Cancel culture is toxic and i'm tired of it. are you?

The under 25s want to cancel everything. They need a hobby we need to start taking this crap more seriously. You are not able to voice your own thoughts anymore without having people cancel you.

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No 8
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Comments ( 29 )
  • Somenormie

    They'll find anything to cancel people even if it was a comment made years ago.

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    • LloydAsher

      Few more years they will go after your Halloween costume... oh wait

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  • Holzman_67

    Don’t cancel culture. Create culture.

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  • LloydAsher

    I hate it. People cant be adults and acknowledge that people can have differences in opinion without canceling the other group?

    I dont care if you believe that bush did 9/11 or the vaccines cause autism. Or the earth is flat. You should have the right to speak out about that stuff.

    Because when you start censoring people over this shit you are playing into their paranoia of them being right!

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    • WhistleBain

      No you shouldn't, that's blasphemy. There are no (((Other opinions))) only sins. Get with the program, dude! You wouldn't want to be an (((Other))) would you? To the gulag!

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      • LloydAsher

        Ah yes the leftist cult.

        Geez when are they just gonna drink the koolaid?

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  • jethro

    I'm tired of all of this woke shit.

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    • Hookerfall

      Tom Macdonald

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      • Hookerfall

        He's legit 🔥

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman


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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Cancel culture has always existed, it's just gone under different names.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its like when you apologize they got you. Never apologize if youre not sorry its like admitting guilt.

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    • WhistleBain

      Even on principle don't apologize to people you didn't wrong. I said something I regret? Cool, I'll apologize to the people I wronged but not (((you))) not a bunch of people I don't know claiming I owe them an apology for something that doesn't concern them.

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    • That too, you can't even apologize the right way without offending them

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Like for example if you smacked a chic on the ass at a party in highschool and youre now 40 and they just now come after you dont be like "yes im soo sorry I did it. I was a pig. Im a changed man". Thats all they need is you to bend over for them then they fuck your life

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  • Tinybird

    that and call-out culture where they gang up on you

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    • LloydAsher

      People can do whatever the fuck they want.

      I take the BLM flag "we will tread" as an open declaration of war on my philosophy and way of life.

      Do I want to censor them? Hell no! Sucks to take up the freedom argument vs the assholes who want to remove said freedom.

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  • Correction

    I see that we’ve come to the personal attack portion of the conversation. That’s unfortunate, as it means the conversation ends now, or at least my contribution to it ends here. Here are my final thoughts:

    When I imply that something somebody says can also apply to their own position, it’s because it’s the truth. This is no exception. Pointing out irony and hypocrisy is one of my favorite pastimes.

    I didn’t assert that he was fired for anything other than a false allegation that he supported critical race theory, which is why he was fired.

    If you feel like me simply pointing out that what you say also applies to right wing ideologies is a *no u* attempt…then you’re admitting what your ideology is. And the only supposed “ideology” I’ve put forth is…stopping children from being indoctrinated with that right wing ideology. If you oppose it being stopped, that means you want it to continue, which means you want children to be indoctrinated. Remember that children are already being indoctrinated right now, today, as we speak. The status quo is the right wing, white washed ideology being forced on them. If you don’t want children to be indoctrinated, then you should want that to stop.

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  • Correction

    So you’re fine with cancel culture and censorship as long as they pretend there’s a different reason? Good PR makes cancel culture and censorship ok?

    “I don’t care if you think your subject of indoctrination is the correct one, everyone trying to indoctrinate others think their way is the correct way.” - bingo. Nailed it. That’s exactly why we’re trying to stop you from indoctrinating children. Just because your ideology has been forced onto our children for the entire history of the country, that doesn’t make it any less of an ideology, it doesn’t make it any less indoctrination.

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  • Correction

    We must be talking about two different situations. I’m talking about James Whitfield, a principal in Texas who was censored(suspended) over the summer because a failed school board candidate was triggered and offended by Whitfield saying he believed racism is bad, and then he was outright canceled because he didn’t censor critical race theory hard enough, even though he said outright that he never said anything to support it. How sad is that? Imagine if somebody had to publicly say they didn’t support gravity or evolution or the spherical Earth, even though it was easy to see and confirm that it wasn’t in the curriculum. I’m not sure which situation you’re referring to where we don’t know why someone was fired.

    Yeah, I completely agree with you there. It is absolutely vital that schools stop indoctrinating children with the white washed version of history that’s been forced down their throats for so long. That’s why James Whitfield was so popular, he had no ideology, he didn’t believe in forcing the right wing agenda onto children. He cared about what was beat for the children, he wasn’t interested in brainwashing them into a narrow minded view of the world that would stop them from thinking critically, thinking for themselves.

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  • Correction

    So you’re in favor of cancel culture and censorship as long as it only targets people who want to actually educate children and not just force a narrow minded agenda onto them? You’re in favor of cancel culture and censorship as long as they make a half assed effort to pretend they’re fabricating another reason for it?

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    • LloydAsher

      People can teach CRT. The problem is that they are teaching CRT to children that do not have the perspective of someone in college that would be taking a CRT course.

      CRT is a theory, but teaching children to see race doesnt help anyone. Best to just teach kids to he colorblind and THEN when they want to take the extra steps of learning the reasons for the divide they can CHOOSE to.

      That's what is causing people to create another witch hunt. Because giving out books that depict white people trading with the devil isnt how you teach race relations to children. Best to avoid the whole subject until they are adults when they can choose to learn it.

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  • Meowypowers

    There are a lot of hypocritical adults well over 25 well embracing and enforcing the cancel stuff. Those are the hypocrites that have a history of just being trendy and woke for the moment. They are the creepiest of all.

    Young people are just learning to know things and a lot of them are finding the balance of laughing vs being triggered now that they're exposed to dark humor folks like Dave Chapelle and Norm Mcdonald.

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    It's kind of amusing to me sometimes, tbh. Although for the most part, I don't really care.

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  • techpc

    Hey, don't say everyone under 25 is like that! You're hurting my feelings.

    And because you are hurting my feelings, you should expect a call from my lawyer and my twitter followers. Prepare yourself. /j

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    • Haha sounds accurate

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      • LloydAsher

        I'm under 25 too. Though I can understand the branding of the entire population thinking like that.

        I have to be the unfun guy at the party that apparently is the only guy that reads news from other sources than the front page of CNN.

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  • That's true it actually does seem to be more online and in reality it's not mentioned as much offline but it effects the present and future of everyone, it's quite scary.

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    • Correction

      I think it’s more they just don’t use the term in real life than it doesn’t happen. Just for one example, a few days ago a principal in Texas was fired because somebody(a bitter, failed school board candidate) accused him of supporting critical race theory.

      How scary is that? Nobody’s calling it cancel culture because it happened in real life, but an innocent man just got canceled because some loser(literally, a loser) accused him of not canceling critical race theory. Boom, no evidence given, just you’re suspended and then after thousands of people come out to support you, you’re fired. It’s crazy. There’s at least eight states that have passed laws censoring CRT and threatening to cancel anybody who disobeys them. Like, what country are we living in? I feel so bad for the kids in those schools, god knows what they’re being taught.

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