Can anyone relate?

So today was my sisters baby shower and there were plenty of mimosas and food and everything. It was a lovely time until i decided to smoke some weed (i only do that when im drunk). Almost immediately i started having a full blown panic attack and i had to take a walk and i brought one of my friends with me. He is a regular weed smoker so he knew i was just freaking out. Well on our little walk I totally blacked out. I do not remember what I said but im pretty sure it was something super embarassing. Eventually i came to and then started panicing because there was like a whole 30 minutes i couldnt remember. And now about 10 hours later i cant sleep because I am still experencing anxiety from not being able to remember what i may have said or done in those 30 minutes. Please tell me someone can relate so i can feel better.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • nikkiclaire

    I dont black out but I have panic attacks on weed too.

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  • lordofopinions

    Ask your friend what happened since he was with you.

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    • Blondeidiot

      Im honestly too embarrassed to ask him. Its was a crazy night and I seriously doubt if he would ever like to speak to me again.

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      • lordofopinions

        Ask anyway. Apologize first for getting so wasted then ask for details. It's not your fault entirely. It could have been a combination of circumstances. If he is a true friend he should be able to tell you what happened and then you can learn from it.

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  • Ellenna

    That sounds like some very nasty weed. Please, try & calm yourself down, remind yourself you can't change the past, drink lots of water and remind yourself these effects will wear off soon.

    I once tripped out badly on some laced weed to the extent I wouldn't move because I thought I'd shat myself (I hadn't!) and was fortunate enough to have a friend nearby who kept checking on me and bringing me juice to drink. Eventually I went to sleep (or passed out) and she put a blanket over me: when I woke up a few hours later I felt fine and went back to partying, with a very strong resolution not to ever again share a joint with a stranger.

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