Different views come with age

What are some things you have changed your opinions on as you have aged? I have noticed my outlook on the word is very different from the time I was a young adult.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Boojum

    I've become much less tolerant of fools as the years have passed.

    In my twenties, if someone expressed an opinion that I knew was based on faulty understanding of something - or complete ignorance of the relevant facts - I'd just shrug and think that they were entitled to their opinion. These days, idiot asshats with firmly held opinions that are demonstrably wrong seriously annoy me.

    I think it comes down to the discomfort of cognitive dissonance: I really want to believe that the majority of people are fundamentally sensible, relatively kind and reasonably intelligent, but the world keeps shoving more and more proof in my face that this just ain't so.

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  • harkosv

    When I was in my early teens, I was very much one of those who loved the idea that white people would be made lowest-class citizens so that we'd "get what deserved". Then I got older and realized how fucking retarded that mindset is

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Well when I was 15 or 16, I used to believe that a lot of psychic stuff might be real (ESP, telekinesis, astral projection, etc.). I changed my opinion then after I began reading some popular science books. I still believed in alien UFOs though for about another 10 years after that (I still don't think they're a stupid belief to have though, since alien technology would be explained by real science, not magic).

    I also used to love companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google about 10 years ago, because I saw them as these wonderful, high-tech, futuristic companies creating such advanced technology that would eventually help us live in a techno-utopia. But now I see them as the polar opposite. I see them as the literal dystopian corporations they are, that are actively trying to remove privacy from the world to remove people's control of their lives.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Look into the wikileak hillary/podesta emails and it will change your view on those in power forever

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  • I became a realist(used to be an idealist).

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  • Tommythecaty


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have changed my political beliefs from being sort of a democratic socialist to preferring more capitalism (to an extent) and less government programs. When I was young I use to always think the government should help me more because I was very poor. But I only thought that because I was a lower class.

    Since I worked hard and got different trades I started making money and started paying crazy taxes. And I just started thinking its fucking ridiculous how much money they take from me. I dont mind giving money, I give quite abit to our church, but I dont like the government not giving me a choice and my hard earned money goes to someone else. And then realised we are lucky in America because instead of paying $600 a week in taxes in somewhere like sweden you're talking about paying $1100 a week.

    Doesnt sound so good when you're making good money. Democratic socialism is great if you're lower class. But if you're a competitive dude that doesnt mind working 1000 hour weeks to get ahead the less taxes you're gonna pay the better.

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  • FlubberRubber

    I’ve definitely found myself becoming more accepting over the years. I went from an anti lgbt conservative in my teens to libertarian, still being right winged in some economic aspects but left socially. It helps that I’ve had more experience and actually started talking to people who were part of the community, and eventually came to terms with the fact that my upbringing coupled with the fact that I was also heavily in denial about my gender and sexuality heavily influenced those views. I’m also no longer religious and no longer anti abortion.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    While admittedly I'm only 20, I have always had a hatred for alcohol consumption (specifically alchohol) until fairly recently due to a slew of bad experiences with it. I used to advocate against it entirely but now have finally settled for a more "Not for me." approach.

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  • SmokesTheScrapper

    I am now in a dystopian mood, drink alcohol and am overtly pro-violence.

    Before, I was very inspired by the idea that everythin in the world has its good sides. Everythin. I didn't understand the meanin behind violence and I thought alcohol was stupid.

    I haven't really improved.

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  • Somenormie

    During when you grow up you'll notice that your conclusions also change along with your views.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I used to remain silent a lot more when someone said something bothersome or stupid but now I speak up.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    ive come to believe that those who seek power for the mere sakea havin it are dangerous and should be set on fire

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    • SmokesTheScrapper

      Settin people on fire sounds like fun.

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