Are porn addictions rising?

Idk what you think about it, but I read a lot of stuff that seems porn related. I think it's weird. Don't the people know how sex is working?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    What do you mean "how sex is working"?

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    • igaveneteine

      I second it.
      I really hope it'ss nothing more than a typo or two, or maybe a common "damn autocorrect" fuckup...

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  • RoseIsabella

    Pornography is bad for the mind.

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  • igaveneteine

    Perhaps you should read something...i don't know...not porn related then?
    I mean, we live in the Digital Age, the internet is full of possibilities and it's constantly growing. It makes sense that "porn industry" needs to be up to date and with the help of kinksters, porn addicts, gender warriors etc. keep evolving and spreading it's filthy limbs full of nasty information.
    I myself am one kinky addict constantly searching for something fresh and passing it on for others to enjoy.
    I think things are weird only when you think they are weird. So, instead of shaking your head and tramping your feet follow these 3 words a wise man once said: Improvise, Adabt, Overcome. And embrace the change, because it can't be undone.

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