Are these dreams normal? what do they mean?

For context:
Isaak is my crush and Lukas is another kid in my class who I don't have a crush on but I think he's funny and cute. For some reason, I have a weird connection to him. Irl I rarely talk to either of them but I keep having dreams about Lukas. It's kind of annoying cause my friend has a crush on him.
But anyways, here we go. This dream had 2 parts.

Part 1 -
Isaak and I barely talked at all this dream but, were together the entire time. He was super shy and quiet and like the only thing we could even say was "..hey" every time we saw eachother (the dream skipped every moment we weren't together). He helped me get books to. He was so sweet oml

Part 2 -
My mom and I went to an old skating rink I went to when I was a kid. I loved it. Some guy tried to get in moms car in the parking lot. I was on snapchat but I decided to not use my phone anymore cause it was at 4%. When we walked in Lukas was there and I tried impressing him by going fast (I'm an inline speed skater, I've been skating ever since I was 4 so I'm pretty good at it). Later in the dream some kid tried stealing my food of my table and I got annoyed.

This dream got interrupted by a call.

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Comments ( 20 )
  • @$i

    Are they recurring ? I think your mind is struggling to figure out your relationship with these guys.
    It doesn't matter until you watch them again in your dreams.(recurring dreams are more like riddles, they can help you in your real.Try to solve them)

    Whatever, Lukas somehow got some space in your head means he could be important to you.May be, you could have thought about him a lot.thats might be he is in your dreams.Its your life should take the decisions...

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    • hanamakii

      almost every time I have a dream atleast one of the two are in it

      last dream I had (I write them down when I wake up if I remember them or if they're significant enough for me to want to remember them), Lukas was in it and for some reason we were in a zombie apocalypse type situation and all of the zombies weren't hurting us they were only hurting other people. In a way he was kinda protecting me the whole dream. I don't really understand why.

      this was march 5th, 2021

      on december 23rd, 2020,
      I had a dream where I was in a training camp looking place and a few of my friends and classmates were there. we were walking through the woods (it was like a room with a built in forest) and I saw a drivers training book in the dirt. I wanted to pick it up but my friend said no. after that we walked onto these stairs connecting the forest room to a completely white and cyan room. my friends and I sat on the stairs for a little bit and talked about books and how some nowadays pop songs dont make sense. we decided to finally walk into the white and cyan room and where we entered was on a balcony and underneath my mom randomly showed up. I threw my phone down to her and she took a picture of me and two of my friends. I thought I didn't look great in the picture but then Isaak showed up and said it was cute. then the dream ended.

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  • jethro

    Well when you eventually become a teenager your dreams will get even more confusing. just enjoy them and don't try to psychoanalyze them. Most dreams actually have no meaning. They are just synapses firing.

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    • hanamakii

      Oh for more context I'm a sophomore and both of them are juniors

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      • hanamakii

        and for real, dreams are weird as heck
        I'm glad most of mine are good

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    To me the first dream is an indication of the stagnation of your relationship with Isaak. The 2nd one means to me that your mom might be divorced and a man is making overtures to her. Th 4% is significant because it looks like a person sitting with their head close to another person’s head. They could be your mother and this man. The part about Lukas is a contrast to the scenario with Isaak, because it’s moving fast. And then someone tries to steal your food, which means to me that you feel undernourished.

    Hope this helps.

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    • hanamakii

      my parents are still together but my dad is physically and mentally abusive towards me and my parents are constantly fighting. I only like and feel safe with my mom so that probably why he's absent for almost all of my dreams
      my relationship with both guys feel very opposite
      they both don't really talk to me but Lukas is the only one who actually has me added on snapchat. Isaak lets me follow him on both instagram and snapchat but he doesn't follow me back. Lukas and I have a streak going on on snapchat. he always instantly opens my snaps and replies. he doesn't do that to my friend. he constantly leaves her on read for hours on end
      I do like your theory, it does make sense

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  • Clunk42

    It's a dream. Dreams are weird. You should not be attempting to interpret dreams.

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    • dude_Jones

      Why not? Does God actually give a fuck?

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      • Clunk42

        Yes. It's actually a mortal sin. Participating in abominations such as that is abhorrent to God, as stated in Deuteronomy 18:10-13:

        "[10] Neither let there be found among you any one that shall expiate his son or daughter, making them to pass through the fire: or that consulteth soothsayers, or observeth dreams and omens, neither let there be any wizard, [11] Nor charmer, nor any one that consulteth pythonic spirits, or fortune tellers, or that seeketh the truth from the dead. [12] For the Lord abhorreth all these things, and for these abominations he will destroy them at thy coming."

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        • dude_Jones

          Except dream analysis has nothing to do with spirits, nor future events. Nothing in your scriptural quotation applies to the post.

          If you were capable of independent thought, you would see the irrelevance of it all. But you are a robot. You may have free will to take action. But your thoughts are under the complete control of authoritarian forces.

          Go smell your own farts. Deal with the anxiety it produces. That’s a start.

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          • Clunk42

            "or obseveth dreams or omens" is literally in the quote. It is entirely relevant. You claim I have no independent thought, but I bet you've gotten the idea that I'm a robot from charli.m, who happens to be the only person on this website that I know of who actually thinks that.

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            • dude_Jones

              Whether human, or AI, you have never said anything that could not be produced by software. In fact, dating sites use bots with deeper ideas than you have just to string along undesirables for extended memberships.

              It is well known technology. Get a hold of yourself. Your shallowness is real.

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  • anabnormal_guy

    who is the crush of Lukas?

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    • hanamakii

      I have no idea but ik that my friend likes him

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  • pastafather

    Dreams r so weird. Once I dreamed that Donald trump tea bagged me and then I woke up with a weird boner. Afterwards I had to drive to dollar general at 2 am to find a prostitute since I'm not gay.

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    • hanamakii

      that is indeed strange

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