say that people who want to be trolls on websites are those who choose to say what they really feel about other people in life on websites because they would almost never say it to people in person. Even they will put on a polite front to a certain degree when facing people in person in everyday life. But in website comment sections where they know that they'll never see them in person and nobody will ever know who they really are because of usernames, that's the one place where they can spurt out their most real and deepest thoughts. For all I know, I could have ran across them in public, and they were acting polite and decent. And I would've never guessed in a million years that it may've been that website troll. There's no way we'll ever know because we don't know these people's real names, where they live, what they look like, what their real and deeper thoughts are. Unless someone will go around blurting out their website usernames in public and what they've said on them, but who's going to do that? So anyway, that's why I believe the reasons are for some people being total asshole trolls on website comment sections, sites like this one, etc. It's the only place where people will lash out their deepest anger, hate, etc., and/or their most real and true thoughts. The only other places where you'll see that is in bars or clubs late at night from someone really drunk off their ass. Otherwise, unless you know them very well, you'll never know people's deepest anger, hate, most real feelings, etc. That's just my observations on all of that.

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