Communism or fascism

Which is worse and would you rather live under a regime that's based under these ideals?

I ask this because my father would be ok with a miltary junta
(fascist based)running things.

I don't like neither but plenty of people seem like they would be ok with living under them.

What are the benefits and why do people like them when they are equally crappy.

Neither 21
Communism 9
Fascism 13
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Comments ( 55 )
  • nikkiclaire

    People go for this stuff because they can't think for themselves, are terrified of the world and hope someone will take care of them.

    Usually they get rocketed into substandard squalor, while their caretakers eat caviar.

    The less government the better.

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    • government will always be a thing because like you said people are unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

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    • JD777


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      • McBean


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  • megadriver

    Both are wrong, but between the two I choose fascism. Communism is the worst thing ever! At least the damn fascists made advancements in medicine, gave us the autobahn, mass produced automobiles, the jet engine, television and a ton of other stuff...

    Communists invented the gulag, dying from vodka poisoning and the ugliest cars in existence.

    Heck, if the Germans had won, Bulgaria would have still been a fairly powerful country. Russia came, shoved communism down our throats, took away everything from wealthy Bulgarians, murdered other wealthy Bulgarians for their money and fucked an entire country forever. I pick fascism every time! It's evil, but a bit less retarded. Fuck communists!

    My cousin is a communist retard. Prick said Stalin was a WW2 hero. I punched him in the nose and made him bleed and I'd do it again! Can you believe the idiocy... That idiot has an Iphone, drives a Toyota, goes on holiday in Greece and watches netflix and he tells me communism is good... And then he wanted money from me... Fuck that! I make more money than him. I have my own business! I have 3 Mercedes cars and a company Mercedes and I'm 25 and he is 30... He can kiss my capitalist ass!

    My great grandfather was murdered by the fucking communists. Both of my grandfathers served time for being against communism ideas. All of my family's land was taken away, so were our businesses, because we were labeled as a "nazi" family. The idiots took our money to make communistical mansions and fuck peasants! Fuck communists! Fuck them sideways with a knife!!!

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    • Chill bro as I said I'm no fan of communism and you make a fair point as to why I don't like it also sorry about what happened to your family.

      Communism promises a lot of things and sounds nice on paper but it is clear that each time it's tried it quickly becomes the things it swore to fight against.

      But I have to say that fascism is just as bad and even worse in some areas.

      Fascism is a shit ideal just like communism but unlike communism that lies to get power fascism out right says what it wants.

      The nazis are a good example of this and if they would have won many people would have been fucked more so then what the communists would hope to even do.

      The communism while evil didn't have a plan to ethnically kill so called inferior races so I'm glad that the nazis lost and wouldn't want to change that.

      To also note fascism didn't like things such as democracy similar to communism both don't allow free thought because that goes against their collective.

      Also while I will say that your cousin sounds like a leech I don't think it's ok to punch him just because he follows a shit ideal same can be said to people who punch assholes because they are nazis.

      People are getting to emotional on all ends and follow things they clearly don't understand.

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      • AceWhitehouse

        you sound really sensitive about someone's opinion on a controversial topic that you, yourself decided to post about.. also, communism is the worse of the two evils, glad i dont live in countries with either governments.. but if i were to pick my poison, it would be fascism..

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        • I made it clear that I hate both ideals equally I just gave my slight view points communism lies to get what it wants saying that its a movement of the workers while becoming a dictatorship and fascism is open to having full on dictatorship.

          I hate both because they don't allow freedom of thought they have to threaten you to hold power I don't see a good side to either and would rather die then live under them.

          if you think fascism is so good please explain to me how its any different then communism to me they have to much in common.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The world would be a better place if it were run by Golden Retrievers!

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  • Holzman_67

    Communism in theory is great but in practice doesn’t work

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  • Protagoras

    All the incel neckbeards are for fascism because it makes them feel edgy and contrarian and "Boo hoo hoo! I'm sick of those women that don't have sex with me and those blacks and hispanics that bullied me all throughout high school!"

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    • It's starting to feel like that at least in the us.

      Most tend to think if we became a facist state that they would somehow benefit the only benefit they might get is being euthanized.

      It's almost like the silly people who wants America to be a communist state but would be the first in a gulag if that happened.

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    • bigbudchonga

      *All the cucktard snowflakes are for Communism, because it makes them feel edgy and contrarian and "boo hoo hoo! I'm sick of all the women who friend zone me, and all the jocks and alphas who bullied me all throughout high school!"

      Both communism and fascism are shit, but people genuinely believe in them for other reasons than just stereotypes. You're worse than both of them because you can't see that.

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      • Protagoras

        Hey incel edgelord, where did I embrace communism?

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        • bigbudchonga

          Never said you did. You're just a true sheep, incapable of self thought beyond what you're told a side believes.

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          • Protagoras

            Yeah, how am I a sheep, exactly? I can tell you're another incel looney that places all his problems on the blame of "feminism" who probably either watches too many Alex Jones or Stefan Molyneux videos...

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            • bigbudchonga

              You're a sheep because you're full of empty rhetoric and nothing else. You see your political opponents as nothing but stereotypes you've been told they hold. Worse of all you seem genuinely incapable of even realizing it, and ironically you even continued to do it in your reply.

              You're the kind of person who bends to group think completely. Utterly pathetic.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if someones forcin theys politics while pointin a gun at yall then whats the difference?

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    • Not much.

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  • paracetamol

    I like fascism

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    • why?

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      • paracetamol

        Efficiency and less bullshit of liberalism.

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        • Anything else?

          Also what's wrong with liberalism and don't say sjw or open borders because that's a bullshit arguement.

          Im not a liberal I just want to know why there is such a hatred for it.

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          • paracetamol

            If you are not a liberal why do you care about why people hate liberalism? It does appear that you have an agenda.
            Also why is liberalism sjw a bullshit argument?
            I dislike liberalism because it is inefficient and it leads to oppression the same thing which it promise to be against.
            Also Im not from the US and i dont know what open borders thing is.

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            • So you want to fight oppression with oppression becaus fascism is a lot worse then liberalism when it comes to oppressing people and forcing them to do as the state wants.

              Why I bring up the open borders issue is because I have been hearing plenty of people on the right use this arguement not just in America most try to copy that talking point.

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            • People need a reason to hate things it all depends why.

              Why I hate communism and fascism is clearly stated.

              If you hate something for no reason then you don't truly hate it because you either don't understand it and your trying to be edgy or your following a herd mentality and doing it because a large group of people are doing it and it's the current thing to do.

              So I am asking a real question why is it that you have a hatred for Liberalism you seemed ok with stating why you like fascism but you seem reluctant when asked why you don't like liberalism.

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  • TS

    In order for this poll to be effective you need to take out the "neither" option.

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    • figured but I wanted to give more options.

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  • factcheck

    Most people don't understand what communism is. They think of the Soviet Union or Cuba, which are examples of communism gone wrong...authoritarians and totalitarians can come to power in any society, we've seen "democracies" fall countless times. Saying communism is bad because of the Soviet Union and Cuba would be like saying democracy is bad because of Turkey and modern day Russia. Communism, on paper, is a good thing. It just hasn't worked in practice. It may well be that it's not possible in practice...but at least the theory is good.

    Fascism, on the other hand, has worked exactly like it's supposed to multiple times. Germany is exactly what fascism is and supposed to be. The theory is awful and the results are horrific.

    It's ironic, because when communism fails and goes bad, it ends up looking a lot like what fascism is intended to be. So that gives you your answer. Obviously fascism is worse. It's like being asked if you'd rather be shot from a distance(communism) or up close(fascism). The result could be the same either way, but at least at a distance you might not get hit.

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    • kelili

      Cuba has not yet reached communism. It is still striving to. I have friends in Cuba who are really proud of the revolution and love what they have here. I guess that if there were no embargo and not all those propaganda about Cuba and Castro this country would certainly be where the standard of living is highest.

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  • curious-bunny

    Well I am a strong supporter of the idealism of communism do naturally my vote goes there, it's a shame in many many of not all cases it goes south due to human greed and such

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  • Fascism. It's very realistic in its beliefs, it seeks to keep the nation healthy and racist, thus finally recognizing that there are differences between races at a national level (seriously, everybody knows that for every species of animals some races are smarter than others but in humans it's all different because feelings and left-wing shit), it rejects mass migration which obviously doesn't work (I'd have invaders killed & impaled because the reason we're alive now is that our ancestors died fighting them to protect us), it resists very well to cuckoldry currents and garbage influences, it wouldn't allow feminization and trashy trends to poison the country, it makes a nation feared by others and imposes respect, it protects them very well from threats and, if not abused, it keeps the country and its people intact. Too bad it was abused by Hitler and now it died, while communism very much adapted and is now a powerful regime in the world. Fascism could have adapted to the 21st century in a more passive-aggresive form, resulting in an insanely strong nationalist spirit and fortresses that protect the countries from threats.

    Communism, in its pure form, is horrible, it deprives people from rights and individuality. It can be abused much more easily, it leads to starvation and human degradation, it forces you into overworking and insane labour and it kills people for lunatic propaganda.

    I prefer capitalism over all these, but between those two, I pick fascism anytime, because the fascist mentality is realistic, when applied correctly, while the communist one is inherently bad irreconcilable with human nature.

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    • And fascism dosent deny people rights and individuality or has a insane propaganda agenda of its own.

      So you'd rather have a society that treats others on the bases of genetics rather then personal merit how is that realistic.

      I don't get how you could pick one bad idea with another bad idea both have a lot more in common the main one being that they creat a society that is submissive.

      I'd rather have neither and I don't understand why anyone would want to be apart of either.

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      • Not sure if you asked this to see our opinions or you asked just to argue with us about how your opinion differs from ours.

        Good, you want none of them. Got it.

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        • No I see your opinion I just don't agree with it as I said I don't like either.

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          • Yes, the pure form of fascism sounds horrible. But an adapted mixed politics like communism achieved in China with a lot of "capitalistic" influence seems to be really effective in protecting them as a state and in forming them as people. I would have a state like that but in the far-right direction. Let's say a National Capitalist state instead of a National Socialist one that empowered Hitler to do so much damage to other nations. Let's call it NatCap instead of NatSoc. A strong sense of unity is what I'd want to see.

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  • sub4yousub

    Also I might be a little drunk

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  • sub4yousub


    It's like being the best, dominating, and letting everyone know it. As long as it's not about genocide, unless it's genocide of all humans. If you're gonna hate, gotta hate everyone equally. Nazis messed up there.

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    • But who is doing the dominating and what's to stop that person from picking who the group of victims would be?

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  • bigbudchonga

    Neither > Fascism > Communism

    A good society > an oppressed society > over a starving society

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  • kelili

    Actually I don't think that communism is bad. If we cannot be equally rich let us be equally poor.

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  • ldv

    I prefer communism over fascism.

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    • Why?

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  • It's not that I don't like it or anything I'm glad you explained it I just don't agree with it.

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  • Democrats are neo liberal which is just as bad as neo conservatism.

    They are far from communist bud.

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  • Gabloo

    neither. but if i had to pick one. communism.

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    • why?

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