Calling all parents and teachers of iin

Quick question about toilet paper roll crafts in a school!

I've been in disagreement with some of my colleagues at the school and would like to know if I am so in the wrong in feeling that they are disgusting little crafts, especially when it's a bunch of rolls from random people's bathrooms.

I'm just not a fan, cause I always imagine how long that sad little brown paper thingy lived next to a toilet and how many butts it has seen.

They're fine 11
They're gross 11
I don't have an opinion. 5
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Comments ( 24 )
  • howaminotmyself

    Just stash them in a closet for a week or two and any germs will die. No reason to overreact. It is quite ideal to use something so common and easily recyclable for kids crafts. Just today I came home with a taped up toothpaste box, popcorn box, soap box, and an empty packing tape roll. This stuff is ideal for developing brains.

    And I guarantee those toddlers are carrying far more germs than some rando empty tube of toilet paper. I don't know about your preschool, but we wash our hands at least 3 times during a 3 hour class. At the very least.

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  • SwickDinging

    Wouldn't bother me.

    Then again my kids regularly handle chicken shit and rotten vegetables so maybe my standards are lower than most.

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    • Boojum

      Chickens can carry viruses and bacteria that can make people ill, so I'm sure you've emphasised the importance of hygiene after coming into contact with chicken faeces, but FWIW, I think it's good for kids to get a bit mucky. Far too many kids these days grow up thinking all food comes from some factory somewhere.

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      • SwickDinging

        They are told not to eat the chicken shit and to wash their hands after dealing with the chickens. That's as far as we've taken it. They haven't been ill for it so far. It doesn't massively concern me.

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  • EnglishLad

    No-one wipes their arse with the middle bit of the toilet roll...

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  • Unknown_player

    If people shouldn't even be storing their toothbrush in a toilet or bathroom because of bacterial spores in the air, I wouldn't be surprised if those cardboard rolls had bacteria on them, too.

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    • Ellenna

      No bacterial spores in the air if people would only put the lid down before they flush! I have a sign on my toilet right next to the flush button and people still leave the lid up when they flush. Grrrrrrrrrr!

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  • charli.m

    Yeah...unless you can confirm it's from a household that never flushes unless the lid is closed, it's gross.

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    • SwickDinging

      Even if the lid is closed there is still spray out from the cracks inbetween the seat, lid and main body of the toilet.

      There is no escaping the poopy spray monster.

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      • charli.m

        Ugh I hate you for breaking my germaphobic delusion bubble haha.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Chief, I let girls eat my asshole and then kiss them on the lips. That's not gross at all. Not even remotely. Grow a pair.

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  • hungDaddy

    This is totally fine? It's also a good way to reuse stuff that was just going to be thrown away regardless. Might as well teach kids that you can make anything fun.

    If there's still disagreement, I'm sure you could suggest using cut-up paper towel rolls, though.

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  • litelander8

    Wtf kinda crafts do you do with toilet paper rolls? Why not just use cut down paper towel rolls?

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    My boyfriend is a teacher and he just gets the cardboard rolls from Amazon:

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    • Ellenna

      He BUYS them? Obviously not into recycling

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        The kids used to have to bring in their own, but parents complained about bacteria, so it's not an option anymore. XD

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        • Ellenna

          I really wonder about people like that: how would bacteria get into the cardboard centre of a toilet roll?

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            IDK. All I know is that these days parents are way too picky over absolutely nothing. The things these kids parents would say to my boyfriend made my head spin.

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  • Grunewald

    Teacher here.
    I've never thought about that.
    Maybe spray them with antibac and let them dry a bit, if you're worried. Though of course, what teacher has the time to do that?

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  • Mammal-lover

    I used toilet paper from outhouses most my life. That didnt kill me playing g wotb the rolls wont either

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  • Boojum

    I speak as a parent of a kid who's on the verge of her teen years, although it feels like she was doing silly crafty things with toilet rolls just a few months ago.

    On the one hand, I think that too many parents and other adults responsible for their care try to keep kids in antiseptic little bubbles these days. In spite of what the companies that make cleaning products want everyone to believe, that's really not healthy in the long-run. There's evidence that children who grow up on farms being exposed to a wide variety of bacteria and viruses from infancy have a much healthier immune system that responds appropriately to challenges and doesn't over-react. The younger children in multi-child households also seem to be healthier than their oldest sibling, and it's strongly suspected that's because the older children are constantly bringing microbes home. (It's anecdotal, but I'm the oldest of eight siblings, and I'm the only one who's suffered from asthma and extreme hay-fever from the time I was a kid.)

    On the other hand, if kids are bringing toilet rolls into school, then obviously those toilet rolls come from households with young children, possibly some even younger than the one clutching the cardboard tube in their sticky little mitt. Kids can be disgustingly inefficient at wiping their butts and very messy too, so it's likely that at least some of those toilet rolls will have traces of shit on them. That's fine if only the kid who brought in the roll is handling it, but that's very unlikely in a classroom setting.

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  • Aethylfritha

    M opinion isn't that they are gross, exactly but a but silly and cheesy.

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  • raisinbran

    Kids are gross, so any toilet-related activities are fine.

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    • Unknown_player

      Kids are also susceptible to illness and spreading illness. So that behaviour should be discouraged

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