Christianity is to blame for participation trophies

They upset the old pagan values of honor and valor by ushering in some mealy-mouthed horseshit about meekness and how those who have nothing shall inherit the kingdom by being lower than dogs and groveling for forgiveness. 2000 years of this shit and we're at a stage where everyone wants to be a victim, because of the implied martyrdom for whatever cause or focus group the sufferer thinks their righteous suffering qualifies them to be a spokesperson for. Everybody wants to get a trophy the same way everyone wants to get into heaven, even though Christians are constantly blathering about how they don't deserve god's love or whatever. If you truly believe that people get what they deserve in the end, then you should cease striving for heaven, because you are unlikely to deserve it, according to Christian theology. It is no surprise that countries with a history of being under the yoke of a religion that stresses mediocrity and getting what you don't deserve through brown-nosing and false humility should become such embarrassingly mind-numbing and anti-competitive nanny-state milkers as those that we find throughout much of the West.

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Comments ( 35 )
  • LloydAsher

    Never seen anything too terrible for handing out participation trophies for kids. Shit I didnt think it was a badge of honor when I was a kid, just something for a "at least you tried" kind of shit.

    Now expecting it as a teenager or an adult is just being entitled. Kids though? It's all in good fun, they are CHILDREN. Pretty much nothing really matters achievement wise in the first place. Sure if you got a mutant of a child that can bench press 300 pounds that's something to brag about. A kid running real fast or helping his dad make a pinewood derby car? Is that really something to throw a fit about if everyone receives a ribbon.

    If anything it REINFORCES how to be successful. If everyone gets a participation trophy yours is less valuable. To get bronze, silver, or gold that's the entire goal. Also can be looked good for setting expectations, aim for gold. Dont be disappointed over bronze.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Proponents of the left have always been those who encouraged participation trophies and the last I checked they don't seem to be a highly religious crowd.

    Religion sets a standard and asks one to strive to be better & live up to that standard. The Godless left tells everyone they are special regardless of how fat, stupid, or lazy you are.
    Religion names the 7 deadly sins to be avoided: Gluttony, Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, & Pride.

    The Godless left celebrates each.

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    • The "godless" left is an outgrowth of Christianity. There's a reason it's Western culture that has all these ideas floating about, and it's through all this war and globalized multi-culti international hoo-hah that Western culture tries so hard to impose its values down less "progressive" cultures' throats. In the same way that Christians went about colonizing land and trying to convert everyone, the new professional class of "globohomo" seeks to 'liberate' other cultures of their prejudices and ills. The "left" IS Christianity 2.0

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        You have a distorted view of religion.

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        • The desire of all "progressive" politics is to out-christian the Christians; these people do not repudiate the values of Christianity, so much as they seek to fulfill them to an extent that they perceive Christianity being too hypocritical to achieve. Their beef with Christianity being not the values of said religion, but the failure of Christians to take them to their logical endpoints.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      i try to get at least one of every deadly sin in each night out on the town

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Repent ye wretched heathen.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          id rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
            But it's better than drinkin' alone.

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            • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

              -song called piano man

              -features harmonica solos

              what the fuck

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  • Ligeia

    Yeah so why blame it for all of these societal ills. The type of influence it has had has been limited because of its ubiquity. Like a white noise generator left on for a thousand years that blends into the background and no one thinks too much about it. It's like a fish saying all of the problems stem from living in water, or something

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    • LloydAsher

      Granted western societal have been getting a bit wonky as of late but arguably it has faired far better then the other schools of thought in the world. Islam used to be the religion of science and now it's a backwards religion of superstition and hatred towards each others deviations like the protestants and the Catholics (which was eventually worked over)

      **Bit of a side tangent for a moment

      Asian philosophy (chinese, indian) also cant hold a candle to the momentous social impact of christianity's effect on the world though I do wonder its rooted in the agricultural practices of the major foodstuffs. Rice requires more collectivist cultures to work. While with wheat you can be fairly independent.

      I do wonder if the western ideals and standard originating for romans and christianity were in their given area the most efficent cultural ideal or if it's a universal ideal that would benefit far more than their own belief system.

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  • bigbudchonger

    No dude, Christanity is very different in the Old Testament. New Testament is very much about forgivness and loving your fellow man, but to contrast that, the Old Testament god was hardcore "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth".

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    • LloydAsher

      But that is a very humanitarian standard back then. If you lost an eye back then the standard was just to kill them in revenge. An eye for an eye was just the limit. A fair limit truth be told.

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  • Ligeia

    "Evolve out of Christianity" is misleading because secular humanism was developed in opposition to Christianity. And psychfags and christfags are absolutely distinct, it's hard to be more heretical than Freud. "Moses and Monotheism" is possibly one of the most offensive documents out there to a Christian.

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  • Ligeia

    You have no material conception of reality lol. The historical root of participation trophies is social psychologists claiming that children need a sense of achievement to succeed later on in life. It doesn't really have much to do with Christianity, unless you want to draw dubious parallels between secular humanist values and religious values as if the former didn't develop in direct contrast with the latter

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  • normal-rebellious

    I think Christianity deserves its own reward, 2,000 years of what? Of humility? I think Christianity has a place in people's lives.

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    • LloydAsher

      I mean... what year is it?

      That's how you know Christianity won.

      Even though I'm agnostic I can appreciate the same schedules.

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      • normal-rebellious

        You mention schedules when you say you're agnostic, weird! I like you for what you are.

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        • LloydAsher

          I like what you are too.


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          • Judeo-Christianity with its fixation on rectilinear time is partly to blame for the rise of progressive politics and its adherents' obsession with "It's 20 and XX year of our friggin' lord and people still think that Xism is acceptable" kind of thinking.

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            • LloydAsher

              You dont have to be so butthurt about the existance of a religion which was so successful that the planet finally unified at least on some measure of the same schedule.

              Quite petty and a bit sad.

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  • The way Christians talk about 'sin' leftists talk about 'privilege' and how it's the duty of the most privileged among us to help the least fortunate. You gain privilege through birth alone, some lose privilege through birth alone, and if that kind of morality isn't Christian, I don't know what is.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Human beings are less than dogs. There's nothing on planet earth that's more cruel than humans. Humans subject eachother to horrific torture throughout history and we always like to think we are so evolved because we are modern and then history repeats itself. If your country had no laws or enforcement people would run around raping and murdering eachother because that's the nature of man.

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    • LloydAsher

      Oh yes we are terrible creatures... and so would literally every other species that got to our level. Humans pathologically are unhappy, we weren't designed to be content. If we were we would still be banging rocks together as we were doing for 500,000+- years. The big change was written language and here we are 12,000 years after banging rocks together BUT writing down the best techniques to do so. It could of been God, our brains finally being complex enough to comprehend the abstract into a shared known cueniform, or just simply there was too many people and there was a logistical problem with tribes turning into nations.

      Either way animals are just as brutal as people, I have no idea why people would think that if you gave a swan or something inteligence it would somehow become a better creature than ourselves. Other great apes take satisfaction in murdering and maiming (chimps will remove your eyes, fingers, and if possible genitals) because they know you need that shit to live after the attack.

      Every creature that has ever lived was and is a shitty being. That's what living ultimately is... being a living being that fucks over other living beings.

      In that case I'm quite happy living as a human, we are burdened by thought but also enlightened by that burden. That's why we are superior, we willingly suffer but actively try to make it work for ourselves (and pretty commonly try to help eachother out more than fucking them over) humanity is a net positive for humanity.

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  • Ligeia

    Bruh. It's SECULAR humanism. People have different interpretations of Christianity, but I don't think SECULARISM is a part of it...

    No shit most major social movements can be traced back to Christianity because that was the primary cultural force in the West for like a thousand years. People were obliged to submit their ideas to Christian dogma as operating outside that paradigm was unthinkable — that applies to such a variety of conflicting ideas though that "people claimed this idea holds up to Christian values" is hardly a good metric to use when determining if something is "real Christianity" or not. Elitism (limiting education), divine right, racism, colonialism, intolerance, a rigid social order etc have also been defended to varying extents with "Christianity."

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I always hated those stupid-ass participation trophies as a kid.

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  • KholatKhult

    Do participation trophies even work ?
    I feel like I would be equally embarrassed receiving a participation trophy versus not getting anything at all

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    • Participation trophies aren't just there for the kid, they're also they're for the parents who are too upset at their kids not being the perfect little Isaac Newton x Jesus Christs-on-a-fucking-pogo-stick these aspirational class parents have deluded themselves into believing that their kids truly are. Sometimes it's about the kid, but often times, it's so the parent doesn't have to tell their kid about giving "110%."

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