Cooking is time consuming and i get bored easily. iin?

Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I'll cook up something good. But at other times I'm absolutely sick of it and it's extremely time consuming, just standing in one spot turning chicken until it's fully cooked gets boring and I lose my patience.

That doesn't mean I'll just give up and eat it raw. There's no way that's happening. I just hate how it takes so much of my time when I could be doing something else.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    thats why people put beer wine & booze in their sauces & such

    not just for the flavor but as an excuse to git shellacked while cookin

    gotta sample the ingredients

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I hate cooking. I always burn my food somehow as well I don't understand it. Next week though I think im gonna have French toast and eggs. I'm tired of sugary cereal

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  • Boojum

    I've always found cooking just for myself very boring. I'm one of those people who eats to live rather than lives to eat, so during the periods when I've lived on my own, my diet has been whatever I can throw together quickly. When I first moved into my own place at the age of 17, I basically lived on popovers and tuna salad.

    If you want to live on ramen noodles, protein shakes and vitamin supplements, you should feel free to do that. As long as you have enough energy to get through the day and you don't start suffering from every bug that's going around, you'll know you're doing okay. One thing you should try to avoid is pre-prepared meals; those tend to be very high in salt, fat and sugar.

    Something you might consider is challenging yourself to cook something completely new when you feel the need for a change of pace. It sounds like you're living on your own at the moment, and I suspect that you might be a guy. One thing that really impresses a lot of women is a guy with mad kitchen skills who can casually rustle up a tasty meal from scratch.

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  • Somenormie

    Cooking never gets boring or time consuming for me, I just cook things throw all my ingredients and get the hob up high.

    One thing I honestly wish I could do is chop up the vegetables faster.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not a big chef in the kitchen sort of person. I can literally live off of protein shake powder, milk and bottled water.

    I always eat steak rare, and I just remembered that I have a sirloin steak in the refrigerator. I just lack the motivation to go the kitchen, and make the steak.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      the motivation i have is that if i dont cook the steak either the day i bought it or the next day its gonna be an expensive piecea rotten garbage

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  • olderdude-xx

    Do what I do. Cook in batches, then freeze meal portions (or freeze dry if you are really adventurous and can afford the equipment).

    Today all I did was microwave food that was cooked in previous days...

    I've got likely over 100 meals in the freezer. I've got a similar number freeze dried and sealed in packaging that is good for 25+ years.

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    • dude_Jones

      That's my game too. It facilitates eating when you're hungry, cooking when you're bored.

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