Being smoker changes attitude

I just started smoking about 4 months ago, and I've noticed it seems that I get irritable more easily about everything compared to when I didn't smoke. Is it just me or does being a smoker make you less tolerant about all the stupid bullshit in life? I mean even after I've just had a cigarette and I've temporarily eased my nicotine craving, I still get more easily agitated by shit in general overall. Is that normal that being a smoker makes you more stressed and irritated about everything than being a nonsmoker?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • RoseIsabella

    You should probably quit smoking.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Nicotine is a stimulant so that is probably why.

    Straighten up and quit. It does nothing for anyone.

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    • I agree, I don't even know why I started smoking. I'm 40 something and never was a regular smoker until several months ago, aside from socially smoking at parties on weekends when I was in high school and college.

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      • How stupid to start when you're 40. It's actually stupid to start at all. I started around 18 and now I'm 33. I've quit a few times but keep going back to it. Actually it makes me more calm and now when I go days without it I become irritable. Quit while you're ahead.

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  • Ilovetacosbitch2

    Smoke as much as you want your gonna die anyways

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  • Rictictavie

    I don't think there is a one size fits all answer. I smoked for roughly 10 years and never felt the sensation you are describing. Regardless, smoking is bad and you should quit blah blah blah.

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    • It's not really a sensation of any kind, it's just made me more irritable, like if you drink too much caffeine. Like nikkiclaire said, it's a stimulant.

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      • Rictictavie

        Hm never got irritable from too much caffeine either. Well everyone is different. If smoking makes you feel irritable then that sounds like a good reason to walk away.

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        • Yeh, I just need to get through the nicotine withdrawal, and then I really will be irritable for awhile until it passes by. I've been around smokers trying to quit. Oh well, I'll have to push through it. Like with quitting any addictive substances, it gets worse before it gets better.

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