Could you.....?

Omnivores could you date a vegetarian or vegan?

Vegetarians/vegans could you date an omnivore?

I'm omnivore I couldn't date a vegan or vegetarian 16
I'm vegan/vegetarian I couldn't date an omnivore 2
I'm vegan/vegetarian I could date an omnivore 2
I'm omnivore I could date a vegan or vegetarian 23
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Comments ( 31 )
  • raisinbran

    Your terminology is all wrong, it's normal person and herbivore.

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  • Cliche1234

    Dating a vegan is an easy no for me. Dating a loud, annoying vegan is an absolute fuck no for me.

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  • Gameofthrones288

    Vegetarianism and veganism is completely stupid. It is known for being harmful to health and causes anxiety and depression. I'm really sick of those people and they wonder why they're depressed or anxious. My sister had bipolar depression completely go away after stoping her vegetarian diet and eating meat. I did a full on paper on vegetarianism and it's strong links to depression and anxiety. Vegetarians and vegans usually know their diets are horrible but they love to live in denial. Watch a vegetarian get triggered by my comment because I'm telling the truth and they don't want to hear it.

    To answer your question I would run if someone told me they were vegetarian or vegan.

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    • charli.m

      I eat meat and still think that sounds like bullshit.

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  • SeashellSong

    Considering humans aren't herbivores and how boring the vegan/vegetarian diet is, I couldn't date them.

    My parents brought me up vegetarian and I only ate meat for the first time at 20 years old. Let's just say I never went back to vegetarianism again. I also never felt better!

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  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    I wouldn't like it, but depending on the person it would be worth it. I think human herbivores are silly because its very unnatural and most people aren't going to be able to follow the right diet to avoid getting health issues from it. You can eat a small amount of meat and still save the world. Completely unnecessary to abandon meat entirely. Gives me Ant-ivax mom vibes.

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  • Whatintarnation

    If you don't like bacon, we will not get along.

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  • Avocadopeople

    I've dated a vegetarian before and it was not fun. If they want to be a vegetarian or vegan they can be but it would put a strain on the relationship and would annoy me too much to pursue.

    I'm also really health conscious and only date like-minded people who also care about their health which is another reason I couldn't date one. I think I'd rather date a Christian than a vegetarian or vegan which says a lot because I'm extremely against organised religion.

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  • McSorley

    Sure, as long as they didn't try to impose their beliefs on me. But let's be real, if you're in a relationship with someone there's really no way that's not going to happen at least a little. Sooooo...hmmm, maybe I wouldn't.

    I'm con-fyoosed!

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Wow, there are a lot of stereotypical and misleading comments here about vegetarians and the vegetarian diet.

    I'm vegetarian and most people don't know it until either we go out for a meal or vegetarianism itself is part of the conversation. And even then the vast majority of the time, it's always someone else who pipes up and announces that I'm vegetarian, and then look to me to say something about it. I've always found meat eaters are more hung up on vegetarianism than the vegetarians themselves.

    And as for the vegetarian/vegan diet being unhealthy, I'm not trying to be antagonistic here but that opinion is coming from people here who don't really have a clue and is therefore totally useless. The actual experts are inconclusive about it, why do think we should know better? It seems like there's no real drawbacks or positives to a (healthy) vegetarian diet when compared to a (healthy) meat eating diet. Nothing substantial has been discovered yet anyway, so let's at least wait until it is. Arguing about it now is pointless, we may as well be fighting over whether there's a multiverse or not.

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    • Sanara

      I figured out a vegan diet was unhealthy based on actually trying it and getting noticeably worse health every single time, but the rest I can agree with. Maybe some people really are perfectly healthy on it and Im the exeption. A vegetarian diet may be far from an actually vegan diet if it allows eggs or dairy on a regular basis

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  • megadriver

    Date a vegetarian - meh, it could work I guess... It will be annoying having to cook an extra meal, when I want meat, but not impossible for such a relationship to work.

    Date a vegan - no, I'd rather be single XD
    I don't want to be converted into a vegan, or have a vegan girlfriend tell me how terrible of human being I am for liking bacon...

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  • Boojum

    TLDR: Many - maybe most - vegans are irrational nutjobs, but you shouldn't tar all vegetarians with the same brush. I've been out out of the dating game for a long time now and it's highly unlikely I'll ever return, but since I've never been masochistic enough to date someone who's cray, I would have never dated a vegan.

    The vegan lifestyle - and it is a lifestyle, not just a diet, since the vegan philosophy affects so many things - is attractive to a certain type of personality: a need for following rigid rules, an unshakeable conviction that one has found the One True Path, a need to proselytise and a belief that all animals are equivalent to humans.

    It's the same mindset as that of religious and political fanatics, and I've always found bigotry repulsive.

    Vegetarians are different, and I've had a vegetarian diet for much of my life. Many aspects of modern, intensive animal farming are ethically disgusting and harmful to the environment and to human health, but not all animal products come from rural factories. I've never had problems with the morality of eating eggs and dairy products that come from animals who have good lives, and although I'm not crazy about meat, I don't feel bad about eating meat that's from animals who were treated well, had a good life and whose end was sudden and humane.

    The thing that made me realise just how totally bonkers vegans are was learning that a True Believer Vegan won't eat honey. As far as they're concerned, honey is the product of exploited animals that are always treated cruelly by beekeepers.

    We've had bees for more than a decade now. While there is some degree of truth in what Peta and vegan wingnuts say about how large-scale commercial beekeepers treat their bees, we respect our bees, interfere with them as little as possible, allow them to do what their instincts drive them to do, don't treat them with synthetic chemicals and still manage to get a decent crop of honey from them every year.

    But as far as vegans are concerned, none of that matters. We're evil for keeping bees and our honey is just as bad as any other. Of course, there is a fundamental irony in vegans eating food that only exists because some beekeeper made sure that there were bees flying around to pollinate the crop's blossoms. But I guess in the airy-fairy world of a vegan who has always lived in the city and hasn't the faintest fucking clue about what growing food is really all about, they're certain some native, wild bees will always appear out of nowhere to do the pollination if there's not a beehive around.

    It's the same with eggs: as far as a fanatical vegan is concerned (and most of them are fanatics), it's always morally wrong to eat an egg, even if that egg should come from a hen that's been sold by a battery farm because she's too old to lay reliably every day and she's now living in a luxurious chicken coop in your backyard and spending her days happily scratching in your flowerbeds.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the food part would suck but the real trouble would be the death of any kinda sensea humor or fun that is universally lackin in veggers

    its a chore to be around them kinda people and be civil

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  • Hubbard

    Look up Annette Larkins

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    • Clunk42

      These people claim she's ageless, but her age is quite obvious, to me.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't date anyone who would try to tell me what I'm supposed to eat, and certainly not anyone who would preach to me about it.

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  • Ditnyte

    Lol your wording is kinda weird, Personally as long as they aren’t an asshole and they aren’t shoving it in my face constantly I don’t care if they are vegan

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  • Tommythecaty

    Sure, if it doesn’t effect what I eat then yes.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm fine with vegetarians, health benefits and caring about animals while using thier products. Completely justified.
    Vegans are worse. Vegans flaunt from their high horse about caring about animals on the same level as people. Milking a cow is rape. Cheese from any animal is sexual assault.

    I'm a hunter, I kill for my meat. You gain appreciation for nature when you hunt. Vegans appreciate the romantasized version of nature without factoring in that humans are animals too. Our strength isnt physical its mental. Why adapt to the environment when you can adapt the environment to you. Vegans are entitled puritarians that would turn on their values in as little as three missed meals.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Absolutely, as long as they treat me fine, and don't try and push it on me then I could. I could date an authoritarian, Muslim communist if they didn't try and push it on me or bring it up a lot.

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  • ellnell

    Vegetarian yes, vegan no. I respect vegans but they can honestly be tiring to be around. I've thought about going vegetarian myself at times or at least lower my meat consumption and support local farmers. I'm a firm believer in nature being beautiful but cruel and that humans gotta survive just like animals prey on other animals for food. It's natural but mass consumption is unnecessary. Animals should live a natural life like they do on a farm. A vegan would never get that and take great offense to it, I mean they don't even eat eggs for gods sake even if they come from happy, healthy hens. And i've been around vegans. The bad looks they throw at you for eating non-vegan products are insane. They basically view you as a murderer.

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  • LOLFanProductions

    There should be an option for "it doesn't matter"

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  • Sanara

    Im omnivore and in the rare case that they are okay with me eating meat I could date a vegetarianer or vegan. Not otherwise

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  • --

    I couldn't care what one eats as long as its human food

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Yeah idc, but I bet vegans have stinky farts. All those fruits and veggies make you stink. So that'd be kinda weird but doable

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    • I think you fart less if you don't eat meat

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Not from my experience. I tried the vegan thing and I was farting and shitting a storm! Veggies and fruit has alot of fiber in it and makes you fart. Especially if you eat a lot of broccoli and onions.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          I ate a foot long branch of broccoli once, that was the only time my farts smelt so bad even I couldn't handle it.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            EXACTLY!!!!!! I one time went on a diet where 80% of everything I ate was brocolli. You have no idea

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  • Mammal-lover


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