Bf dropping out of school for the 3rd time. should i leave him

so he's saying he will drop out of school for the 3rd time. the first time he went back to school he told me he would definitely graduate and i believed him. 2 months later he dropped out because he got depressed.

2 years later

some months ago he started school again. he said he'd definitely finish this time and i believed him. i was proud of him and supported him. now, he's saying that finishing school is no longer an option. it's very important to me that he finishes his education or be working a not dead end job. he is not working right now.

we've talked a lot about our future together and with him planning to drop out all of a sudden it's just throwing me off.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Sanara

    I think you should leave. Especially if staying would require him to keep his promise, I dont think its gonna happen when he backed out several times. Maybe he cant help it too much if he has genuine depression and I think you should still support him within reasonable limits if he has, but if you aren't compatible dont stay together as a pair

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  • sweetone89

    He seems to be the type who quits everything he tries. Now, if the school thing is due to a COVID related reason, give him some slack. But if not, I'd give him the ultimatum- get a job, go back to school, and get your life in order. If he cannot even handle school, how is he going to handle parenthood? Homeownership responsibilities?

    You deserve better.

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    • sweetone89

      Let me guess...he plays video games all day? Expects you to cook dinner, do his laundry. What he expects of you is to be his momma. Don't be.

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      • RoseIsabella

        YES, that is the sort of fish that must be thrown back!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    UPS or the post office pays well if you become fulltime you gotta start as part time tho. But it takes forever to go fulltime in the building unless you become a driver. It took me 10 years to go fulltime in the building but I coulda done it in 2 if I became a driver back then.

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  • MagicGalaxy1989

    Leave. Do better for yourself than someone who can't take responsibility for their role in the future of the relationship

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  • SwickDinging

    Oh no.

    Don't be this man's mother. You can do better.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why are you still with this guy?

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    He sounds like a loser, butI don’t know him like you do.

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  • Tommythecaty

    You should go make a sandwich.

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