Cannabis - i need advice

I've been smoking joints whenever I go to my friend's or we go out together. Usually once or twice a week.
I was never that curious about it (my mother smoked cannabis when I was a kid and I got used to seeing friends do the same), but I tried it recently and had a good sensation, felt lighter and I get a bit dizzy when I smoke it sometimes.

Is it ok to smoke it occasionally without getting addicted or should I stop while I can? I don't want it to become a habit.

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Comments ( 60 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It really depends. Pot can be habit forming, but technically it's not physically addictive. Don't smoke all day everyday. Just chill out on occasion.

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    • Thanks. I appreciate your advice.

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    • nikkiclaire

      I disagree. The fact that people "wake and bake" means that it is, indeed, addicting.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hahaha! I actually thought about that after I posted. If someone is really into the wake and bake on a regular basis then they probably have a problem. I used to get so tired of people talking about that.

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        • nikkiclaire


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      • Ellenna

        Plenty of people wake and drink coffee, and caffeine is indeed addictive for some people and far more harmful than cannabis

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        • nikkiclaire

          Depends who you are. I get major panic attacks on pot so it's not safe for me.

          I am addicted to caffeine for sure.

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          • Ellenna

            Yeah I have friends who don't use it for the same reason: it's not unusual

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            • RoseIsabella

              I can't handle coffee.

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    • nikkiclaire

      Btw I know I am not perfect. I'm a sex addict. I know that.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I respect your honesty. Don't be afraid to get help for your addiction.

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        • nikkiclaire

          I am and have only been with my girlfriend and a friend in the past few months.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Well, so then that's progress.

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            • nikkiclaire

              Yes, I still hope to have sex with my therapist if Kate allows it. She won't rn tho.

              It is something to look forward to šŸ˜Š

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  • nikkiclaire

    I've tried it and alcohol, but its not my thing. I agree with Nutmegf. It's for losers.

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    • Ellenna

      It's also for people who are NOT losers: just because it's not your thing doesn't mean that applies to everybody. Apart from being relaxing and fun, it also has many medicinal qualities, so why don't you just mind your own business and stop labelling people who find it useful as losers?

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      • nikkiclaire

        I take it you didn't read this part of my comment: "yet not everyone who smokes is a loser."

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        • Ellenna

          The last sentence of the post I was responding to was "It's for losers"

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      • Are you a cannabis smoker, Ellena? How was your experience in case you are?

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        • Ellenna

          I used to smoke it off and on when it was around (have never bought it in my life) but I can't smoke anything now because of emphysema: not caused by cannabis smoking but by that legal drug, nicotine.

          I certainly didn't find it to be addictive and often went months or years without using it: pity I didn't do the same with cigarettes because if I had I wouldn't have shortened my life and I'd be able to breathe properly.

          I eat it in bikkies and as it expands airways it helps with the emphysema and also with arthritis pain because I can't use anti inflammatories for other reasons.

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          • I see... I smoke cigarettes but not everyday and I feel nicotine does help me with my anxiety. Mum had emphysema too and she had to quit smoking.

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            • Ellenna

              Nicotine withdrawal causes anxiety so yeah, smoking will help with that form of anxiety. In my experience it also applies to nicotine replacements.

              Be careful: most smokers start out as light occasional smokers and then find themselves addicted.

              Sorry about your mum: emphysema is a crappy condition to have. I'm at least lucky mine was diagnosed in its early stages and so far I've managed to prevent it from deteriorating, but it'll get me in the end if something else doesn't get me first.

              Great that you mum has quit: I've met a few people who keep smoking with emphysema and I honestly don't know how they can do it. After heavy smoking for decades I finally quit and was diagnosed a year or so later and now I physically can't stand to be around other people's cigarette smoke.

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    • McBean

      In your opinion, which statement is "most" correct:

      1. Being a loser leads you to marijuana.
      2. Indulging in marijuana makes you a loser.

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      • nikkiclaire

        That's actually a great question. I don't have a great answer for it. Both statements are true, yet not everyone who smokes is a loser. Some people do it on occassion to enhance creativity or see things from a different perspective. I have no problem with that.

        Those who idolize it and those that use it as a crutch are the losers.

        Btw. I don't mean losers as in throw away people. I mean losers in that they are losing in life.

        My brother and father are both alcoholics. It's a sickness and even tho I probably have the same genes I don't imbibe. They are losing at life. I, on the other hand, am Amazing!! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

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        • McBean

          Yes, an erection specialist.

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          • nikkiclaire


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            • McBean


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        • TheMightyOz

          Yes. A master of sexual creativity. She who can suck and fuck as a true champion. May I express my true admiration. My meager attempts to wank indicate a mind crippled by social ridicule and personal shame of my dick, my ass, and the rubber tube I need to piss.

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          • nikkiclaire

            Ty. There is no room in the world for shame. Be proud.

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            • TheMightyOz

              I suppose. But I would basically be proud of nothing. I try to be comfortable in my skin. I just wish I could gently touch and caress your skin, or a woman with an accepting attitude. I have a warm sense of touch but must live my life feeling starved for intimate fulfillment.

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    • Nutmegf

      ty Nikki, I just had issues in high school and even college. Saw friends and classmates that would smoke and brag about it like they did something great, meanwhile they were flunking classes. I was labled a no fun loser because 1 my parents randomly tested me and 2 i just didnt think it looked fun and wanted to save my money. so they were "cool" because they bought something that clouded their minds and i was a "loser" for staying safe and healthy. sorry to anyone offended by my words but dont feel like pot is good.

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      • nikkiclaire

        You are the winner in the long run.

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    • I don't think I'm a loser and I don't want to become addicted to it.
      I had to quit drinking because I'm on meds.

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  • BleedingPain

    As long as you dont over do it and enter the ā€œbump on a logā€ state, itā€™s all good. (Unless you like that feeling).

    Sure you can become ā€œdependentā€ of it but not like nicotine or alochol. Itā€™s more of a feeling, like something is missing in your daily routine.

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  • Cudder4204

    Itā€™s addicting donā€™t keep smoking it. I wish I would have never started because now I donā€™t want to stop. I canā€™t stop smoking, I feel like I could but I donā€™t really want to but maybe itā€™s because I have no life, no friends, and I live alone and only leave my place to go to work. Weed makes life actually worth living, when I am high that is. Whenever Iā€™m already high I keep finding myself wanting to smoke more and I wonder am I smoking because I want to feel this way even more or am I running away from my life. Iā€™m also not really ever hungry or thirsty unless Iā€™m high (the munchies and cottonmouth). But idk people say it effects people differently, maybe Iā€™m only addicted to it because of my current situation. Iā€™ve been smoking for 4 years and do it everyday, there have probably only been about 7-10 days in the last 4 years where I wasnā€™t high. Also I get paranoid about the police a lot, whenever I hear a knock on my door, or hear a car driving outside, or a car door closing the thought always pops up in my head that maybe itā€™s the police. So you may get a little bit paranoid if itā€™s illegal where you live, probably not to the extent I was though lol. But also, like I said, people say it affects people differently, so who knows.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Well as far as drugs go it's not very addictive at all. But it is still a drug, and so it can be very addictive to some people.

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    • I still have control over it so I think I'd better stop smoking.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Ok cool, you should then if you really want to. Don't let anyone pressure you to do it if you don't want to.

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  • Nutmegf

    A lot of losers smoke weed, then justify if by saying its great/cool. ive tried it, not worth the money. everything you need is in you, no need to do drugs.

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    • Ellenna

      And a lot of people who aren't losers smoke or eat it: you tired it and don't think it's worth the money but that's just your experience, it doesn't apply to everyone.

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      • Nutmegf

        why do you smoke it? to seem cool? because you cant stay calm without it? you are needing and wanting something, i think a lot of it is just all the pro pot people influencing judgements. you may be too stoned to realise i didnt ask or care what you thought. I posted advice and observation for the original author

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        • Ellenna

          I don't smoke it although I have done so off and on in the past. I can't smoke anything now because I have emphysema from decades of smoking legal cigarettes, but I can and do eat it.

          I can stay calm without it but I find it helpful for arthritis pain (can't take anti inflammatories because I have heart problems) and also for the emphysema because it opens up bronchial tubes and helps me breathe a bit better.

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  • lonewolf1253

    The only problems I see are drug tests for employment and drug swabs by the police. If they do those where you live. Just smoking once or twice a week certainly won't hurt you. In fact, there are tens of millions of smokers in the U.S. and most people approve of legalization. But even once or twice a week will cause you to fail a drug test. It stays in the system a long time. So if drug tests aren't an issue for you, I say smoke all you want. It's not addictive and does not lead to harder drugs. In spite of what some of these goody two shoes say!

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    • Thanks for your thoughts.

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      • lonewolf1253

        No problem. I'm 58 and have been smoking an occasional joint since I was about 14. Never had a problem with it and the dozens of friends I've smoked with over the years have never had a problem with it. Unlike alcohol, which everyone has a problem with if used in excess. It's legal in many states now and eventually will be legal everywhere. It's just a question of time. The lives that have been ruined by it are from it being illegal. That's changing but too slowly in my opinion. Your only danger is the law or employee drug tests.

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  • EnglishLad

    To be honest, you're better off without it unless it's legal in your state. If you'll get arrested for it, you might as well not bother smoking weed at all and let all the mouthbreathers have their fun with it.

    On the other hand, if it's legal in your state, there is evidence to suggest that smoking weed is better for you than smoking tobacco is.

    Do what you want in moderation. Cannabis isn't an addictive drug as far as I'm aware, although the feeling of being high is pleasurable so you may decide to get that feeling again.

    As with anything else, be responsible and you should be alright.

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    • I tend to be obsessive about stuff, so that's why I'm worried. I decided to stop it after much thought.

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  • Hotdogsaregross

    All the people I know that smoke weed smoke it on a daily basis. So I think if you are getting good sensations from it, you will start to smoke it more and more over time. Same with alcohol or anything.
    I will say I met some people that can feel good with anything and not get addicted so it depends on the person you are.

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    • I never get the urge to go and get me some. I just smoke with my friend.
      I don't want to be addicted to it.

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      • lonewolf1253

        The way you smoke it, you have no worries about addiction. Alcohol is far more dangerous and addictive.

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        • I quit drinking.

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      • Ellenna

        That's fine, ignore these judgmental types who don't like it for themselves so think no-one else should enjoy it

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        • Thanks.

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  • Nickvey

    i dont care if you get addicted . will i be sharing the road with you high as a kite because i'll be in a big truck and if we meet head on I guess i could attend your funeral. That alright with you? the only time people should use drugs is when they spend the day in bed. Like your mom.

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