Book shopping irritate anyone else?

So what i mean specifically is you see a book online that you want so you click it and the very first thing you see is uts a Kindle copy. So then you have to navigate away from that bullshit just to find a real physical copy. But the worst part is it seems to be every bloody time.

Yup hate that shit 4
I actuslly like it 12
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Comments ( 13 )
  • a-curious-bunny

    I'm sorry to hear. I miss how barns and nobles used to be. Like you were encouraged to stay sit down and read maybe even make a new friend. Now its just walmart but books.

    For online book shopping I feel bad for the delivery person. I tend to buy 7+ books at a time. I just hate all this Kindle stuff. I support it its a good resource for alot of people but for book collectors its annoying

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Why not borrow them from a library?

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    • a-curious-bunny

      I used to but now I have the money to buy books! Wich is a million times better! I've always dreamed of having my own personal library. Just getting dressed in the morning seeing my shelf gull of books makes me happy.

      Not just any books though books I actuslly want and always collectible versions when possible. My bookshelf looks sexy as hell:)

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I’ll confess I’m a bit biased as I work in a library. I have my own collection of books though, Stephen Kings, Chuck Palahniuks, some classics and a few randoms I’ve picked up along the way. I refuse to get rid of them.

        I hope your personal library grows until it needs a ladder.

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        • a-curious-bunny

          Shoot what's that like? I always thought that could be a fun job but I need money to much and can't imagine that gig pays to well. Haha one can dream!

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          • SkullsNRoses

            You’re right that the pay isn’t much, it was my side job but then 2020 happened and it’s my only job for now.

            It’s surprisingly energetic, plenty of crazy people amble through the doors, I’ve broken a sofa when a bunch of little kiddies all dog-piled to sit next to me (god knows why, I’m shit with kids), been told I should vote for the Monster Raving Looney Party and witnessed a screaming physical brawl between a parent and children.

            I’ve had a book returned growing mould and another with pages burnt and the extinguished match still inside. It makes me feel young working there though, most of my colleagues are my parents’ age and one guy is old enough to be my grandpa.

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            • a-curious-bunny

              Dang! That would break my heart to see books in such bad condition though. Dont know how you do it. Jesus christ if a bunch of kids did that to me I'd be like nope break time. Hopefully you get back to something less hectic soon. Do you at least get to read on the job?

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  • Somenormie

    I buy lots of books.

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  • olderdude-xx

    You are shopping at the wrong on line bookstores.

    There are multiple book stores that list the hardcover and paperback cover (or both), and then list the e-version.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I seem to buy a lot of Kindle books.

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  • CountessDouche

    Not for me. I'm a psycho avid book reader. I can't even count the number of books I've read. At some juncture, I think I went through over 2 a week.

    For me, the e-book thing has been a huge convenience. It sucks if you want to order hard copy books online, and I do prefer real books over kindle, but for me it's convenient as shit when I make long haul flights from America to Australia, having 50 books contained in a small, easy to carry device.

    On top of that, all of the otherwise popular books at the library are constantly available because everyone e-reads, & the books at thrift stores & second hand book shops are ridiculously cheap. I've found hard cover copies of very desirable books, in fantastic condition for $1-2.

    Shop around. If you do your homework, you'll realize that everyone snubbing actual books in favor of their interweb counterparts makes real books cheaper than a prepubescent Taiwanese prostitute.

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