Can i get permit using illegal drugs because my life sucks?

I mean is it a good enough of excuse?, especially when there's no way out. Like a permit from authorities or a government that I will be the exception and will not be charged.

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Based on 8 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • bbrown95

    Highly doubtful. Plus, drug use will not make your life better. I've never seen a drug user that seems happy or like they have a stable life.

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  • Gambler

    This little, edgy fucking faggot keeps asking these dumb ass questions. Will you fuck off, Giorgi?

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    • Wow3986

      So you hate gay people?

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        • Wow3986

          Fucking homophobe. Smdh.

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            Can i Fuck your gay ass and vice versa?

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      • Giorgi

        I don't know what he's talking about, he hates the gay person he thinks i'm, when i'm straight.

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    • Giorgi

      I wonder what it is up with you sitting on your sorry ass all day trying to bite people, when at one point, it'll bite you you harder.

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    • Giorgi

      So you're actually gambling? You must be biggest loser of all, getting shit with luck than actual skill. You fuck off.

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      • Wow3986

        You fucking fatphobe!

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    • Giorgi

      go get me banned, then, let's see how much you are great at doing than talking.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Your life wouldnt suck if you were ripped and made good money. If you go accomplish that you'd be happier. Instead of doing drugs fix the core issue.

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    • Giorgi

      I used to max out at gym when i was 22, and ate pretty well, i'm getting back to it when i'm in my home country. I can build muscle but money can't, too hard, will maybe try.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Try keto diet. It sucks to do but you will be amazed at how much weight you lose by just giving up carbs. You should also consider getting into truck driving. It pays well. Its kind of one of those jobs where you can always go to and make bank even if you made bad decisions in life.

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        • Giorgi

          It sounds plausible, to drop that chunk of fat from my body fast but different gym trainers and others will say different varying things about it.

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        • Giorgi

          It is problematic, risk behind the wheel, exposure to random chemicals which may have an effect on a body. I rather find career in photoshop fixing, significantly safer, with an exception of photons emitted by computer screen which is a non existent problem compared to that of truck driving and also won't pay bad if done well.

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  • RedToaster88

    But your faith In Jesus Christ and His Name ONLY He has the Power to Save your soul from this depression my brother!

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  • billcosby

    get a job

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  • RoyyRogers

    Well yes and no. There is no such thing as a permit to do drugs. The world doesn't work that way. There are laws for people who can do things based on age. If law says you can not do it under any circumstances it is illegal. Now for things like depression you can be prescribed medication. That is not a permit though. There is nothing which permits you to brake the law. You also can get a license to sell drugs like a pharmacy technician might. You can get a medical liscense to prescribe drugs as well. But none of this falls under a permit. Now it's illegal to do things like alcohol and cigs under a permited age but your permissions is based on your age. So all you need is ID. I don't think you understand what a permit actually is.

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  • Holzman_67

    What’s up man wanna talk about it

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I know it's not what you're looking for, but you could always move to a place where weed is legalized recreationally...or cheat your way into a medical card. Either works.

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    • Giorgi

      nah, not really cheat, but get for real for real reasons, there's always a reason and recreational use in middle east, israel is not much of a hassle unless you really are a public nuisance and making provocations and you're likely to be charged for public misconduct and disturbance than possession but regarding possession that really depends on a police officer since it is still punishable by an administrative fine but most case scenarios you're OKAY, so i keep doing it in private and it is more tolerated in these spaces.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Not in the USA. But you can move to a country that has no or very little restrictions on drug use.

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    • Giorgi

      The US still has got feds that are likely to push their enforcement procedures to the absolute max even in legal states and trust me, that's something you or i wouldn't like as much but as long the rules are followed, you're in quite legal zone in these legalized states.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I said other countries, as in leave the usa and don't come back except to visit. The Feds have no jurisdiction outside of the USA and its possessions.

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