Before procedures

Before I get harsh dental work or injections in my back or suregry on my toes I get blitzed drunk on whiskey and go up in there stumbling in. Ive never had a doctor really care. My dentist actually asked me "so you like whiskey? Try George Dickel no12"

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Comments ( 24 )
  • Very bad idea. General anaesthetics cause additive depression of bodily functions(respiratory, cardiac, and nervous) when mixed with alcohol, its possible to stop breathing and die on the operating table. This is how Michel Jackson died.
    I am not sure of the local anesthetics tho.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Nawww man id never go under anesthesia while I been drinking. Im talking about minor procedures where I stay awake.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Something tells me you start working on the whiskey weeks or months in advance of your procedures.

    Let's have another round for the house.

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    • 1WeirdGuy


      not really tho. I go through fazes.

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        Don't do that to yourself. Tell the doctors in advance about your apprehension about the procedure and ask about a sedative to get you thru it.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          I did that a few times eith my back injections but theyre always so petty with the medicine. They give me like 1cc 10 seconds before they shove a needle in my spine. I never even feel it. Ive gotten a habit of just drinking and then telling them no sedatives.

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            Tell them, More Drugs & More Time!

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  • Tommythecaty

    That’s one retarded dentist.

    Patient isn’t far off either.

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  • uniquefreak15

    This is bad because the Dr recognized the smell of exactly what you were drinking. I guess breath mints were not thought of at the time? Vodka has no smell. My no good ex bf used to drink behind my back and drink vodka because I ruined my nose from intranasal abuse of powder drugs. The booze could have a bad reaction with other drugs from doctors. It could kill you. Especially if your like me n do dope n come. I had an endoscopy and made the right decision to tell my anesthesiologist the truth. We’re not immortal. Try A/A. They helped me immensely. N/A is too street and triggering for me. Peace.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I had a endoscopy too. Of course Im never gonna drink before im put under or given strong drugs. But if its just a simple procedure I come in wasted. It actually helps so much with the nerves. And the doctors have never seemed to care because its just a simple procedure

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't think it's safe to mix anesthesia with alcohol...

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  • Ellenna

    Not a good idea: alcohol thins the blood and can lead to excessive prolonged bleeding. Weed would be a better idea.

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  • idolomantis

    I had a dentist tell me once that if I drank at all the day before I came in to get a filling that it would hurt MUCH more. It didn't hurt more at all. Fuckin' bullshit.

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  • Rocketrain

    Maybe what ever the medical procedure you get, doesn't get poison with alcohol.
    Or you just trying to fair your drinking problems

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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      • Rocketrain

        Rocke train
        Sysyem Didn't let put any space when making the name

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          rocket rain

          named lovinly after the chinese space program

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            I thought he was rocketdave for a minute the old perverted dude that use to go into the chat. He was old as shit. Hopefully still in the earthly realm

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            • Rocketrain

              Well not rain. Train. I love trains. I used to just go on train for no reason just because I enjoyed the train ride.
              I tried the chat. But can't access saying I'm yet too early to join.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    ive already warned you about this dude but whatever it aint my body

    and youve proven that you have a high tolerance to chemicals

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I wouldnt go under if I was drunk like Anastasia or something

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        if a doctor fucks up royally and ruins yalls life even on a simple procedure you might just have no legal recourse if they can prove you were drippin with alcohol

        and you know damn well im no teetotaler but pick & choose yalls times to drink man

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Yeah youre right man. But its better than feeling nervous for 10 hours before thr procedure. That fuckin dental drill man I got PTSD. They fucked me up with that when I was younger. Kept saying I was numb and hitting nerves. It happens so suddenly. Im always worrying the drill is about to hit the nerve. And imagine getting a huge needle in your toe. Or a 6inch needle in your spine.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            sedation dentistry is a thing

            nitrous oxide is a fantastic drug in dentist chairs or at grateful dead shows

            and weve all had unpleasant procedures

            i git shots in my knees all the time to keep movin

            that shits unpleasant as fuck the needle goes in two inches to just the right spot with an ultrasound

            the needle is bad enough but the injection fuckin suuucks and the doctor always tells me im bein a big baby

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