Creepy person at bus stop

Whats wierd is this happened in broad day light and wierdly you can do all sorts of stuff at night in this city, walk home drunk, go home with a random stranger, sit at the bus stop, you name it and nothing is gonna happen. However, this happened in broad day light and I am now super creeped out. So I took the bus to my house since they keep blocking off the roads for construction and I walk home. However, I missed my stop and ended up at the college. Not a big deal since I go to the college so I know the way back. However, after waiting for about 10 minutes this random person came and was standing directly in front of me. Much too close I might ad. I was on my phone not really paying attention. They asked "Hey, are you waiting for the bus to? Do you know when it comes"? I said "20 minutes" they started asking me about if I went to the college. They kept asking the same question and kept asking "Is that now"? Which I said "No, we have 20 minutes" and than told me they liked my backpack. I said "Do you want me move it so you can sit" and they said "No its fine". I moved my backpack and Said "SIT DOWN NOW". They did but than got up and started pacing back and forth in front of me "Again WAY TOO CLOSE". So than they came up and put thier hand on my shoulder and said "When is the bus coming". I said again "20 minutes". I grabbed thier hand and moved it off of me while continuing to type on my phone since I wanted to give the message to go away. They than said and this creeped me the hell out "I wont do anything you dont want me to, I am not here to harm you. I am just existing here right now". So I said "Okay! I gonna come back in 20 minutes!" and they said "Is that when the bus comes"? and I said "Yes! BYE! and ran to the center of the school where I found the library and looked around every office under I could find someone". We are between semesters so the school is mostly vacant. I told the lady "I am hiding from the creepy kid at the bus stop" and she gave me number for campus police. When I showed back up at bus stop I saw the campus police exorting him onto a bus. Was this person crazy or high?

Crazy/Challenged 8
Predator 2
High 2
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    It was probably someone having a mental episode. They need to learn to reel that shit in before they hurt someone. Which, btw when someone acts like this in public, never throw away your fight or flight instinct in order to try to be one of those moral heros. You were right to run away. I've seen people who casted their instincts away only to get attacked. I wonder if they thought that huge hospital bill was worth it. I doubt it.

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    • bigbudchonger

      This is quite sensible tbf

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    • SkullsNRoses

      I agree, best thing to do is get out of there, confused unstable people can turn violent. Always trust your instincts.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I'm really glad you put the "crazy/ challenged" option. I genuinely think that was the case. He was problably really nervous and had some sort of disorder hence his weird actions.

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    • What do you think is wrong with them? Do you think they are dangerous? I mean physically I could have taken them physically but I kind of just wanted to not be bothered.

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      • bigbudchonger

        Probably some kind of social anxiety disorder, something that both made them anxious, hence he/she's persistent behaviour about the bus. I also think they genuinely didn't mean to threaten you; that's probably why they added in the part about not being "here to harm you", as creepy as it may sound.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    stun gun

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  • Tinybird

    I find it weird that you yelled at them to "SIT DOWN NOW." I would be creeped out if someone did that to me.

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    • I told them to sit since they just pacing, standing in front of me who was sitting and staring and than putting thier hand on my shoulder and whispering the same question I already answered. So of course I demanded thier dumb ass to sit the fuck down. My bag was blocking the rest of the bench so I figured if I made room they would also sit and stop hovering within my space bubble.

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  • ospry

    My mans sounds like a giga chad

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    • Whats that

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  • Anonnet

    I'd go with either high or a predator. Good that you reported him.

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