Conspiracy theory

Was the death of Harambe staged? I believe that Harambe was assassinated by the Clitons. Why, because he had the cure to Covid 19. Perhaps he was the cure, and the Clitons wanted him gone. Just before Harambe could tell the little boy that fell in the exhibit the secret about Covid 19 he was tragically murdered.

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Comments ( 23 )
  • ellnell

    Those goddamned clitons

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  • KholatKhult

    Just don’t blame us for it and it’s all good

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  • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • Mammal-lover

    Who's harambe? What a stupid name

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    • If you were a true mammal lover you would know who Harambe was. Also please refrain from insulting the Great Harambe. Here is a beautiful poetic peice to help you better understand Harambe and his life. Its old but its still good.

      "In west Cincinnati I was born and raised on the zoo grounds is where i spent most of my days, Chillin out hanging out acting all cool, eating bananas out by the pool, When a mom and her kid, they were up to no good, crawled over the fence into my neighborhood, I got in one little fight and my zoo keeper got scared, heard a gun shot just before I stopped breathing air...."

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      • RoseIsabella

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    • Boojum

      Hell, bro, even _I_ know the Harambe meme.

      You're none the poorer for never having heard of it before, though, since it makes as little sense as the deranged QAnon idiocy, or any randomly chosen TikTok video.

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  • McSorley

    Harambe's a dead meme, dude. Spout off about something more current if you want to be edgy.

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  • noneoftheabove

    Yeah and the earth is flat.

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    • darefu

      Not so ! That one has some proof. If it was flat the cats would have push everything off the edge..... 😊

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  • dappled

    Have you ever noticed that Clinton sounds a bit like Klingon, and Klingons were an allegory of a racial stereotype of those who were seen to be against America? Also, they were the product of a man called Gene Coon (you can't make this kind of stuff up - it is actually true) who, himself, sounds like some kind of advert for eugenics in the early 20th century.

    In a world where there's nothing to believe in any more, why do we persist with belief? First there was religion, then the Nazis and now it's celebrity diets. At least the Nazis weren't a death cult, unlike those other two.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Don’t know but I have a serious belief that they straight up killed Seth Rich.

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    • Correction

      My favorite thing about these kinds of conspiracy theories is how they could easily go the other way. I mean, it’s just as plausible that, say, Seth Rich knew about the connections between the Trump campaign and Russia so Trump and/or Putin had him killed, or they simply did it so they could work with Fox News to frame Clinton. I mean, we know the Trump administration pressured FNC to run the story no matter what it took, which lead them to fabricate quotes from a contributor, we just don’t know why it was so important to them considering the election was long over by that point.

      Or the conspiracy theory that mass shootings are either made up or funded by some group on the left because they want to enact gun control. Considering not a single gun law has ever been passed in response to a mass shooting, the only people who benefit from mass shootings are gun manufacturers and the NRA. (Gun sales go through the roof every time there’s a mass shooting.) If anybody was going to fund a mass shooting, it’d be them.

      My favorite lately has been people on the right, churches and church goers in particular, claiming that the virus is just a way to use fear to control people. As if that’s not the very foundation of religion, the sole reason people came up with it and the primary reason it still exists. I was talking to somebody who said they refused to wear a mask in a store because they would not be controlled by fear, and then just a few minutes later in the same exact conversation, they told me I needed to start going to church and accept Jesus as my savior and blah blah blah or else I’d spend eternity in hell. As far as I could tell, they were completely oblivious to the irony.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Some conspiracies are legit, some aren’t. Seth rich being killed off given his circumstances is far more plausible than a robbery were the assailant decided to take the insane risk of shooting him in the middle of the street...but bafflingly not to steal anything from him lol.

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          Lol everybody thinks the conspiracy theory they believe in is legit, legitimacy is subjective. If he was killed off, it’s beyond baffling that he was shot in the back instead of the head and that he was still very much alive when the murderer(s) left the scene. It’d be one of the worst contract killings in the history of contract killings.

          Sometimes unexplainable, baffling things happen. We’re never going to know who killed him or why.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Some are, some aren’t. Things either happened or they didn’t, there’s nothing subjective about objective truth or falsity. Are you aware of how the actual term “conspiracy theorist“ was invented and why, because that’s interesting in itself.

            On rich, If it were a contract killing, it was pulled off just fine, he’s dead and some guy is talking about how we’ll never know. Secondly, people survive attempted contract murders all the time, real life is not film.

            Contract murder is not often like it is in movies, believe me I know, it’s pretty much like you see there in his case. And you don’t shoot people in the head unless you have a gun quite literally pressed to it. So on the street you always aim for the largest mass, the chest. Unless you’re behind them, then it’s the back. Even police officers will tell you the same.

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            • Correction

              Conspiracy theories are still just that, theories. And theories are, by definition, subjective. They’re used to explain what may or may not have happened when nothing has been proven.

              Police officers will also tell you that robberies gone wrong routinely end exactly like the Rich case all the time, with nothing being stolen. The target fights back unexpectedly and the robber panics, shoots the person, and runs off. It stops being a robbery once the person fights back and it becomes a fight for survival and escape. Once you shoot somebody, you’re not going to stick around to go through their pockets, believe me I know. If the Rich case started off as a robbery, they would’ve been relieved to get out of there without getting shot or caught.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    crappy conspiracy if elvis aint involved

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