Can vivid dreams can really predict the future?

I've read that vivid dreams can actually predict the future. But, I have trouble believing that. Last night, I had a very vivid dream about moving back to the UK (I lived there back in 1998-2002), and it felt so real that I was surprised that I woke up back in my bed here in the U.S. It's hard to explain, but like during the first several seconds of leaving the dream and half feeling myself back in my bed, I still felt like I had to convince myself that I didn't just go back to the U.K. But anyway, my point is is that I've read that dreams can really predict the future, and that the dream I had really meant that I'll really be moving back to the U.K. soon. Do any of you actually believe that dreams can predict the future? Because I've had a couple of not so good dreams not too long ago which I hope is not a prediction of the future, one being my Dad passing away, and the other being me getting in a horrible car wreck and breaking several ribs. I sure as hell hope that those weren't dreams predicting the future. Anyway, what do you all think?

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Comments ( 52 )
  • GaelicPotato


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    • I didn't think so, it all seems a little too supernatural to be true. And for the sake of the two horrible dreams I mentioned, I sure hope you're right.

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      • GaelicPotato

        Yeah, people say they can be because of coincidences and interpretations, but in reality no. Dreams have never predicted a thing, I believe.

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        • I don't know, sometimes coincidences have happened so much that it's left some people scratching their heads and wondering if they're all just coincidences. However, I seriously doubt that dreams predict the future

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  • Clunk42

    I've had multiple dreams that have occurred later in my life. They usually involve a very specific set of circumstances and me thinking of a very specific phrase while someone else says another very specific phrase. Coincidence or not, it's happened to me multiple times.

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    • Do you mean dreams where some kind of phrase which has never been heard of in real life is said by someone in the dream, but in the dream it really means something and sounds familiar? If that's what you meant, I've gotten that too

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      • Clunk42

        That's not what I mean at all. I mean, I had a dream, then the exact events portrayed in the dream happened later in real life. Usually, the sequence of events happening in real life from the dream is cut short by me thinking about the fact that I had previously dreamt about it.

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      • Clunk42

        It has indeed.

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          • Clunk42

            Could you corroborate?

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              Why yes my dear boy. let me digress.


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    • I've got the same comment to you as I wrote to Loveisblind. Just to save me writing it all again to you. What do you think of what I said there?

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      • Clunk42

        I question how any of that is relevant to my comment. Also, it would have been easier for both of us if you just copy-pasted the comment instead of writing something new.

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        • Yeah, I guess I should've copy pasted that long question. I know that it wasn't totally relevant to what you said, but it's still something I'm curious about and was wondering if other people agreed on it, and I needed to write it somewhere. And I thought that you may've had a more intelligent response on the matter than a couple of people above who wrote nothing other than "no" to my post up top. You had something interesting to say in response to my post up top. That's also why I asked you and not them.

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          • Clunk42

            That is how dreams work, yes. It's pretty interesting, the strange dreams one can have. I once had a dream where I went to Santa's castle, played ping pong with the elves, and had a conversation with Santa himself. Something especially interesting is how dreams can make a coherent series out of themselves. For example, I later had another dream where I went back to Santa's castle. However, this time, everything was awful. Mrs Claus had imprisoned Santa and their two children, along with all the elves. I had to save them all, and, in the end, I ended up marrying Santa's daughter. The weirdest thing about those dreams though, was that I didn't even believe in Santa Claus.

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  • DIO

    Dreams don't predict the future.
    Sometimes people think they do because in one dream over 100000, a coincidence happen that you dream of something that happens. But of course you would. There's no way you're not going to dream by coincidence about something that will happen at least once in your life over the 100000 dreams you will have. It's like if you say a different word everyday. There's a relatively high chance at one point that one you will say will be the first you will hear all day on the tv one day. Does it meant you predicted the future? Nope.

    Dreams are not predictions but rather messages from your subconscious.

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    • Yes, exactly. That's what I thought too. That's also good news due to the horrible dream of my Dad passing away not being a prediction

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      • DIO

        Your dad won't die just because you've dreamt of it.

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        • I know. I didn't think that dreams were predictions. I just made this post due to a few websites I read and that I keep a corner of my mind flexible for new ideas.

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          • DIO

            But dreams can however help you understand yourself and you needs, if this ever interests you.
            For example, you dreaming of your father dying may be a message from your subconscious that could mean you're afraid of losing something in your life or that you feel lost because of something that happened to you, hence why the guide (here your father) passing out leaving you helpless and alone.

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            • Yes. And my dad's getting older, he's in his 70s now, and I have had in the back of my mind for a little while about being concerned on how I would handle losing him. So yes, it makes sense. We do dream of things stored in our subconscious and memories. Also, what do you think of what I said in my response to Loveisblind? I haven't had anyone answer that question yet?

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  • Tommythecaty

    I’m not telling you the answer

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  • SweetElis


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  • darklantern

    I think so

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  • noneoftheabove

    No the vivid dreams can’t predict the future can’t

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  • Cliche1234

    I had a vivid dream that I was chased by an ugly pterodactyl. How's that going to be my future, exactly?

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    • It's not. I realize now that dreams are only your mind playing out of your subconscious and memories. I guess we've all gotten nervous about bad dreams coming true before, especially when it's something not entirely unrealistic such as a 70-something year old father passing in the not extremely distant future. And that that dream materialized out of the memories of my previous waking concerns about my aging dad and knowing that no one's around forever. This is the first time I've been on this page for 6 months, so that's why response is 6 months late.

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  • Boojum

    For years after I left the Navy, I had dreams about screwing up in the job I had then and others about how they'd hauled me back to do few more years of servitude. In both cases, I woke up feeling very anxious - which was immediately followed by a huge sense of relief that it had been only a dream.

    I'm with those who say that dreams - no matter how vivid - are not predictive. The only thing they may show is that you have an active imagination and you're better able to recall dreams than most people are.

    I agree with the points made by Dio in his reply. What he describes also explains the phenomenon of being contacted by someone out of the blue that you've recently thought of. I don't completely dismiss the possibility that there may be some woo-woo stuff going on in such cases, but I think it's more likely that the person will have had passing thoughts about many people in the last day or whatever, and the only one that subsequently is assigned a greater significance is the thought about the person who called or was encountered or whatever.

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    • leggs91200

      Funny how it takes years after leaving the military that we still have bad dreams about it.

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      • Boojum

        I was fortunate to never have anything horrible to happen to me, I never saw anything that left me psychologically scarred and the most hazardous thing I ever did was climbing inside a Poseidon missile with a dozen or so nuclear warheads a few feet above my head.

        But it still feels like nearly a decade in the military left me with a very mild form of PTSD.

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        • leggs91200

          I never had anything horrible happen neither. I think just all the stupid bullshit of the military life leaves a mark on anyone.

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  • Yes. Besides my curiosity on what I've read about dreams predicting the future, which I doubted anyway, but still found the idea interesting. Here's what I have already understood about dreams: and this is why some dreams can be very bizarre and don't make sense, is that when you sleep, the part of your brain which controls logic and reasoning shuts down, but the part of the brain which holds your memories and controls your emotions remain active, perhaps even more so than when awake. That's why there have been times I would dream of something or someone that I haven't seen or thought of in years. And the dreams can be emotional experiences, more emotional than if experiencing the same thing in real life. And some dreams have been too bizarre to explain, but I also have been unable to figure out and think at the time of the dream in a shrugging kind of way "oh well, this is just a ridiculous dream". I'm more like in a temporary complete awe during the bizarre dream. I suppose that's evidence of the logic and reasoning part of the brain shutting down when you sleep. They haven't all been bad though. Some of those dreams have been fascinating sometimes

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