At what level of alcohol consumption is one a real alcoholic?

I used to have a blood alcohol level of 3+ per mille every day for almost a third of a year, now I just knock back a few beers every now and then.
I also used to find it necessary and I was also miserable without alcohol.

I just wondered if that was alcoholism already.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    You're an alcoholic when you can't stop drinking once you've started.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • Tommythecaty

    An alcoholic is a person who needs to drink everyday or they feel withdrawals, the amount is irrelevant.

    Same as any addict.

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  • pinkpotato9

    When you constantly wonder where the next drink is coming from and are dependent on it. Like you can’t go a day without one and not feel frustrated.

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    When you do it every day.

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  • raisinbran

    There are different types of alcoholics. It can be a mild to severe problem.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Only you can determine whether, or not you have a problem with alcohol. Does your consumption of alcohol interfere with your life?

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    • My main reason for starting to drink was things that were weighing me down. Without alcohol, I kept thinking about these things. Then I kept going to my regular pub and had great conversations that distracted me and kept having pitchers of alcohol. I was in a great mood, although I often snapped and started one or two fights.
      After my ex left me and Covid raged in this country everything went down the drain. I drank more and more and withdrew. The fact that my alcohol consumption was visible at some point frustrated me even more.
      But to answer your question: without alcohol, I can hardly work, face my friends or sleep. When I stop, I feel an unbelievable terror. It feels like something is eating me up from the inside, occupying me. It communicates with me. If I stop drinking, it will come and get me.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, but the question is what is your boogeyman.

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        • Now, once accepted, I'm almost certain it was this one "unhealthy" incident with that guy I have always repressed. I'm afraid to let it happen so I keep on numbing myself. Does that make any sense? I can't think straight right now.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I'm to hear that happened to you. Have you ever spoken to a therapist?

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            • I tried again and again but it wasn't taken seriously, so I changed therapists. I don't even try any more. They all think that I could have fought back and that it's my fault. That I wanted it myself.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Getting drunk everyday is what id consider an alcoholic.

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