Can't wake up from nightmares

I'll often have these dreams where all my worst fears are coming at me all at once and it's usually after I figure out that the people around me aren't actually real. They act real and they feel like my family and friends but as soon as I notice that I'm dreaming they start morphing into freaky monsters and everything turns into chaos. I start to have thoughts and feelings that don't belong to me and my perception becomes split up trying to interpret everything at once. I can't get myself to wake up from this so all I can do is take deep breaths to try and calm down and not die. That's when things finally become peaceful but that never lasts as long as the terror I have to go through. Is anyone dealing with dreams similar to this? Could it have to do with feelings of anxiety?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • SwickDinging

    I've gone through "nightmare" phases in my life. It happened when i smoked too much weed and had to quit, it happened everytime I was pregnant, and it also happened at times when I was going through a lot of change and stress.

    Is there something going on in your life that could be causing this?

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  • jethro

    I have never had a dream where I knew I was dreaming while I was in the dream. I think that would actually be impossible. I usually wake up and think wow that was only a dream.

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    • BasilontheBass

      It's possible and it's called "lucid dreaming". Some people experience it and others don't. I can become lucid but I have a hard time controlling the dream.

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  • freelarking

    You need Jesus.

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  • GeekyGold

    Holy moly. Dude that sounds terrifying. And since they happen often then there is definitely something causing it. Which could be the anxiety. Ever spoke to a doctor about this? Or take medication for the anxiety?

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    • BasilontheBass

      I've spoken to a doctor about anxiety in the past and took medication but I haven't followed up on it in months. It's probably best to get in touch, especially now.

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      • GeekyGold

        Yeah you should get in touch with them. Good luck, hopefully they can help

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