Curious how serious it is.

So I did coke for the first time a few weeks ago. My buddy talked me into it, and I agreed after some questions. I didnt clean as much as I probably should have as I wasnt experienced in this drug. I however haven't done it since. It was about two weeks ago, and im not sure as to the exact amount I did. I know it was under a half gram though. I know everyone is different, and I know this is a common occurance, but Its been about 2-3 weeks, and when I blow my nose I notice a bit of blood. Is there a way to help with this? Obviously I know quiting coke, and its bad for me and whatever, but thats not an answer im looking for. Im looking for opinions on whether or not this is still normal, if there is ways to help, and no I do not plan on doing it again. Just wanted to try it once whether you believe me or not.

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22% Normal
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Comments ( 14 )
  • paracetamol

    Just once wont cause any lasting damage to nose.
    Doing coke long term has the potential to cause severe injuries to nose -

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Coke is generally cut with vitamin b. You get stuffed up for a day if anything. If you have nose bleeds weeks later it is likely unrelated. Also likely this is a fake situation.

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  • SwickDinging

    The nose bleed thing only usually happens if you've had a really heavy night on it, or if you've been doing it for a while (if you have a more longterm coke problem).

    Sometimes if someone has been sniffing drugs they get paranoid about their nose and any residue left, and pick at it, blow it, just generally fiddle with it. This might cause a bit of blood.

    If you don't wanna go to the doctor then just try leaving your nose alone for a few days and don't think about it. I know it's easier said than done but it might help.

    Doing a bit of coke just once shouldn't affect you after the fact, I would just try and put it out of your mind. If you'd done any serious damage you would have known about it straight away.

    Please bear in mind the unlikely but possible scenario that you have a medical problem that is unrelated to the coke sniffing that may have caused your nose to bleed...

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    • questiontime112

      Sounds good. Ive just been blowing my nose, tried nasil spray, and ive switched to saline as It makes more sense, and is easy to make even. Thanks for the reassuring answer. It doesnt seem like I did enough even to myself to cause any long term issues, and I did read that its best to just put it down. So I put it down. But like i said i found based on what i read that it was weird that I had symptoms a person doing it for months going hard after a half gram at most. Like i said though everyones different I suppose.

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  • barefoot_on_the_sand

    It will get worse, damaging your nostrils.
    Quit while you can.

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  • LornaMae

    Pure cocaine wouldn't do this but as someone said some coke is cut with the worst shit you can think of like laundry detergent and other meds.

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  • questiontime112

    Thanks everyone for the answers. I will always appreciate all input, even if its a witch hunt comment of the flamers, but its always good to be sure. Thanks for all your time!

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  • RoseIsabella

    Watch out for the old saddle nose!

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  • paracetamol

    I dont understand your question, are you asking about whether if coke is harmful, are you asking whether if doing coke once is harmful?
    Coke causes ur blood pressure to rise and is pretty dangerous to hypertensive people(it can cause an artery to burst, cause a stroke,). Its very dangerous to heart patients as it rises their heart rate.

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    • questiontime112

      Im asking if me doing it 3 weeks ago is still the cause of bloody boogers coming out when I blow my nose or rinse my nostils out. Sorry that Im all over the place. Kinda weirded out im still bleeding. This was the only different thing I did so its weird that Its still going on.

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    • SomeEmoLord

      He's asking if the fact that he has a slight nosebleed afterwards is serious or dangerous

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      • paracetamol

        Oh i see.

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        • questiontime112

          Yes sorry very nervous and as this is my first time a bit paranoid, but I also know that this is the internet and I expect to see those people going out and saying cause I tried something im doomed to hell. _eye roll_

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          • SomeEmoLord

            Nah dw, it's nothing serious as far as i'm aware. Just make sure to look after your nose, clean it etc and you'll be fine

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