Asking fat women if they’re pregnant

At work the other day, I served a fat woman who had a really tight skirt on and her stomach was bulging out. She clearly was not pregnant but I couldn’t resist saying “congratulations, when are you due?”

She just looked away and mumbled something but I had a mask on so she couldn’t see how I was trying not to laugh.

But who knows, maybe it will motivate her to lose weight.

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Comments ( 45 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like your using passive aggression to insult people, and you are hiding behind your mask.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Needlessly cruel. Not funny in the least. This is coming from someone with a very dark sense of humor that is a big fan of roasting and insult comics.

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  • leggs91200

    When threads like this come up along with the BS responses, it reminds how people really are.

    But abut asking that woman when she is due -
    Keep saying stuff like that and you will be looking for a different job. Larger women know it wasn't a simple slip-up.

    When you work with the public, you do NOT insult customers. Oh yeah, many are annoying or unsightly but it is NOT your place to point out their imperfections in any manner.

    If you must talk shit about customers, make sure none of them are within ear shot.

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  • bbrown95

    Why do you feel the need to do this? Why do you derive joy out of deliberately hurting people who did nothing to you?

    Only normal for someone who is unhappy with themselves and can only feel better about themselves by trying to make others as miserable as they are...

    Not to mention that that's extremely unprofessional in the workplace to treat customers like that.

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  • BleedingPain

    thats just rude.

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  • charli.m

    I mean, evidence points to your comment being more likely to lead to her gaining, I guess?

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  • SwickDinging

    The problem is that it is so obviously meant as an insult that it just makes you look like a dick. You may as well just say "oi ,fatty, fuck off!".

    It reflects more poorly on you than it does on them. Everyone can already see that the fat person is fat. You insulting the fat person for no reason reveals that you are a very insecure person, whereas they may not have noticed that about you if you hadn't have said it.

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    • Inkmaster

      In my experience most bullies aren't insecure, they're just sadistic. I don't really get the reasoning behind the "they're mean because they're insecure" thing. If they're insecure, then surely they wouldn't have the confidence to draw so much attention to themselves?

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      • SwickDinging

        If someone behaves like a bully I always assume that they are very insecure. They do it because they are desperate to draw attention to other people's flaws. They want other people to feel as bad as they do. People who are secure don't feel the need to do this because they are comfortable in their own skin.

        I could be wrong but this is always the way it comes across to me, and it seems to be how it comes across to a lot of other people too.

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        • leggs91200

          Maybe bullies are sadistic and/or insecure, hard to say.
          One thing for sure - they ARE assholes.

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      • Boojum

        I agree with Swick's response to this, but I also think it does let some nasty people who enjoy inflicting pain off the hook, so your view is valid too.

        Many bullies are insecure in the sense that they aren't confident about their value as a person. The opinions of others matter hugely to them, and they see life as a zero-sum game. In order for them to 'win', someone else must lose by looking much worse than them. The bully currently occupying the White House is a good example of this: in order for him to feel good about himself, he continually lashes out at a wildly varying succession of targets in very personal terms. A more secure person would calmly restate whatever proof they had that indicated that their approach was correct, accept that there was a difference of opinion and move on.

        Automatically putting all bullies in a category labelled "Pathetic person with serious self-esteem issues who can't help what they do", might make you feel better about humanity as a whole, but it also makes the bully a victim in some senses. The fact is that there are psychopaths who bully others in a precisely calculated way and get off on their power to make others feel miserable.

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        • Inkmaster

          Why did you have to go and make it political?

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          • Boojum

            Because he's the most prominent example of the pathology.

            He's the most powerful individual in the world, and he regularly spews threats and personal abuse in an attempt to dominate and intimidate those much less powerful than himself. Anyone who can't see that as bullying has a huge blind-spot.

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            • Inkmaster

              "Because he's the most prominent example of the pathology." There are many people who would disagree with that. "he regularly spews threats" Factually inaccurate. "and personal abuse" When was the last time he did that? "Anyone who can't see that as bullying has a huge blind-spot." I think most would agree that those things are bullying. Many would also disagree that he does those things.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    You’re gonna end up with a black eye one day.

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    • leggs91200

      Don't let that happen, it would break everyone's fucking heart!

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  • Iforgotmyuser

    you're ✨ disgusting ✨

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont think we should cuddle the fatty patties and tell them theyre beautiful. All heart, no brain, fuckin libtard society these days wants to act all loving to everything. The problem isnt just that shes fat but if you look in her shopping cart at walmart its gonna be full of twinkies and frosted flakes. She's eating herself to death with hotdogs and 2 dollar pizza. If shes that fat she does not need to be eating fast food. And its not good for society to tell her shes beautiful and its ok. Its not ok. Shes a land whale. Shes a fuckin buffet destroyer. She needs to realize shes a gotdamn jigglypuff. We need to get these fuckin BBWs in the gym. And the black men feed them too. They want the jelly belly to be "thick". OMG immagine the droppings these mammoths produce too 🤮

    What is wrong with our society!?!? If you love them slap that twinkie out of their hands!!! Tell phatboi to get a gym membership! Fat shame them in the name of LOOOVE!!!

    (Trump 2020)

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    • BleedingPain

      Maybe if healthier food choices were provided to those with lower income or people in general, Americans wouldn't be so fat.

      I think its a problem when we are feeding our kids literal mini cookies marketed as a balanced breakfast cereal, or when it’s cheaper to get a box of Twinkie's over a pound of apples.

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      • litelander8

        A bottle of water is more expensive than a burger.

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        • BleedingPain

          I have a friend in Aachen, German who was confused when I told him that its not recommended/ safe to drink tap water here as the tap water is as good, if not better than bottled water there (and free!)

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    • litelander8

      I thought you were chubby...

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan sound like u have twinkie in ur system...

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        • litelander8

          I don’t get it...

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            Are you BBW?

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            • litelander8

              I googled that and it said “big beautiful woman”. The Images that it showed, I’m nowhere near that size. But I’m certainly not “fit” either.

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    • Mammal-lover

      yo dude frosted flakes are great though.

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    • Clunk42

      There is nothing wrong with being overweight, but the second you complain about any of the results of you being overweight, you have lost all sympathy.

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      • Somenormie

        @Clunk42 There is something wrong with being that because you will have shortness of breath and your life will slowly go to shit.

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        • Clunk42

          That's their decision. However, if they complain about any of the things that you just mentioned without trying to lose weight, then there's something wrong.

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  • mightbecoolerthanmei

    Anyone ever note a lot of people who work at auto supply store are in this category?

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  • raisinbran

    You should have a friendly chat with them about something unrelated first, so when you bring up the pregnancy, they’re more likely to believe it was an innocent mistake. Seems a little nicer than outright insulting them, don't you think?

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  • Tommythecaty

    Oh I once mistook it and boy did the chick scowl at me, I immediately was like “Ohhh nooo” lol

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    This post reminds me of what happened the other day at my job. I gained a few pounds because Covid has left me with nowhere to go. One of the custodians noticed and she asked me if I was pregnant. I'm pretty sure she was just looking for a random person to start shit with once again, so I just laughed it off. I still have a six pack and a thigh gap. She's got neither of those. XD

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    • SkullsNRoses

      You get some absolute nutters working in department stores, I think they thrive off the chaotic energy in there.

      Back in the 90s my mum was at a wedding where she congratulated a “pregnant” woman who turned out to just be chubby and adamantly insisted for years after that it wasn’t her fault. We went to the couple’s 25th anniversary party where they projected their wedding video and my mum pointed at the screen and tried to get people to agree she was “VERY PREGNANT LOOKING!” She needs to let that one go...

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I noticed that the worst ones are at my local Walmarts. They'll scream at customers for asking a simple question and I've seen some try to fight customers over dumb shit. XD

        I agree she has to let that mistake go. Holding on to something so small like that for 25 years just doesn't make sense.

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        • SkullsNRoses

          A physical fight? I’d love to see that.

          Yeah one of her flaws is her inability to leave the past in the past, even after a quarter of a century.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            The fights at Walmart are kind of disappointing. It's usually just people who pretend to know how to fight. XD

            A bit of a rant, but I really don't get why some people hold on to grudges, mistakes, or insignificant memories. There are women my age I know that bring up old things. Some of these things are from over a decade ago that I barely remember. And these things vary from: a guy liking me and not her, how I never gave rides to people in my old Ford Taurus, how I'd curse out management at work and get away with it, how I didn't answer texts fast enough, why I didn't react to their Facebook posts or MySpace crap, etc. None of that shit matters, yet somehow it left some weird impact on them. I'm starting to think that some of these people in my life need to stop getting traumatized so easily. XD

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  • Somenormie

    She might take it in as an insult which some do.

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    • EnglishLad

      No shit, Sherlock

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  • Made me chuckle.

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  • Mammal-lover

    I mean its prety childish but kinda funny. To many damn fatties these days

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